++Hellraizers++ DO AND DONTs and in and outs of the ebb&grow/ebb&flow systems


Rebel From The North
So Im starting this thread to target easy ways to build, run and manage these systems in hydro!
And to better help the riu community with solid answers to issues as best i can answer. Systems
I would like to target are:
1) CAP ebb&grow
2) titan flow&grow
3) standard flood tables
4) any form of top drip recycle

Discusions about medium whats best and whats not!
Nute lines and ph management. Water! Whats good
And whats not!

heres a bunch of links to RIU grows and grow room setups

there is no better person than phillip to configure a grow room than him dudes got his shit down!

nuglets grow!

drgreentm grow!

heisinbergs tea thread to curing slime and pythium!

woods UC grow for those looking into undercurrent

bigz hydro grow!

niners grow!

insanes coco passive hydro grow!

bigstuff777 ebb&flow grow!

for those looking for a ton of ebb&grow info look to this thread to!

phuzy grow!

cerberus titan setup!
Question on ph management...

I have recently read that you can use pure 33% sulfuric acid from auto zone to lower ph.

Well I tried it . It works it's safe and for the price of 1 u.s. Gallon of ph down is under 5$.

Only negative aide effect? I can't read the tds. My ppm meter goes CRAZY!.

Any suggestions?

Oh yeah i am putting this stuff right into my 18 gallon resivior...
thanks for putting the link HR...Glad to see you're still going to be here.

Yah fumble im not going anywhere! Taking a forced brake due to a loss of everything i had cause of stupid power going
Out! And killing my girls :( saved the orange cush clone thank god!
Question on ph management...

I have recently read that you can use pure 33% sulfuric acid from auto zone to lower ph.

Well I tried it . It works it's safe and for the price of 1 u.s. Gallon of ph down is under 5$.

Only negative aide effect? I can't read the tds. My ppm meter goes CRAZY!.

Any suggestions?

Oh yeah i am putting this stuff right into my 18 gallon resivior...

You can use sulfuric acid although i wouldnt, looking for a salution to it messing with tds meter
Well i honestly dont have a clue, il look into it and get back to you
cap ebb and grow! Check ur floats! to check pop float off mount and shake it. If it rattles its bad and can cause and flood in the near future! like last night in my case! Call r and m supply and they will replace them!
cap ebb and grow! Check ur floats! to check pop float off mount and shake it. If it rattles its bad and can cause and flood in the near future! like last night in my case! Call r and m supply and they will replace them!

Good shit hydro daze its never happened to me but good to check on! Better to be pro-active!
I would like to start off focusing on root rot and slime thats common in the ebb/grow systems!
Root rot! Its seems to take charge in week 3 of bloom with the exsposive amounts of root filling
The buckets, cap has x2 versoins of buckets one is a flat bottom and the other is a raised style
With a slight angle to help draining! Does either one work not really, water still remains in the
Bucket in between floods and sits with 0 air and under the heat of your lamp. No air = stagnent
Water = in root rot! And water siting under lights in black tubing is like a heater increasing temps
In one case i did a test where my chiller was keeping a good 62 to 63f in the res! And i installed
A water proof temp gauge in the main line that feeds the buckets. My floods are spaced 4 hours
Apart and half way through to the next flood my inline water temp was 78! I couldnt believe it lol
So high temps = brown slime or pythium! This all took place with a bad ass chiller in place. Everytime
It cycled a flood it would bring back bactiria to the res and thus causing a revolving cycle of shit!
To eliminate a good amount of this high temps i replaced my black lines with 3/4 white pvc and put
Foam on the lines, the kind you snap on to help with frozen water pipes. White pvc and no direct
Light on the line got it down to 65 to 66f from 78 :) in doing so it almost elininated slime and made
My chiller run half as much. Back to root rot! Even though cap raised there buckets raising it a1in to
2inchs more is a win all to geting them to drain 100% and elininating rot. Keep in mind lots of air in
The res is key to replacing fresh clean water full of air to your plants roots! When you raisem up dont
Raise the controll box, i know by doing this you lower the flood level! Its ok your plant will love you
For it!
I can run up to a 80 degree rez using tables. Seems they are much less prone to rot sitting in pots rather than DWC tubs. But for those in DWC with slime issues check out Heisenbergs Tea... Basically Earthworth Castings soaked in aerated water with a bit of Auqa Shield and a Myco product like great white or w/e u have. After 48 hours of brewing add roughly 2 cups to each 5 gal bucket to help combat the slime. I assume this tea would also work great in the Ebb&Grow tho I've never tried it.
You hit it on the nail someguy with the tea im a full time tea brewer lol

Heres my resipe

#1 x2 scoops of ancient forest in a sock
#2 1 tsp of myco madness or great white
#3 20ml aquashield
#4 x3 to 4 tsb hibrix mollasis
#5 5gal bucket
#6 good air stones and pump

Brew for 24hr then add
#7 zho 1tsp

Brew for another 24hr.
For inoculation time use 1gal of tea to 10 gals of water
Every three days add 1cup of tea to 10 gals of water

Store left overs for no longer then 10days in a fridge
I've been using the CAP Ebb & Grow, and have been using the House and Garden line of nutes. The very expenseive products have natural enzymes that break down and eliminate root rot. They also require that you do NOT add oxygen to your res, as it negativally affects the root excelator, which is $75 for a very small bottle, yes, its shocking, but its the best. It also has drip clean, which natuarally breaks down and eliminates salt build up.

At the end of a grow, my roots are white and happy, and my nugs are sick. I'm a big believer in the concept of you get what you pay for.
I've been using the CAP Ebb & Grow, and have been using the House and Garden line of nutes. The very expenseive products have natural enzymes that break down and eliminate root rot. They also require that you do NOT add oxygen to your res, as it negativally affects the root excelator, which is $75 for a very small bottle, yes, its shocking, but its the best. It also has drip clean, which natuarally breaks down and eliminates salt build up.

At the end of a grow, my roots are white and happy, and my nugs are sick. I'm a big believer in the concept of you get what you pay for.

With that thought process you'd be running AN lol... But it tends to be more environmental then what nutes you use. Enzymes can help, but only if used before the problem starts, otherwise it creates more of a mess.
With that thought process you'd be running AN lol... But it tends to be more environmental then what nutes you use. Enzymes can help, but only if used before the problem starts, otherwise it creates more of a mess.

100% right someguy, although i hear good things about house and gardens! There nute line it to split up, i have used
The root excel and my tea resipe does just as good
Ive never run the AN line but i have seen results of it yields were decent but i did better than my buddy using fox farm trio with the root excell in 1gal hempy buckets im runing the H&G aqua flakes now with root excell for seedilings test will come once i get these ebb and flow table up and runing
Ive never run the AN line but i have seen results of it yields were decent but i did better than my buddy using fox farm trio with the root excell in 1gal hempy buckets im runing the H&G aqua flakes now with root excell for seedilings test will come once i get these ebb and flow table up and runing

Sweet marmarb you got a thread going?

Im a firm believer in AN but not there full line just a select few!

I have run
Bc line
Gh flora
Gh nova
Gh maxi
Was going to run dg but now its delayed
I've used Ionic, H&G and currently Canna lineup. H&G raised their prices a bit kinda made me sour lol but so far I like the canna flores A+B ph stability better. A+B also has fulvics and humics which I like over the H&G A+B. I am not a huge fan of the shooting powder as it makes the plants bolt too much and if used as directed will make your final weeks EC ~2.7. I prefer to be boosting Pk in weeks 3-5 when most of the bud development is happening. I believe in supplying nutrients as the plants require, not forcing high EC solutions at the end to attempt to add weight. I did like the roots excel and may switch back to that product instead of the Rhizotonic, but I find it made a real mess of my rez which I wasn't fond of... All and all the lines are pretty comparable in price and performance so it really comes down to preference. I would also like to give cutting edge solutions a try, but for a while I'll be sticking with Canna.
Dyna Grow Bloom and Magpro using lucas formula for me... Very simple with GREAT results! I have a slightly fabricated ebb and flow...
Sweet marmarb you got a thread going?

Im a firm believer in AN but not there full line just a select few!

I have run
Bc line
Gh flora
Gh nova
Gh maxi
Was going to run dg but now its delayed

not at the moment right now its not too much going on i got 9 10 day old seedlings growing 4 c99xbx1 and 5 sweettooh from mosca seed bank under 400mh im just looking for mothers right now i have some serious seeds white russians coming and will be doing some breeding and mother hunting with them once i put them into ebb flow tables thats when i will start a journal