I can't Believe they were Allowed to do this to our Food. Yuck.


Ursus marijanus
Local known suppliers (lucky) for meat and dairy and tons of options for whatever produce I can't grow. The only things I really have to get commercially right now are stuff like flour and rice and some spices and whatnot. This year I'll add a pasta maker too so I can make and dry all of my own. I trust me.
I'm the exact opposite. in fact, I'm jonesin' for some mono-and diglycerides with an aspartame chaser. ~salivate~ Nurse! Drive-through! STAT. cn


Well-Known Member
this thread got popular quick - anyone hungry? let's finish discussing this over some Big Mac's and "chicken nuggets"


Well-Known Member
precisely why i don't eat at those types of places.
Too damn right, for years now I have advocated a back to nature kind of diet, all my beef comes from local butcher shops... my veggies come from local growers, venison I hunt myself, fish I catch myself or buy from roadside fishermen (not uncommon in Louisiana) and the only thing I'll visit a grocery store for is cereal and spices, that's it.

Besides McDonald's is one heckuva racist corporation, so if I did eat fast food, it sure as heck wouldn't be from them: http://www.365black.com

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i am ashamed to say that i've read and heard of a lot of disgusting reasons why i shouldn't eat at mcdonald's in particular, but i still eat there anyway. when you're out and about and don't want to interrupt the flow by going in someplace and standing in line and eating there a drive thru is really convenient.

that super size me documentary got me to boycott the place for almost 2 years. but then one day i smelled nuggets and that was that.

when are they going to make a healthy fast food joint with a drive-through? why can't subway have one? or someplace else that caters to people who don't want to die at 40.


Well-Known Member
Too damn right, for years now I have advocated a back to nature kind of diet, all my beef comes from local butcher shops... my veggies come from local growers, venison I hunt myself, fish I catch myself or buy from roadside fishermen (not uncommon in Louisiana) and the only thing I'll visit a grocery store for is cereal and spices, that's it.

Besides McDonald's is one heckuva racist corporation, so if I did eat fast food, it sure as heck wouldn't be from them: http://www.365black.com
don't get me wrong, i hate mcdonalds, but those opportunities are open to ALL. not just blacks. :neutral:


New Member
Only pink meat I want is my wife's, no wonder why I eat McDonald's like once a year and that is only to remind me why I don't eat there.


Ursus marijanus
i am ashamed to say that i've read and heard of a lot of disgusting reasons why i shouldn't eat at mcdonald's in particular, but i still eat there anyway. when you're out and about and don't want to interrupt the flow by going in someplace and standing in line and eating there a drive thru is really convenient.

that super size me documentary got me to boycott the place for almost 2 years. but then one day i smelled nuggets and that was that.

when are they going to make a healthy fast food joint with a drive-through? why can't subway have one? or someplace else that caters to people who don't want to die at 40.
I cannot imagie a proper fast food place that is healthy. I mean, look at Asian food, some of the healthiest around. Then look at the fast Asian food in malls, even Japanese andor Thai. It's all fat, starch and corn "sweetener" with random protein and spices/condiments.

I *despise* Subway. NO hot food. NO ketchup. NO fries or O-rings. NO soda fountain even at our local one! ~snarl~ cn


Well-Known Member
Too damn right, for years now I have advocated a back to nature kind of diet, all my beef comes from local butcher shops... my veggies come from local growers, venison I hunt myself, fish I catch myself or buy from roadside fishermen (not uncommon in Louisiana) and the only thing I'll visit a grocery store for is cereal and spices, that's it.

Besides McDonald's is one heckuva racist corporation, so if I did eat fast food, it sure as heck wouldn't be from them: http://www.365black.com
That was probably one of the coolest things about staying at my wife's small town in China. You walk 5 minutes to shakedown street and have every animal you could imagine laid out on cart blocks, freshly killed that morning. Or not killed.:twisted: Fruits, vegetables all locally grown using nothing but mother earth. Best damn citrus I've ever had.


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube_share;ebJeUiPIwMw]http://youtu.be/ebJeUiPIwMw[/video][video=youtube_share;NV-0rTaJiWw]http://youtu.be/NV-0rTaJiWw[/video] cant find the live cow kill but you get the idea. sorry i like burgers just hope my meat came from a humane farm

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
No better women through chemistry.;-)
Imo a lot of the dislike comes from the polysyllabic chemical names of food additives. Take "sodium stearoyl lactylate".

It's fat plus lactic, neutralized with sodium ion. it has the properties of a mild soap combined with two excellent others:
1) it's essentially flavorless, unlike simpler soaps, and
2) it's easily metabolized into good mainline nutrients.
Better living through chemistryyyy! cn


Well-Known Member
I like McDonald's. Then again the UK McDonald's is a different story.

I don't eat there often. Maybe once a month or so. It will probably be the smallest mayo chicken if I am having a fat day. On days I behave myself it's a salad, bag of fruit, water/orange juice or one of those new tortilla, chicken and salad wrap things they have cut in half and I'll eat the rest later. Doesn't sound too awful to me. and I'm 103 lbs.


Well-Known Member
Nothing new here.
This kind of shit has been going on since we started to process foods.

I haven't eaten @ any fast food restaurants for about 2 years now and have lost 35 pounds.
Started to cook 90% of the time @ home. When I do go out. I only select things that may not have been processed.

You can never get away from all those chemicals they use in commercial feed etc.

It cost more to eat healthy, than to eat unhealthy.