Woman tasered at McDonalds


Well-Known Member
Cops in Hope Mill, N.C., opened fire with a stun gun on a woman who butted in line at a McDonald's drive-thru.

Evangeline Lucca, 37, who was with her three-year-old daughter, became confrontational with burger joint employees, who refused to serve her at the pick-up window Friday and asked to go to the end of the line.
Lucca refused to budge by the time police came 20 minutes later and took a shot from a stun gun for her belligerence, the Fay Observer reported.
A second shot was needed before "she just flopped out of the car like a fish," customer Andy Rich told the Observer.
She's charged with second-degree trespass and her daughter was taken into protective custody.

I hate people who butt in line. They deserve to be tasered....all of them...;-)
lol sir id like to give up my life and my child for a mcdouble please

extra mayo :D
McDonalds is pretty low on my list of things i would get tasered for. But I can totally understand why you would risk going to jail for it ha!
Now I want McDonalds! I hate it when people mention food on this forum! I mean...I love it cuz it sounds good lol and ganja's cakes look really good...and so do April's rainbow cupcakes...but still! There's not a McDonald's open right now near me! So it's mean. I just get a regular cheeseburger there anyway I guess. Like the tiny little ones from kids meals. I try not to support McDonalds at all. Damn rainforest wrecking burger cooks.
Now I want McDonalds! I hate it when people mention food on this forum! I mean...I love it cuz it sounds good lol and ganja's cakes look really good...and so do April's rainbow cupcakes...but still! There's not a McDonald's open right now near me! So it's mean. I just get a regular cheeseburger there anyway I guess. Like the tiny little ones from kids meals. I try not to support McDonalds at all. Damn rainforest wrecking burger cooks.

Remember the pink slime. It's in the burgers. And the chicken and the bread. It's lips and assholes, eyeballs and hooves. Mixed with yumma chemicals. Now you probably don't want McDonald's. You're welcome. =)
Now I want McDonalds! I hate it when people mention food on this forum! I mean...I love it cuz it sounds good lol and ganja's cakes look really good...and so do April's rainbow cupcakes...but still! There's not a McDonald's open right now near me! So it's mean. I just get a regular cheeseburger there anyway I guess. Like the tiny little ones from kids meals. I try not to support McDonalds at all. Damn rainforest wrecking burger cooks.

you dont have any mcdonalds open 24 hours a day around you? shit land of the free my ass