400w in a tent, Ultimate ScROG and perpetual SoG

Amazing utube link otto. I love aquaponics - if only more space...

Love that bug too Matt. Looks similar to a newly hatched mantid but I want to say it is another bug. I use to totally know both the scientific and common name for it but my mind is blank and my books still packed. In larger pictures they look just like mechwarriors (if you happen to be an old geek).

Kind of like this right? Want to say it is an ambush bug but that's a pretty broad common name.

this bug definatly looks similar, will it hurt my plants?

lol Ambush bug, well his name fits as he was ready to ambush me if i got any closer to him. i was actually thinking of getting a mantis or 2 to toss in the cab, they are carnivores (i believe?) and eat other pesky critters like mites and fungus gnats (i think?) i definatly want to do a bit of reading and get a couple benificial insects but i dont want to fill my cab with ladybugs, i want some cool looking bugs that will look great in my weekly updates lol
Mechwarrior? Sheeeeeeeeit you just dated yourself gastanker.

The one I played was on PC back in 1990ish that was 22 years ago! Yikes

I've been obsessed with this aquaponics stuff ever since Matt posted the youtube video as well.

Something to aspire to for sure.

I even found this Australian guy who call his system microponics and it involves a more intricate nutrient distriubtion and some open systems for the water as opposed to a completely closed loop system in most aquaoponic setups.

I think if you google microponics you'll find out more about it.

ugg fucking browser froze up and lost my reply......

anyways i cant wait untill begin of April when i can start my seedlings for my summer garden. I did one last summer and did alright but i think i crammed too much shit into a small patch, also didnt ammend it with anything so nutrient availability was shit especially for all of the plants i had. this year i will ammend the shit out of it and leave a few items out and arrange things differently. going to make sure my squash plants all have a small piece of lattice to climb so they arent over crowding everything else like onions, carrots and bell peppers. also going to put all the squash to one side so that they dont block out the sun all day, though i do have a nice location that gets every minute of sun there is in a day so that is nice, absolutly no shade spots.. heres a diagram of my garden from last year

i fit all of this into a 15x15 ft garden patch and the squash plants (cucumber, zuccini, pumpkin, butternut) all overtook everything else i did end up getting a bunch of zuccini, tomato's, butternut and cucumber (pretty shitty outcome for having 12 different veggies.

i blame lack of nutrients on some and overcrowding on others. but for my first year gardening i think i did OK, live and learn next summer will be 100x better.

summer garden.jpg
this is the closet i found on google to "ambush bug" they definatly look familiar. i did see alot of images of the mating, they are some horny mean little bastards. from the pics it appears they eat other bugs.

ambush bug.jpg

heres a cool link, they actually eat polinators (but im sure if they are hungry they wont get picky) which can actually be a bad thing in your outdoor garden


Anyone else having issues editing posts? i go to edit, click the save button and freeze, has happened like 10 times in past 2 days. i have to copy text and refresh browser and enter the text again. i dont use the advanced reply
damn matty! your thread moves a whole lot faster than mine has been, just had to read 5 pages to catch up! lol...anyway, first of all a couple camera tips. you can set the size of your pictures to small for uploading them to RIU cause the uploader limits the pictures to 800x600 anyway...or at least mine does. In the cameras settings there is a file size selector. sure u know this, or have found it, but just thought id remind ya, can make the size the smallest size, you definitely dont lose any quality, and they will upload faster. you definitely need a good 50mm prime macro lens to take the best close ups. they can be relatively inexpensive too. i will dig around and find a link for ya. anyway you could also increase your fstop to broaden the depth of focus, slow down the shutter, and use a tripod. lol pain in the ass. SICK shots though. get at me if u want more camera advice, or if u want me to stop being haughty ;-) jk

i parted out a complete minus the tote bubbleponics system. for 150 dollars. 6 6 inch pots. anyway was reading over all this aquaponics (SICK!) stuff and figured i could actually put some fish in the tote rather than nutes...i mean essentially the same idea. anyway i remember making a terrarium with a tetra in it in 5th grade, also same idea. anyway will now have to think extensively and spend hours on the internets learning to figure out if i could fashion some sort of aquabubbleponics. yeah. lol.

in parting this out (on amazon), i also checked out the growzilla. yes please. lol. would run one 600 watt hps and one 600 watt mh with 2 lumatek digital dimmables. over this new setup. sweet! i just need to do a little more research on, what was it gas? CMH? ceramic metal halide? hmm...dont hate the idea of spending less money on magnetic ballasts!

that lil bug monster is pretty cool man. lol.
hey man keep the camera advice coming im a total newb with this thing.

its funny you went from "just fucking around" with the 8 seeds you planted to a full blown operation.......it definatly "grows" on you and its a great hobby.
yeah if you plan on going dual spectrup then i would definatly look into cheaper ballasts as you have no need for a digital ballast since i believe the only plus side to them is they fire up both MH/HPS bulbs...

cant wait to see you aquabubbleponics system, im sure you can do something to that effect.
the aquaponics looks pretty much like a fill and drain system anyways, not sure how the bubbleponics works but as long as the fish can survive in the rezz and eat and then shit then i dont see why it wouldnt be possible. bubble ponics is more of a airstone in a bucket tho isnt it? with a net pot on the top and the bubbles from the airston pop at the water surface and water the hydroton and roots in the net pot?
i mean i have enough fish for it right now. lol. i have this one tank, my 29 gal heavily planted heavily fished with c02 that is having this algae bloom or something i cant get rid of. prolly cause it needs new filter media, anyway the few water changes have made me progressively sadder as i have poured like 15 gallons each change down the drain. its like dark green tea. lol im sure its MONSTER plant food. feed my other houseplants with it and they are doing well. nothing crazy but, striving. anyway yeah i love photography so any time u need, ask away. i will try to not be so selfish and only check my own thread lol. definitely into the idea of the aquabubbleponics. more on that later.

yeah, this hobby kicks ass. lol. SO much fun. i havent even experienced the BEST part of it yet! lol...giddy about it.

basically yes but the res has a pump in it that feeds a constant flow to each plant. the bubbles come from a seperate airstone in the res that bubbles, oxygenating the water in the res. this oxygenation allows the constant feeding of the plants cause the roots dont need time to oxygenate, or somesuch sciency story. anyway instead of using liquid (organic) nutes, could use fish. they LOVE oxygenated water. lol. theyd have to be fish that dont need light ever though. which i guess is really any fish, but, trying to be... conscientious? lol...
Oh yeah, i should have mentioned that they are good bugs to have around - they ambush the bad ones :)

This guy totally geeked out and damn do I respect him for that. Love the computer programs and the auto everything down to the fish food.


Pretty inventive for such small scale. This all reminds me that I seriously need to groom my largest planted tank
dam that is badass, he dosent seem to have alot of fish tho but he does seem to feed them alot and if you have ever over fed your fishies you notice they are swimming around with a 2 inch poo string behind them so maybe he just gets a couple fish to shit alot......who knows. definatly cool ass system tho + rep if i can but i doubt it lol
Your squash tale made me giggle. I made the very same mistake this past season. Can't imagine if I had had other plants on the driveway.
"Hmm, they're getting big". "We don't really need that space for parking do we babe?". "It's just a car space and a half - it'll stop growing I swear."

"Ooops, I was wrong - and I swear I didn't know that was a watermellon seed that would also grow into the driveway..."


lol. damn melons and squash are crazy at taking over. I'm still giving away spaghetti squash to anyone that will take them.
LOL yeah sounds about right, i had the shit growing about 10 ft out of my garden and they were all climbing up each other. shame i didnt get any decent pics. it was a good lesson to learn though i will only be planting 1 seed of each this year. i still have butternut squash from my grow, that shit lasts forever but no one in my house will eat it :( it is about to become worm food lol
yaaaaaaaaaawn, have been sitting here since 7:30 this morning (14 hours) doing projects and exams for school, tomorow i have another examto do then im good for a couple weeks. im ready to take a few hits pop a top and play some games..
all good shit man, and your garden looks great!! i wanna try a screen some time, never have. dont know about the bug, all i have is dust in my box, LoL. hes cool looking though.

haha check this thing out pretty badass!!

Do you have two grow rooms? I want to do the SOG method too but I'm going to wait till the mother plant is able to produce me with 16 clones so I can start them of at the same time since i only have one grow tent. If you have a different method for doing it with one grow tent I would like to know?kiss-ass