Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
Rainy day here in SD, just chillin, medicating, spending time with the wifey and the 2 boys. Got a fire going and a stack of rented movies.

Sometimes doing Nothing is nice too :)

Purple le Pew at 46 days is some nice smoke.

Hits hard and fast, nice high that settles in the head and behind the eyes. Makes me feel like my head is in a refrigerator or something, if that makes sense.

Interesting to see how much difference another week makes when I sample the bud from 52 days :)


Well-Known Member
Im smashed mate, usaully have no probs readin ya post but tonight im strugglin lol
Been on the SLH ive been smokin it day time, not good idea at night, messed me up big time!


Well-Known Member
dats not exactly doin nutin dats family time bru

sum very important shit right there my man - not to be taken lightly -or you be the one to miss out

i bet its always a struglle figurin out whut da f im talkin about high or not


Well-Known Member
No shit, you got me calling everyone boss, lol.

This is my mindstate for 2012


Time to get some shit done round here.


Well-Known Member
dats nice to bounce to but me im no boss of shit

right now the wife is da boss cause she pullin da cheese

but it aint about dat here

a boss takes a certain kinda attitude and backing
dat i cant cover or dont try to

im not even the boss of my own life

im at the mercy of my wfes fat cheese
an a small pension nice bit of change but no where near boss $$

no im just i pawn wit big heart
but i dont sweat it cause its nutin

but im just doin whut im sposed to be doin fo him
dats why all my shit is covered i dont want fo nutin
he dont want me to be wantin


Well-Known Member
a good jump start if you are ready my broda

i wish for you the best

but your best will take more then my wishing

my level of comfort was not by luck

like building a brick wall one brick at a time

but in the end ther should be a wall ther that you have built along the way
of lifes journey to provide for those you care for

but you know im wacky

life cant be a big dice roll

life must have structure

it takes planning and sacrifice

there i go again the wacky just takes over


Well-Known Member
My plan is to live in a shitty 2 br apt for a year or two while i bust my ass and scrap and save to buy our own house :)

Im just gonna have to work smarter not harder ;)