I have a shrooms/acid question


Well-Known Member
Ok im looking to try either or. Please try to explain the differences as best you can. If i could only get one of em which one should i get.

get some shrooms theyll be better than acid acid has more body high all the time if your not use to it or dont like it it can get annoying but ethier youll be jsut fine lol
I've Alway Looked At Shrooms As A More Visual High Then Acid As In You See More Thing, Example Jimmy Hendricks Smiling At Me In A Waving Wall , Acid Is More Colorful, Example Crazy Patterns Of Multiple Colors Moving Slowly Across The Floor.... I've Had Bad Trips On Both But Shrooms Were Worse But Thats Because I Just Broke Up With My Gf Cause She Was Cheating On Me With My Best Friend So I Was Describing To My Friend In Detail How Is Was Going To Kill Them Lol That Was A Crazy Night...... One Thing To Remember Is Alway Be In A Good State Of Mind When Doing These Kind Of Drugs Or Bad Things Could Happen, Also Never Look For The Trip Let It Come Find You, Put On Some Pink Floyd:dark Side Of The Moon And Follow The Music. I Don't Even Like That Music But When Your Tripping Its The Best. My Personal Choice Would Be Shrooms Cause The Night Ends Easier As It Slowly Goes Away But Acid Feels Like The Night Will Never End..... Either Way Be Safe And Have Fun. Also This Is Just My Experience All People Are Different. Anymore Questions Ask

P.s. Don't Go On A Acid Binge Bad Idea Lol
Thanx for your help guys im gonna see if i can get some shrooms and do them with one of my friends at my place. Hes done them before. I think were just gonna chill out and watch alice in wonderland and maybe some star wars.
If you've never tried a hallucinogen before, you should do mushrooms. Acid can last a long time and if you don't like tripping you'll be in for a long ride. Eat an eighth of mushrooms and you'll trip for a good 6 hours or so.
i like acid alot better. i get no visuals from shrooms and shrooms just make me wonder "what else am i to do than eat, sleep, fuck, and take shits..?" but shrooms are funny as hell when your peeking
Anybody think this is good analogy?

Acid = Sonic

Shrooms = Mario

Anyone agree or disagree and why?

Too constricting? What do you mean?
Definitely lsd....Shrooms is like a weak substitute for the same composite ergot to precursor the effects of LSD...Furthermore, I find shrooms to somewhat be an empathogen. Really, they are different chemicals with different pharmacology and subjective effects, IMHO.
I havent had a lot of experience with mushrooms I have only taken them 3 or 4 times the first time was the craziest experience of my life. took them on the beach early evening with 2 of my best friends and built a small campfire, the next 9-10 hours were probably the most wild, intense, vivid and almost overpowering at times hallucinations I have ever experienced... nothing I could type in this post would ever describe to you the events of that night, but after that my experience with shrooms wasn't all that great, I think that first batch was just SUPER potent. (We all ate an 8th by the way)

Last weekend I bought a ten strip of LSD and dropped for the first time with a friend of mine. I was actually surprised at how easy, and not overpowering the trip was that followed, I only took 1 hit just to test the waters but it was good stuff and I still saw very vivid colors/lights, slight tracers, and cartoon like hallucinations while watching TV. Turning on music and just tuning out of the real world was an awesome experience. I would recommend dropping acid if you were debating between the two. Mushrooms to me after about 5 hours I was like OK Im ready to stop tripping now, but had no control over it. Acid was more like I just was having a fun time laughing uncontrollably and wasn't really worried about much.

Hope that wasn't too much ramble but yea Im sure the rest of that strip will come in handy at a concert or something in the near future.
i like shroom and acid shrooms can be intenct if you get them from the right people. but good L cam be so much fun also. i still do both at the same time some times. but if you reall want to trip balls you need to go analog

5meo-amt,demsters,doc, now 5meo-amt is the shit. and doc i saw mad shit every time i took it. now these are no joke and you can od if taken to much.
I love mushrooms always have always will one of the things about shrooms I love is they used to treat me soooo harsh really heavy trips but after I stopped ignoring some stuff about myself and excepted the mystery the mushrooms where throwin at me things became alot better just had to learn how to let go lose myself and let myself melt and flow threw the void every second is an hour every thought is a revelation and the wonderfull insectoid creatures and weird voices and pitches hitting every spectrum of emotion sometimes 2 or 3 at a time makes you wonder why you ate 7 grams instead of 2 or 3 fun times I know this is getting long but during one of my really deep 7 gram trance i was watchin a poster pull apart when I had to close my eyes and I saw those wonderfull aztec lookin patterns unfolding all three dimensional and I heard a voice saying mushrooms are here because and it just kept repeating itself as if it wanted me to finish the sentence and it was startin to wear me down I kept on almost having the answer and it kept slipping away after that I was gettin really sharp tones and I was out of it didnt even move for the next 4 hours i was twistin and meltin (for me its like my soul or spirit it doesnt feel like im with my body anymore) away when i finally came back I was so happy that I knew how to use my body and was able to speak to people sorry bout the long post just figured id share an experience.
For what it's worth ... I'm much older than most here and my advice would be to stay as far away from acid as you can get. I have no idea what it's like these days, but I used to do it in the seventies and it was pretty heavy shit then. I was an acid freak - absolutely loved it; one night things got pretty bad but I made it through - unfortunately I never learned a lesson from it. A couple months later three of us did some 'windowpane' (it was called) and all hell broke loose ... totally lost my mind so to speak ... suddenly found myself at the bottom of the carpet trying to climb out, up the fibers ... couldn't make it ... somehow ended up outside riding trees ... climb one, it springs into the air and tosses you over to the next one - so I thought ... ended up with a broken arm but didn't even know it 'till the next day - too busy trying to keep my head from turning inside out - really - inside out ... and these are only a couple of the nightmares that lasted for 14 hours - plus 10 years.

Yup, that horrific trip affected me for over 10 years. I constantly felt like I couldn't hold on to my thoughts, control my mind, that sort of thing. Over time it wore off, but like I said, it took over 10 years. During most of that time I couldn't even smoke pot or drink as they would trigger a flashback. Everything is fine now, in fact, I can hardly believe what I went through (found a good wife - that was the key for me.)

Incidentally, 3 of us did the windowpane that night, but one, my brother, ripped the tab in half to save half for another day, so he was all right; however, a friend who also did a whole tab (which was the norm) freaked out also. He had trouble for years too and still has flashbacks to this day.

I would hate to this happen to anyone else, it almost ruined my life. Shrooms were rare back then, at least where I lived, so I only tried them once without issue. I don't know much about them. Acid, on the other hand, I am an expert. I did hundreds of hits, and regret it to this day. Acid ruined my ability to concentrate and sort thoughts properly. If I were you, I'd stick to pot. I know many people who have smoked for over 30 years without any trouble. Acid, on the other hand, is a nightmare waiting to happen. It's your choice, but give it some real thought, and don't do it alone. Make sure there is a sober person there.
I just want to add ... to explain heavy acid a little better, the difference between it and say, pot, or most other drugs, is that, with the other drugs you know why the effects are happening. They are happening because you took the drug and can rationalize it that way. With acid (or at least acid in the 70's) you believe the effects are really happening. For example, let's say that on shrooms you had an experience where you thought you saw a car coming at you then swerve out of the way at the last second. You would know that it was just your imagination because you took the shrooms. With acid, you would REALLY BELIEVE that a car was coming at you and be just as scared as if it really was. That's how people can jump off buildings, believing they can fly and that sort of thing. It's because they REALLY BELIEVE IT and have no concept whatsoever that it is being caused by the drug. In fact, you don't even remember you took a drug with the heavy stuff. Remember when you believed in Santa Claus? Same thing - you really believed it. Now imagine that you take and hit of acid and believe you can stop that oncoming train by winking at it. Sounds kinda funny I suppose, but not if you're the one who believes he/she can stop that train.

It scares the hell out of me to think that what happened to me could happen to you. I hope you reconsider the acid thing. MHO
I just want to add ... to explain heavy acid a little better, the difference between it and say, pot, or most other drugs, is that, with the other drugs you know why the effects are happening. They are happening because you took the drug and can rationalize it that way. With acid (or at least acid in the 70's) you believe the effects are really happening. For example, let's say that on shrooms you had an experience where you thought you saw a car coming at you then swerve out of the way at the last second. You would know that it was just your imagination because you took the shrooms. With acid, you would REALLY BELIEVE that a car was coming at you and be just as scared as if it really was. That's how people can jump off buildings, believing they can fly and that sort of thing. It's because they REALLY BELIEVE IT and have no concept whatsoever that it is being caused by the drug. In fact, you don't even remember you took a drug with the heavy stuff. Remember when you believed in Santa Claus? Same thing - you really believed it. Now imagine that you take and hit of acid and believe you can stop that oncoming train by winking at it. Sounds kinda funny I suppose, but not if you're the one who believes he/she can stop that train.

It scares the hell out of me to think that what happened to me could happen to you. I hope you reconsider the acid thing. MHO

Not to talk crap but I KNOW that its not the case with entheogens you dont see a car drivin at you or pink frogs jumpin everywhere Ive done alot o syd and never have I thought I could fly Ive seen hella morhin patterns and 2 and 3 dimensional closed eye visuals but never any object of this world most of the time when I venture far out there I dont even have contact with my body and everything goin through my head is so alien there is no way to describe it and I know that while I have tripped on alot of things Ive never been remotely close to feeling like im climbing the fibers of a carpet and riding on trees it sounds to me like you dont remember it right or it never happened I have dosed hundreds of times and im just sayin that your experience sounds more like someone lying about a psychedelic experience if anyone has felt like they where at the bottom of the carpet and tryin to climb up the fibers or tossed around on trees please let me know it just doesnt sound reall no one ive tripped with or myself has had anything remote to that happen!
I have dosed hundreds of times and im just sayin that your experience sounds more like someone lying about a psychedelic experience

So be it. I knew when I wrote it that many people would question those experiences. I would just ask you to remember that, just because something hasn't happened to you doesn't mean it couldn't happen, or hasn't happened to someone else. Almost all of my experiences were exactly as you describe - no big deal and quite enjoyable actually. Unfortunately, it didn't stay that way. There are many documented cases of people who have had experiences along the same line, so, if you don't believe me, maybe you'll believe those. How about someone believing they can stop a train with their bare hands? Someone believing they can fly and jumping out a window to their death? One poor fellow ended up in a psych ward after believing (seeing/feeling) his teeth were rotting on the spot and falling out of his head. Ever heard of the book 'Go Ask Alice?' She was found inside her closet with bloody, torn fingers/fingernails, trying to claw her way out because she believed she had been buried alive.

So you don't believe me, that's okay. I'll manage to get through the day without your support somehow. If you are foolish enough to believe that these things can't happen however, you are living in fantasy land. They can, and do. They're rare, sure, but if it happens to you, rare doesn't matter anymore.
people need to realize everybodys body is different and everyone experiences different things. I've ate shrooms and the garage i was in turned into black box with pink out lines for the corners and it was like moving through out space like a roller coaster. i was totally unable to respond at ths point in time words came out scrabbled and out of order then somebody turn off the music (pink floyd) and everything stopped for 2 or 3 seconds then it hit me again i was tripping really hard thats the gods honest truth. I ate a 8th of shrooms plus one other cap my friend didn't want. Personally shrooms make me see alot more then acid, acid is just colors, patterns, and in depth thoughts about my life and my friends. Buts just personal experience, EVERYBODY differs.