Question for Finshaggy and Urca

I love Irish dance... Uillean pipes, drums... and an Irish accent on a man is like instant pant-dropper for me. Sorry. I can't lie.
I love Irish dance... Uillean pipes, drums... and an Irish accent on a man is like instant pant-dropper for me. Sorry. I can't lie.

Rosetta Stone.. Irish version costs 200 bucks. :D whoop.!.

Wait, you are from london.. .do you have an accent? that would be sexy :o

Ello ! Fuc'off !
Ya Raw, it's actually cheaper for me to go to Mexico than it is for me to buy Rosetta Stone's Spanish program lol. I know, because Eraserhead scared the hell out of me about Mexico so I had to look it up.
Yea, I will pass on mexico. I am 20min from san diego.. not much further from the border.. I have never been, will never go. I enjoy my head on my shoulders.
Mexico has always been like a vacation...
This is what San Diego was like my first an ONLY time ever.


I stepped off the GreyHound in San Diego.
And my phone was dying.
Had my phone been charged enough to find a place to stay, what happens, wouldn't have happened at all...

But I stayed at the Greyhound station for about 30 minutes with my phone plugged into the wall, and when it was charged I left. Thinking "I need to get a bike."
So I asked the guard at the station "Where is the nearest place to get a bike?" He pointed me in a direction, and I went outside, and started walking that way.

So I got to a stoplight, and a crosswalk, and there was a guy standing next to me.
He said, "do you have a cigarette?" And I'll bum even my last cig, to a friend, so I gave him one.
And I asked him, "Do you know where the nearest place is to get a bike?"
He said "I sell bikes!"
Now THIS was convenient. Nothing could go wrong. Right?
So he tells me he just got out of jail, and I'm not one to judge because in Texas I have been judged quite a bit, based on my favorite flower. And have had to do more than my fair share of time.
He asks if he can borrow my phone to call his girlfriend, tells me I can stay with them, I accept and he tells her to meet us a couple streets down.
He says he's broke and just got out of jail, and wants to know if I can get him like a soda, and a cookie at the convenient store. So I go in and get him something, and I got some more cigs, and gave him a pack.
His girlfriend picks us up, and the car is so full of...Clothes, camping stuff, I feel like there was a chair, and a guitar in there...But we fit me in the back somehow, and he sat in the passenger seat with some stuff where his legs went, AND on his lap.

So we go to Motel 6 and they show me a bike.
They tell me I can ride it around to test it out, and they need a minute to talk inside. I ride it around for a while and it's a pretty nice bike, and when I go back I gave him $100 for it.
I ask him if he can get any bud, and he says he can. But he has to call some people.
His girlfriend is weird. He's weird. I knew somethin was up with them. But they were chill.
So he starts calling people, and using code words.
And I notice he's saying "Blue" as a noun a lot. The girl says something about "You should be quiet" referring to me being able to hear. And he says "He knows what we're talking about."
But I had no idea what they were talking about. I had an idea though, and I didn't like that I had bought a bike from them.

So they leave for a while, and come back with a sack of meth, and ask if I want some. I told them no, (I have had a bad experience, I'll share it here one day if I haven't already) and that I just would get some bud whenever I could.
So they smoked/shot that, and after a couple hours, the girl fell asleep, and the dude disappeared. And I fell asleep. (Whenever she was awake both days she would talk about how meth made her tired, or at least more calm

I woke up in the morning and they were gone.
I freaked out a little, but nothing was missing, and all there stuff was still there. So I figured they hadn't just left completely.
The girl came up with some doughnuts and stuff on a plate. She said she got it downstairs, and that they had been at the pool. And it looked like she had been at the pool. The dude came back, and we watched TV all day. While they shot up. And he described to me that the needles get dull, and after a while it's like trying to get a pencil in your vein because the tip isn't sharp anymore, it's just flat.
He left at one point, and traded some guy outside in a van a phone charger for a Wal Mart card, and expected it to have money left on it, when he check. It didn't. Duh.
Then later during that day he asked if he could take my bike, with the other bike they had and his girlfriend, for a ride to the gas station or something. I said sure, and they left for about a half hour, and came back with no bikes.
He said they had run into a guy that he owed money to, and the guy took the bikes.
I was in a "foreign" state, with very little money left, no where to go yet, and my bike had been lost by meth heads.
I was pisssssssssed off, and the dude could tell. He said something, and I said "If I was going to hit you, I would have already." I just knew that wouldn't solve anything. But I had to punch the wall outside, and that hurt like shit.

So they said they would fix it, and not to break anything, and left, at about 10pm. I fell asleep around 1:30am. They came back around 3-4am and woke me up.

They were wet as shit, and it was raining outside.
The guy disappeared as soon as they got there, but the girl handed me a cigarette box, and told me to look inside, and there was about a gram nug of weed in there.
I was SOOO happy
And I had papers and everything.
She told me he had got me a bike, but was locking it up outside, but inside somewhere out of the rain.
He came back, and said I could come see it.
He took me to the laundry room, and was locking it on the coke machine.
It was WAAY shittier than the other bike.
Like 1/3 the gears.
Skinny tires, instead of big ones.

But I had no other option.
I went inside and smoked some weed.

So we watch TV, I smoke my joint, and they slam their meth, and he took the LOUDEST, nastiest (most likely meth induced) shit, I have EVER heard in my ENTIRE life.

I wake up in the morning, and their gone. The phone is ringing.
So I answer it.
It's a man. He asks who I am, and I made up a name. He says he's the girls babies daddy, and to tell her that she needs to come see her baby. And I tell him that I'll tell her, no problem.

So she comes in, and I tell her.
She calls him, and starts yelling and shit.
She gets off the phone and is silent. Like rocking back and forth.
Eventually she says "He's coming here."
And I asked "should I leave?"
She says "Probably"

I got all my shit that minute.
That had promised to drive me to the city where I had a friend that I could at least hang out with.
But now I just strapped all my shit to my shitty new bike, ask which way was north, and WENT.

Eventually I got tired as shit.
I slowed down, and was eventually walking my bike.
A full school style back pack, and two smaller bags strapped to a bike, are heavy as SHIT.

I started asking people how to get to the city I was going to, and eventually I heard enough of "You should take the trolly" to consider it, and asked someone where it was.
They pointed me in a direction, and I came to a station/stop.
I bought a ticket, and the first trolly that came, I wasn't fast enough for with my bike and everything. I almost got caught in the door, and I just had to go back and wait.
I got on though, and was told to go to what they call "The coaster" which is like a faster trolly.
I went there, and bought a ticket to go like 50 miles away. We got there in like 20 minutes for $2. And while I was on it, I texted a ssecond friend in Corona, who said I could live with him, so I decided to go there.

I got there, and met my friend up a fuckin hill, which would have been considered a mountain in Texas. At AmPm, which when he said "Meet me at the AmPm" I was like "What the fuck is ampm?"

We met, and went to a friend of his' house.
He had some medical bud, I bought it (Katana), and we smoked, and chilled for a while.
Eventually it was getting late so I went back to a city that almost everyone I met said would be chill (Ocean side).
I stayed at a little hotel, and my mom got my a GreyHound ticket online for like 6 in the morning.

I made it to the station ontime and everyhting, but the only people there were bums.
The station wasn't open, so a bus never came, and I never got picked up.
My friends worked near Oceanside so they just picked me up, and the Greyhound ticket went to waste.
Then we went to Corona...
I guess I could have ended that story in a better place...
But yeah
LMFAO Why would u even bring this up? I've keept our relationship off the forum, not ur business missy

I never said it was my business, I didnt mean to offend, but I didnt know it was taboo? Seeing as you do mention or reference it from time to time? Anyway, sorry if I offended you, was unintentional, just trying to make Kuroi feel better