It was either petmountain, petco online, or dr foster and smith. One of those places had a clearance the other day. I can't rememberWhere are you finding Flora Suns for $10?
I get dense almost rock hard and very frosty buds. Using the coral waves which put out quite a bit of infrared which greatly contributes to density.
It was either petmountain, petco online, or dr foster and smith. One of those places had a clearance the other day. I can't remember
Where are you finding Flora Suns for $10?
Oh, sorry I meant $8.49 per bulb.
nice aloe vera, looks like they really like that light color. Are they under them 100% or do you put them in the sun once in awhile?
Has anyone else seen those Current USA TrueLumen Freshwater Flora pink bulbs? I can't find a spectral analysis anywhere, but I bet they are similar to the other plant bulbs that we all love so much. They are very affordable! They have a 460nm and a few other bulbs that look nice.
Current/TureLumen Freshwater Flora:
Current USA - Support, Sep-13 11:25 (PDT): Dear Mr.,
We do not have a spectrum graph for this lamp, only the specific peaks in nm spectrums.
Current-USA, Inc.
Current USA - Support, Sep-12 13:53 (PDT): Dear Hobbyist,
Thank you for contacting Current-USA, Inc.
The freshwater flora T5HO lamps peaks at 405nm, 550nm and 640nm.
If you should have any further questions, please feel free to contact us again.
Current-USA, Inc. Technical Support