Scientology according to bud


Well-Known Member
Man, i need to get myself an E-meter! They sound great!
Finally you can tell how depressed you are in a clear measurement of numbers.

"It was always so hard for me to figure out how disappointed I was before, then I got the Emeter!!"


Well-Known Member
I just finished building my own E-meter.

2 D Cell batteries
2 sticks of Juicy Fruit gum
2 paperclips
1 old smoke/CO detector

Take the gum out of the foil wrappers and chew both pieces
Attach the foil to the horizontally aligned D batteries with a half piece of gum on either side
Hook up the paper clips gently to the foil on either end (be careful not to tear the foil much while attaching the clips or it may give you false readings)
Fasten the paper clips to your scrotum (there's really no wrong way to do this)

Now, stick your tongue into the smoke/carbon monoxide detector's battery compartment. If the monoxide detector sounds, you have engrams. If the smoke alarm sounds, you're Clear. It's much cheaper than a certified E-meter, and just as accurate. Try it out and post your results...


Well-Known Member
I just put on my Tin foil Hat and was Channeling L.Ron Hubbard and he asked about you tyler.durden!

He wants to patent your device and thinks you would be a fine addition to his technical department.

He says .. "Try using your new E-Meter with your Tin Foil Hat on so we can talk."


Well-Known Member
I just put on my Tin foil Hat and was Channeling L.Ron Hubbard and he asked about you tyler.durden!

He wants to patent your device and thinks you would be a fine addition to his technical department.

He says .. "Try using your new E-Meter with your Tin Foil Hat on so we can talk."
I'd love to work for Ronnie! I hear they pay really well over there. I could set up a HUGE grow op for them to help generate revenue, and gain converts. I do worship Lord Xenu, though. Do you think I'll still get the job?


Active Member
I like to think about religions, from the point of view of when they were being formed. Take Christianity when it morphed out of Judaism. Now forget all the virgin birth and fulfilling of prophecy stuff, that's just to distract the sheeple masses. Okay, so get down to the roots of why you would create a religion where a Devout follower of Judaism (Jesus) would just up and create a new religion where the rest of the world from that point forward was to believe in him, or burn in hell.

Anyway, what I get from it is if you understand Judaism or Islam, they are fairly difficult religions to follow/practice, assuming you obey all the laws. That's pretty much what those religions are about, following the laws of God to get into heaven. Then along comes Christianity, and now you don't have to follow any of the OT laws. All you have to do is say, "I believe in JC, blah blah blah" and give 10% of everything you make to the church, and magically you get into Heaven and live happily in the presence of JC/god forever. Anyway, if you want to increase the revenue of your church/cult, making the laws/restrictions more lax would attract people fairly quickly.

I always say, "Follow the money." JMHO