Found a Baby Eagle


Well-Known Member


Ursus marijanus
I am a complete S.O.B. at Scrabble. There are these "official" Scrabble dictionaries ... I despise'm. If it's not in Webster's Collegiate, I don't contenance the word. I have found incredible shite using online Scrabble cheat sites.
That said, I would soooo take you on. cn


Well-Known Member
Good job with the Raptor bro. Takes big balls to want to capture it yourself and drive it down to the shelter. I'm glad they don't kill it like a dog or a cat. Peace :)

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Yikes! An eagle! Thank you for caring about your land and the animals on it. +rep.

Edit: Gotta spread it around a bit first. But the thought was there.


Well-Known Member
I was out four-wheeling in the woods on my property today and I noticed a young Eagle sitting on the ground not too far from where I was riding so I drove closer to get a better look and saw it had an injured wing.

After chasing it around and trying not to get ripped apart by it's huge talons and beak I finally managed to grab it from behind so as not to injure it even more.

I brought it to the local Raptor Center and they're unsure whether it'll ever fly again but they said I saved it's life by finding it.

Here's a few pics.

Nice work!...and pics


Sector 5 Moderator
That is actually a juvenile from last years brood; it's almost a year old. Here in Alaska the grown females can have a wingspan of 8 feet! Kudos to you for braving extreme injury to save the bird but my God you risked one hell of a fine for that. It's a $10,000 fine + jail time for possessing even a single feather and there are over 50 arrests for that per year here in Alaska! You did good!


New Member
oh ya I found hurt crow once he was real cool and let me pick him up kept him for a few days. did you know crows are the smartest bird in the world. they can use tools.


Well-Known Member
That is actually a juvenile from last years brood; it's almost a year old. Here in Alaska the grown females can have a wingspan of 8 feet! Kudos to you for braving extreme injury to save the bird but my God you risked one hell of a fine for that. It's a $10,000 fine + jail time for possessing even a single feather and there are over 50 arrests for that per year here in Alaska! You did good!
So if someone finds an eagle feather laying around, they should keep walking?.
I remember this incident in Florida, when I supplied construction materials there was a no-build law within I believe 1,500 feet of a nest:
A single violation of the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act is a misdemeanor. The maximum penalty is one year imprisonment and a fine of either $100,000, or twice the financial gain or loss caused by the offense.


Well-Known Member
I work for/with the DNR so I really don't have to worry about it.

I find feathers all the time all over my farm since I feed them.