Asvanced nutrients PH perfect?????


Hi guys I was wondering if anyone had any experience with the advanced nutrients ph perfect products. When I put my plants in the flower room I allways flood the 6" rw cubes with ph adjusted and nute enriched water ready for the 4" cubes to go ontop. With the ph perfect nutes would I just be able to flood it with nute water and would the ph perfect technology correct and balance out the rw ph?? And would it be wise to simply not check ph? The product promises zero fluctuation but is this true? I figured the only peoples answers that can be trusted is other growers and not shops or infact AN themselvesves. Thanks fellow greenthumbs :D
Hey jasman been using AN for years now and I think its 3 part systems is one of the best out there. The ph perfect line does work if you use a non-recovery system. Mix, use once and dispose of run off.

Progro is correct, additional additives will affect your ph. I do not use it personally because I have 6 reservoirs and it would be very costly.

By the way, AN products are one of the only products designed for cannabis. Its a little more costly but IMO, well worth it.

Good Luck

Smokesafely... why do you promote AN? have you tried another lines? Did you know that most of the people with nutrients unbalances posting in this forum are using whether AN or Miracle Grow? PH perfect, really? almost all nute lines have Ionics elements buffering the PH, it's just an advertising scam!! I'm not saying they don't work but certainly are not one of the best out there. I tried the sensi Line with poor results compared to other lines like Vitalink that gives you good yields and great tasting buds as well as canna which takes it a little further and it's one of my favorites along with botanicare's PBP line that's is sweet, balanced and easy to use. Dyna-Grow allows you to feed at the perfect ratios and GH is really forgiving and very newbie friendly. All of these nutrientes buffer PH and can be run in any recirculating system.... So, again... what's your deal?
*Anything* is "pH perfect" if you drain to waste. Stable pH in DWC or a Lucas-style grow ... now that would be interesting. Jmo. cn
I have yet to have a problem with AN. Im going into my third grow with using Sensi Grow for my veg. into flowering now where I use the Sensi Grow at 1/4 strength using or 2 ml per half gallon. half strength Canna aqua flora 5ml. half strength G H Bloom 4 ml. as the plant get farther into bloom i increase the G H Bloom to 5 maybe 6 ml depending on my mood lol its so easy to draw the syringe back that little bit more. :bigjoint:
Lol you can literally veg with piss.. ! anyways I like your choice on bloom gonna see how the ratios match to the optimum
Thanks guuys some good info especially the posts pointing out the cons with using it in a recirculating system. I had considered canna but my grandfather who's been growing since the 60s said that advanced nutrients are the boys. I think I'm still gonna run them but seein as I'm usin a recirculatin ebb and flow I'm just gona ignore the ph buffers and still check and adjust regardless. Thanks for the info guys
A little extra info is my system is just two pvc pipes connected at one end. The water is then pumped from one tube to the other with 2 small air stones.
An is the best i have run dont listen to the haters jas! Im using ph perfect and if you ph your res then flood your un soaked
R/w you will get a rise in ph with the perfect! But not much plus the ph perfect allows your plsnt to not lock up at a higher ph
Level so you should be fine with what your asking.
I use the advanced nutrients 3-part nutrient and I gave no problems actually they work great in soil/coco and hydro.. I think whoever says they suck have not used it or just can't grow ;)
An is the best i have run dont listen to the haters jas! Im using ph perfect and if you ph your res then flood your un soaked
R/w you will get a rise in ph with the perfect! But not much plus the ph perfect allows your plsnt to not lock up at a higher ph
Level so you should be fine with what your asking.

I'm not a hater geez hellraizer I thought you knew me better. This isn't a campaign against AN like the one I have going on with Hanna meters. I tried them all man, well all the brands found in the US at least. AN tested worst in three consecutive rows using different strains, for us it was a pretty solid confirmation this line wasn't worth the extra money, even GH was less hassle and yielded better buds and I must add we take it very seriously. If it's perfect for you then cheers, I assume you've used several nutes and this worked best out of all... if not then you try to rephrase your post a bit, making it look more like your personal opinion rather than the christian nutrient "truth". Btw, do you run a RO system?
AN sucks look into:

Dyna Grow
General Hydroponics

AN has a line identical to GH that is cheaper. AH legitimately gets a bit of flack as some of their products have been rip offs, but they aren't the only ones. They make good nutes IMO if you get the right stuff. Heard a lot of good things about PH perfect. Curious to see how it goes.
Ive run
Gh nova
Gh maxi
House gardens
Fox farm
I also am doing dyno grow test to!

And hands down an blows all of them away! Although
I do need to say this, i dont use there feeding chart,
I got my own!

Hey map no direct target to your post! Just seems theres alot of an hate
And i do feel there marketing is jacked and i dont support it, but in my
Circle of friends we kill it with AN
AN has a line identical to GH that is cheaper. AH legitimately gets a bit of flack as some of their products have been rip offs, but they aren't the only ones. They make good nutes IMO if you get the right stuff. Heard a lot of good things about PH perfect. Curious to see how it goes.

As for there rip off line of GH i wouldnt use it why cause its raw nute heavy in salts and just
Out right dirty bis!

There base line ph perfect g/m/b is a medical grade three part and also has wet betty, fulic acid and
Humic acid in it :)
Then teach me Sensei, my bottles are collecting dust. The problem is I don't wanna use 10 different bottles neither pay for them.. I'm very good with my PBP and Cal mag... So could you at least tell me your recipe? what products do you use?
And the thing is map i dont use all that shit, thats why thins go rong just to much stuff

All i use is

Big bud
Seni cal a/b

And i have a resipe that is full proof!
But i have never tryed seni bro :(