i use them to germ my seeds them move them to my coco after 11 days. ye i swear by them. just keep them a little on the dry side and ye you get amazing roots. idk whatt else i can really say about the. but ive always had 100 percent success with germination and never had a clone not root or die on me while using them.. im sorry i can not be more of an help
i've had mixed results with rockwool as far as cloning (not the cloning master yet ) lol. but i was at a hydro shop with my buddy and we were talking about what we use and what we can recommend to eachother. he recommended i try the root riots for cloning, says he's been 100%. i took his word and bought the tray that comes with the plugs and some free clonex. came home and did some research and couldnt find a bad word about them. havent had an opportunity to try them yet but they're waiting on deck figure i'll save my rockwool for seedlings .. and as far as putting them in bigger rockwool i'm sure you'll be perfectly fineim a hydroponic grower and use small rockwool cubes to start my seedlings or cuttings in but ive been told root riot cubes are better, can any one tell me why and if i use them can they be put in bigger rockwool cubes so i then can put them in my hydroponc trays ?
Can you post a couple pics or something? Do you let the root riot plugs dry out? That's bad. As is too wet. They just need to be damp. I spray mine on average twice a day,, once early morning and once after dinner, lightly with a spray bottle. You'll develop feel for how wet they like it in no time.I used 30 of my 50 root riots. I didn't get one to root.
No pics of them. It wasn't all 30 at once, I tried roughly 5 or so at a time. They survived 4-5 weeks sometimes with almost no yellowing before finally having stem rot when I pulled them out. I did the same, spray once or twice a dayCan you post a couple pics or something? Do you let the root riot plugs dry out? That's bad. As is too wet. They just need to be damp. I spray mine on average twice a day,, once early morning and once after dinner, lightly with a spray bottle. You'll develop feel for how wet they like it in no time.
Something is wrong if they went 4-5 weeks without rooting. I normally get my first root strikes on the 5th or 6th day after cloning them, depending on strain, and they're pretty bushy and ready to be planted in 2 weeks max. Are you seeing any root action at all in your 4-5 week wait?No pics of them. It wasn't all 30 at once, I tried roughly 5 or so at a time. They survived 4-5 weeks sometimes with almost no yellowing before finally having stem rot when I pulled them out. I did the same, spray once or twice a day
Lol I know something is wrong. Like I said, they ended up with stemrot by the end of that time even though the leaves were still mostly green. Temps ~65night-75day. I tried water pH'd from 5.5-7.2, with and without SuperThrive and/or Hormex rooting hormone.Something is wrong if they went 4-5 weeks without rooting. I normally get my first root strikes on the 5th or 6th day after cloning them, depending on strain, and they're pretty bushy and ready to be planted in 2 weeks max. Are you seeing any root action at all in your 4-5 week wait?