Coffie Can Competition- Get in by the 1st!!


Well-Known Member
Damn BkB those are dead sexy!! What size pots are those? Straight clone to flower? I like em a lot lol!!

Smart pot, Just realized. Funny thing is I just picked up 2 of those to try!
The Plp is in a handmade pot I made, the other 2 are in standard 8" square containers


Well-Known Member
12/12 from seed....It really needs Veg time cause they are short stocky plants. I just wanted to see what I created so I ran her 12/12 from seed


Active Member
Woot, my 12/12 soil test slut showed her sexy pistols today @ the 4th node. Hopefully the twin in the coffee can is a slut too.. But if it isn't, i'm growin for some seeds cause it's some good smoke.


Active Member
What do you guys think about a mass selective removal of some fan leaves and sugar bud brances? I'm starting to feel the effects of a powdery mildew take over! Been keeping it somewhat maintained with a spray of 8.0ph neem & rosemary oil (helped on the mites also) but i'm not able to get rid of it completely... Since I waited a week too long to flower, they have filled up the room more than planned. I've already lollipopped them and now have 2 fans pushing air around inside. Not too worried about a slight drop in yield if I can get this mildew under control. (it's on probably 5% of the leaves right now)


Well-Known Member
What do you guys think about a mass selective removal of some fan leaves and sugar bud brances? I'm starting to feel the effects of a powdery mildew take over! Been keeping it somewhat maintained with a spray of 8.0ph neem & rosemary oil (helped on the mites also) but i'm not able to get rid of it completely... Since I waited a week too long to flower, they have filled up the room more than planned. I've already lollipopped them and now have 2 fans pushing air around inside. Not too worried about a slight drop in yield if I can get this mildew under control. (it's on probably 5% of the leaves right now)
It will kill the PM, bit it might kill the leaves with the PM. :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
I also recommend Serenade. Also you need to find out why your getting PM. Remove all plants from your grow area both flower and veg and clean those areas out with a 5% bleach to 95% water mix. If you don't have anything to spray on your flowers now you can use some anti-bacterial dish soap n water to wash your leaves top to bottom. You really need to take a look at your enviroment to find what's the culprit for PM. Stale air is a big one. Keep in mind it takes for at least a week for a plant that is infected with PM before showing any signs of it. It spreads like wild fire so don't wait before taking action. Hope that helps.



Active Member
Thanks, I'll have to check that out.. Don't remember seeing it at my local shops though. I've spent alot of time down that isle looking at mite "solutions" lol. I thought I had enough air movement and exhaust in there, but everything is a bit tight together since I was set back a week from flipping to flower. I have a 240 cfm sucking out through the cool tube, a 50cfm bathroom fan, and 2 fans inside blowing air around. (the room is only about 42 cuft)


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I'll have to check that out.. Don't remember seeing it at my local shops though. I've spent alot of time down that isle looking at mite "solutions" lol. I thought I had enough air movement and exhaust in there, but everything is a bit tight together since I was set back a week from flipping to flower. I have a 240 cfm sucking out through the cool tube, a 50cfm bathroom fan, and 2 fans inside blowing air around. (the room is only about 42 cuft)
If you got a window in the grow area, open it if possible.


Well-Known Member
Here's my coffie can, already exceeded my expectations :) Still has plenty of time but her mom looks like shes going to finish up around 8 weeks.

How is everyone's doing? Any problems yet? Bkb, how is your smoking :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ST that is a very impressive girl you got there, looks like your ready for larger DWC grows.

Here is my Sour OG.... I was a little upset I let the plant take 11 1/2 weeks to finish for the beans because there were no beans. Shot a Anyway its still some nice smoke, taste and high. BC99 smoked some of it....



Well-Known Member
Super Dank smelly trees. I have to ask, do you spell Coffie that way for a reason?
yea he's got a reason.....he can't spell! hahaha
LoL, what wheezer said! I don't drink coffie oops see i did it again lol. Its just one of those words I never really payed attention to, oh yea and did I mention I can't spell haha!! I'm supprised no one said anything until now lmao! Oh yea and thanks! :)

@BC yea shes swelling up pretty damn good so far, I'm curious to see how she finishes up! The reason why I asked about straight water the other day is because she was a little sad from the nutes so I've been giving her straight water for 48hrs and she seems to be a lot happier! I added very light nutes back into the res last night so back to work she goes lol..