The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
It's amazing how international the Fairy is...she even sings Happy Birthday in Dutch, what a sweetie pie!

Have a great one Daddy West.

Peace, DST

mr west

Well-Known Member
cheers guys and gals. Its today jig not last night. Not had the curry yet its still morning lol thats for tomorrows breakfast

mr west

Well-Known Member
cheers fellas, mate of mine brought some psycho killer surprise round and its banging lol my heads a shed lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
Hmm I had crispy duck with pancakes and spring onions its was yummy lol. I cant remember who it was that was asking about the cheese and weather im growing it or not lol. well I had it untill a few months ago but its no biggy cuz my mate over the road has got it and will sort me out when im ready to grow it again lol.


Well-Known Member
you cant beat crispy duck my favourite hmmmmm mmmmm lol going to germ them seeds prob end of the week cant wait to see these babys go.

mr west

Well-Known Member
well i had a smoke of the sour cheese i harvested bout a week ago and its what one would expect, cheesey and liversy and psychosisisy so like cheese on steroids lol.


Well-Known Member
now thats what i wanted to here lol been a while since i had a real strong cheese. the best i have had to date put me to sleep after 2 joints. me and my mate were playing ps3 1 minute next we were both ko'd lol


Well-Known Member
Is it Sour?....questions questions, lol. Are we getting a write up for BB? Will need to get the little piggies to market....

mr west

Well-Known Member
well it needs a bit of time to finish drying. Its fruity sour id say. The livers and psycho both are like a sweeter cheese. It wont be long befor i can jar it up lol.