Noob Mistakes that I Made, So You Don't Have To!


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! Its Gio, here with a complete list of idiotic mistakes I made while growing critical nuggets! I share this list of horrifyingly dumb mishaps so you can avoid finding yourself in a similar position!

1) I told way too many people I was growing.
ramifications: I got robbed. At gunpoint! Twice :(

2) I bought bad nutrients to save money.
ramifications: My plants died. Buy good nutrients, because if your plants die, you'll have wasted more money and time than if you had bought proper nutrients.

3) I trimmed too early and too often.
ramifications: My plants died. Patience is a virtue, and it pays off in glorious, sticky nuggetry.

4) I put my nuggets into the curing jars before they had dried long enough.
ramifications: I witnessed the worst sight any grower can ever witness: MOLDY BUD! NOOOOOOOOO! There is no harsher disappointment than seeing all of your hard work ruined, right before you achieve fruition.

5) Following mistake number four, I dried my next harvest too long before curing.
ramifications: I got dry, gangly nuggets that crumbled into dust at the touch. Not tasty at all

So take heed of my stupid mistakes! Don't let them become yours!
such a small list, lol. I tell the new growers that we all began at the same spot and some never progress into more and some do. Its a wonder to grow plants indoors and a privilege in some states. But as far as mistakes, they will never end, education is forever ongoing.


Well-Known Member
such a small list, lol. I tell the new growers that we all began at the same spot and some never progress into more and some do. Its a wonder to grow plants indoors and a privilege in some states. But as far as mistakes, they will never end, education is forever ongoing.
this is too true, my friend :(


Well-Known Member
wow robbed at gunpoint? damn. I told a bunch of people that I had intentions to move into a new apartment and grow weed in it... Now that Ive actually started growing... Im just really hoping all those people forgot about the weed part and like my new apartment. It wasnt until I actually started growing that I realized I really shouldnt tell anyone. I also showed the room to one friend who immediately told his two room-mates... big mistake there, i have personally spoken with them all and told them how it is and how I don't want to have them telling anyone else. I hope that doesnt bite me in the ass later.

im started my first grow and the idea of curing drying properly is quite daunting, I want to max quality but I dont want to mold my buds. I may do a slightly quicker dry at the cost of flavour just to be on the safe side.

we could make quite a long list if we really wanted to so far here is my list:

I used H2O2 when I shouldnt have possibly killing of beneficials

I dropped one seed while I was in a messy part of my basement and never found it. who knows that could have been my killer pheno I think it was the fattest of the seeds!

I started my light schedule at 7am on and 12pm off, Now when I have to go to work early in the day I cant water them or do anything until when I get home around 5 or 6.

I have been slowly adjusting the light schedule 1 half hour every two days to bring the day time from 3am to 9pm. maybe this is a mistake as well Im not sure, I guess I could be causing stress doing this, hopefully no hermies

I spent all of my money and have been eating canned fish and peanuts for the last week lol

I topped my plants and tried to clone the tops but I forgot to label which clone came from which plant

I stuck my cuttings under a humidity dome that cooked the shit out of them when it trapped in all the heat

I transplanted from 1 gallon pots of 100% coco to 2 gallon pots of 50% coco 50% perlite, now the inner rootball will never dry out as fast as the outer rootball

Other than that I think I'm doing really quite good for a first grow!


Active Member
This list could go on and on with mistakes all of us have made on our first grow.

1. Planted them into Opaque (clear) pots and the light allowed some bad green fungus to grow on the outside of my soil and roots.
2. Over watered them (which aided in the Fungus above)
3. Didn't have perlite in my soil (which aided in over watering)
4. Started out with sub-par lighting.
5. Didn't read enough before I started my first grow.

But most of all... I Loved them to their DEATH. I really believe that in some cases "Less is better"
Hey everyone! Its Gio, here with a complete list of idiotic mistakes I made while growing critical nuggets! I share this list of horrifyingly dumb mishaps so you can avoid finding yourself in a similar position!

1) I told way too many people I was growing.
ramifications: I got robbed. At gunpoint! Twice :(
Holy shit dude. I'm sorry to hear that :-|:-|


Well-Known Member
1. Planted them into Opaque (clear) pots and the light allowed some bad green fungus to grow on the outside of my soil and roots.
Actually its not fungus its algae and it belongs in the plant family(hence the green chlorophyl)
did your plants survive?

This thread could become really good, Lets hear some more


Well-Known Member
Im in the midst of my first grow on lolol here we go,

1.) Started growing in party cups under incandescent 100w lightbuld, plant stretched out and they were seedling appearance for 3 weeks straight.
2.) Got grow tent but had to ventilation and no air circulation, stunted plant growth also almost killing them
3.)Spilled nutrient solution on one plants leaves and all the leaves it got on have been slowly dying for the last 2 weeks.
4.) Didnt shake the nutrient solution I was using for almost over a month, who knows how much I underfed, and thinking about it now the soution is probably alot more concentrated since it was probably the water on top, ill find out in the next couple days if I get nute burn

Ill learn from my own mistakes I still make them, But I am definately trying to leave th eplant al;one as much as possible and let it do its own thing,


Well-Known Member
1) Buy a gun. If you have a reason to tell someone you grow you should immediately fallow that convo w/ some info on your fav .40 cal you picked up & how nice it is.. maybe provide a pic or two. <3
2) Yes, buy quality nutes.
3) I believe we all suffered this in our early days, trying to make the plant better..when all you need to do is let it grow.
4) >.< %@#(@#*&
5) Also sucks, practice makes perfect. Unless your temps & humidity are correct when drying, it can take as little as 2 days before you need to jar depending on where you live and the conditions.

Keep @ it & it will all come together! Just more learning from your experiences.
Hey everyone! Its Gio, here with a complete list of idiotic mistakes I made while growing critical nuggets! I share this list of horrifyingly dumb mishaps so you can avoid finding yourself in a similar position!

1) I told way too many people I was growing.
ramifications: I got robbed. At gunpoint! Twice :(

2) I bought bad nutrients to save money.
ramifications: My plants died. Buy good nutrients, because if your plants die, you'll have wasted more money and time than if you had bought proper nutrients.

3) I trimmed too early and too often.
ramifications: My plants died. Patience is a virtue, and it pays off in glorious, sticky nuggetry.

4) I put my nuggets into the curing jars before they had dried long enough.
ramifications: I witnessed the worst sight any grower can ever witness: MOLDY BUD! NOOOOOOOOO! There is no harsher disappointment than seeing all of your hard work ruined, right before you achieve fruition.

5) Following mistake number four, I dried my next harvest too long before curing.
ramifications: I got dry, gangly nuggets that crumbled into dust at the touch. Not tasty at all

So take heed of my stupid mistakes! Don't let them become yours!


Active Member
Sprayed a pesticide under my HID lights an organic spice based one to kill gnats. Wthin hours basically cooked every leaf that was touched by the stuff.

Spent way too much money too fast, then made the mistake of having to buy cheap stuff that sucks. Buy the quality stuff and just build up slow as you can afford it. Really under estimated how much budget I would need, everything adds up especially the small stuff. Even with top of the line growing equipment, I spent the majority of my money on the smaller stuff like at home depot.

Under estimated how much I wanted to grow. Had to expand and upgrade several times before I even really started.

Not telling people is a biggie. While I was considering growing i talked about it hypothetically with too many ppl. Now that I'm doing it it's harder to hide.

While it's a little tougher starting, grow from seed and keep your grow extra clean. I got clones from a very close friend and brand new my grow had his problems of mildew and bugs. Now going back is barely an option my room is tainted.

Nothing is ever permanent in a grow room. When I started i was hanging everything with drywall screws to 2x4s. Everything I've ever mounted anywhere has moved at least twice since. Use secure but more temporary fasteners. I'm all about zip ties and bungee cords now. I have screw eyes stickeing out everywhere. I've even mounted doors in places that aren't even entrances anymore that I never close. Now it's taped up panda flaps In and out of anywhere.

Buy the good tape. Gorilla and foil tape. I have a ton of cheap duct tape rolls that basically don't stick to anything.

Make sure set up 3x as many outlets as you think you need, and double the amps. Did a 30 amp dyer outlet and a DIY controller...already maxed and running extension cords from the other side. Have had to pull out the electrical kit several times for more runs. Even more important planning if u can't do it yourself.

On the same note have Everything serviced before you start and plan ahead. I had considered a gas line for co2, but didn't decide until after I started growing. Had to share my secret with an hvac acquaintance to get it done. Also want to switch from dish to cable, but can't let a cable guy in the basement.

Squash problems at the first sign. I got mildew, and tried the lame remedies like h202 spray and milk. After losing half my clones knocked it out with the expensive chems in no time. Got gnats, tried a couple sticky traps, and other cheap remedies. Now I've spent the money on all the expensive stuff and they still maintain residence. Best I've been able to do is limit the population using a combination of like 6 different different solutions all taking excessive time and $$$.

Expensive and popular is not always best. I used to put my rooted clones in fox farms ocean forest and wondered why they always looked like shit when I was spending so much money on their new home. That stuff is too hot and burned my babies and always made them start slow. Now I transplant into a cheap soiless mix that's half the price for twice as much, and they grow like beasts.

2 shop vacs was the best idea ever. Used to make a huge mess watering because of spill through, then started dragging my pots out of the room closer to the sink, but that was a huge pain in the ass. Moving a 15 gallon pot to drain the tray is also a bitch when it's full. Now I have 1 dry vac for leaves and dirt and 1 wet vac I use to suck the water out of drip trays. So now I don't have to move the plants and don't care if I flush a little. 2 $20 home depot shop vacs do the job, though I'll probably upgrade my dry vac.

Don't plan too far ahead, take one project at a time when building your grow room. I have 100s of dollars of building material I'm not even gonna use, and can't return because it was cut to size to fit into a narrow entrance.

Less is usually more with nutes. I burned my babies so many times with nuts early on the weeks of recovery would have made it cheaper and faster to use none at all.


Well-Known Member
When eating canned fish and peanuts , try to incorporate into a casserole or a pasta bake for enhanced flavor :)


Well-Known Member
Less is usually more with nutes. I burned my babies so many times with nuts early on the weeks of recovery would have made it cheaper and faster to use none at all.
Never a truer statement Umbre and lol @ your edit !!


Well-Known Member
I can pick 1 or 2 out of every list up here. Before a newbie germ a seed they should run there grow lights and fans for a few days in there grow room and watch temp and hum. Once you get those 2 things controlled, study up real good on your nutes, mediums, and pot sizes. Hardest thing for a newbie is not to rush. I'll be glad when I am good enough to enjoy the grow in stead of fighting it.


Well-Known Member
roidrage, that list rocks, and made me lol at some of the thing that burden ALL OF US


Well-Known Member
I never did this honest ,
Filled up a bottle full of water, added a crazy amount of sugar and yeast to the mix for my homemade co2 gen ,
went to bed,
when checking on plants in morn, i realised i had taken fermentation to the extreme,
i had actually created a Foamed mountain of sugar and yeast,
this thing was huge and also managed to feed itself to all my plants, rip plants,
it also smelt like a brewery for a few months and attracted a plaque of ants and other unwanted cronies,
Try it , was a Fooking nightmare!!


Well-Known Member
Not realy a newb mistake but the big one is getting a partner. If you can't do it your self scale down. Now I can't get rid of mine and I still do all the work. But I own all the equipment so.


Well-Known Member
weell letts revise that statement waRlOCK, only PARTNER WITH SOMEONE WHO HAS THEIR OWN EQUIPMENT... and own room so you can jsut stop cooperation and then tHey feel ike THEY are better off =)

@CLONEX thats fuggin hilarious... that would SUCK!!! how u been man? i changed my avatar from a pic of my lady, check
my grow thread didnt know if you still seen the name??? lol link is at the bottom of my post