Experenced grower please tell what the problem with these new clones are


Hey. So I just invested hundreds of dollars on grow equipment and got my plants in the tent and fans and exausts hooked up fine. I wake up the next morning and my plants look like they are in the picture, with little yellow tips of plants and so on. I dont know the history of the plants sames I got the clones from a local person in my mmj network. Any help with this would be great!1328226078644.jpg1328226100764.jpg


Well-Known Member
they look fine, except slightly engorged/over-watered. notice raised areas of leaf between veins. one fella's two cents


they look fine, except slightly engorged/over-watered. notice raised areas of leaf between veins. one fella's two cents
Alright Thanks Scroglodyte. This is my first soil grow. And He said he watered them a bit to help with the stress of driving in a car and not having light for awhile. Unfortunatly I watered them today so I will hold off until the top inch or so is dry if thats good?

Also idk if you have heard of mexican bat guano but he said to use that for veg. but he didnt tell me how much or how often?


how are the roots? are you feeding?
I havent feed them anything yet. I got mexican bat guana to feed them for veg and jamacian bat guano for flowering. I am not sure how much to use yet though. Also I havent checked the roots yet sames I didnt want to shock the plants. But I will do first thing tomorrow. I am running them on a 24/7 light cycle currently so I can speed up the veg process and recovery from transporting them from the other guy


Well-Known Member
an inch of dry soil is a lot in a small container. watch the plant. it'll tell you when its thirsty. also, get used to feeling the weight of your containers....wet and dry. the best way, as far as i'm concerned. and....lol......any poop will be good for a vegetative plant, so....sure. some guanos have more P and K, some have less. make a weak tea with it. and......read, read, read.


haha. alright cool. Im just trying to figure out so much of this in such a short period. Ya I have been literally reading for hours the last 2 days. I have these in a nice tent with around 7 plants in it. do you think it will smell at all if I make a carbon filter for the exaust and have ona jell inside the tent, In the same room as the tent, and near the entrance of the apartment somewhere? 1328226062217.jpg Also I dont think that little guy in the middle is going to make it, But I dont know what to do with that.


Well-Known Member
you can mask it too. aroma therapy shit, candles, potpourries.......create a "herbal" smell as a norm. its pleasant. rave to family about your new herbal candles. ;)


Well-Known Member
she'll make it. you'll just have to put blocks under her to raise her up to level of big sis' or maybe she'll catch up.


you can mask it too. aroma therapy shit, candles, potpourries.......create a "herbal" smell as a norm. its pleasant. rave to family about your new herbal candles. ;)
haha Ya for sure. I got one of those automatic dispensing "fresh linen" spray things too on the other side of the room so it doesnt suck in th intake. I am a medical pateint here in WA too so I am legal and in my limit but my bro in the apt. doesnt want it smelling when people come over and stuff. No one but me and him know about it, and its just my garden.


Thats what im hoping for. She is alittle discolored but im hoping she will bounce back. I am just trying those compact florecents 6800 bulb with a bright wing for now, planing on just switching out the bulb for flowering and jamacan guano for flowering as well.


Well-Known Member
don't think about that......grow good plants, and get as much quality gear as you can. and enjoy. hang some art up in your grow. make it fun.


don't think about that......grow good plants, and get as much quality gear as you can. and enjoy. hang some art up in your grow. make it fun.
Sounds good to me. Thats really what its about to me. I do need alittle money for the big investment. But I am pretty happy with the tent lights as well as the inline fans and stuff so far. Of course its only been two days. But it seems pretty enjoyable. I want to grow for quality not huge amount for sure. But some days I work out of the city for 2 or 3 days. You think my plants should be fine by themselves for 2-3 days?


Well-Known Member
yeah.......just make sure they won't reach lights while you're away, and time your water schedule with your gig, if ya can.


yeah.......just make sure they won't reach lights while you're away, and time your water schedule with your gig, if ya can.
Alright cool. I should be able to sync up the watering times no problem. and the lights are just 3" away from the plants right now, I will have to give it alittle more room for the time im gone I guess because they have been growing almost a inch a day. do you normally only have to water twice a week?


i'm about once a week. homemade Smart pots; around 3 gallons in size.
Well that will be even better then. Are smart pots the ones with the little resivore thing on the bottom and the little spout coming out the side? I got pots that way and havent transplanted yet because I am not quite sure when to.