Avert their attention with some form of pressure, a sharp/loud noise or I would have tried forcing one down by the neck into a position it can calm into. The ears and nose are sensitive areas to offend to snap them out of it. That's assuming you don't have something to part them with from afar like a hose as Rowlman said. I'm sorry you got hurt and you're in a difficult position with your dogs, but if they respect you they'll learn to respect eachother, if you will one or the other in your 'safe zone' because 'you (leader) say so'. The same rule applies to your human pack- do your dogs/would you allow one of your dogs to harm a family member? From the tiniest signals, nip the aggression in the bud, so to speak. Watch their posture, tail position, how their tongue rests in their mouth, how the dogs are spaced and their vocalizations. Listen early, then you won't spend all your time reacting to the end product of the build-up conversation (the actual fight itself)