Im high after one day/head twitching


Well-Known Member
I wondered about epilepsy. My mother had it and I still twitch on rare occasions though I feel fine. Hash is probably cheaper where you are because 1) Ease of storage/transportation 2) It's been bulked up

Someone already mentioned you never know what's in hash. This is true. I only smoke what I make myself.

And please, weed is not just another thing to use for fun. It's a plant with a long and elaborate history in human culture, medicine and religious practise. There are also hundreds of strains and forms to obtain it in; a little bit of research goes a long way, sir.


Active Member
Seems nice, depending on what you mean by "flowers" lol.

Yup. Well Spain might be cheaper... But that kind of hash costs about 1.6 €/g when bought in decent ammounts (>25g).


Well-Known Member
Cannabis flowers, perhaps.

But I honestly would not buy hash, I wonder if it's just someone's earwax or something sometimes.


Active Member
Someone already mentioned you never know what's in hash. This is true. I only smoke what I make myself.
Indeed. That kind of shit is actually quite common here.
Some dealers buy cheaper hash that has all kinds of shit mixed in it to save 10€ in each 100g they buy lol. This is common with "moroccan" slab hash.

Any experienced smoker will notice just judging from the color, smell and burning. But beginners are often ripped off!


Well-Known Member
The head twitching may have been from you while really stoned. You tend to think and pay attention to certain things for longer periods of time, "over-thinking" is the word, maybe you thought about it to much. Try smoking some more and see what happens, I couldn't imagine the weed being responsible for head twitching, but I could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
Also, a sneaky trade of MJ clinics. Some dry sift there bud, collecting all exterior trichomes into kief. Then sell it along next to the buds.. So you will have OG Kush bud, and an option to buy OG Kush kief, (that came off the EXACT same buds.)

It's paying extra for the thc they shook off of it.


Well-Known Member
There was some hash being sold in pubs around here that was red in the middle of the block and when you lit it up in the cone it crackled and spat and didnt get stoned at all, it was a chemical putty and i dont know what that is. It was synthetic hash.
I ve heard of red opium which is basicly incense and contains no traces of opium whatsoever but not red hash
I dont think the one ive got is syntehtic , just look at the pic , it looks like normal hash


Active Member
That's really weird tbh... Never experienced something like that for so long, even in my early days of smoking.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure your just smoked some amazing hash, Just stop thinking about it it will go away.


Well-Known Member
okay this will put you at ease and might kill the questions in your brain

this is whats happeneing

the first time you smoked your body had NO idea what to do with the compound ( happens to alot of people)

the second time your body started to figure out the receptors that the compound needed to be attached to

the third time ( when you smoked hash ) you got a much higher concentration of compounds (more than just thc obv)

your receptors were just warming up to the compound then you presented them with a much much much more concentrated volume of it

this over excited the cb receptors ( not a bad thing kinda a reset for endocannibinoid system)

caused a uncontrolable gaba flow (gaba along with many other bodily functions, regulates glutamate uptake)

this caused your body to receive a surge of glutamate

this caused your body to have a slight epileptic episode (look up glutamate's and epilepsy)

and now your body is slowly starting to reregulate the flow of glutamate

now this is not unhealthy , infact its healthy

think of it as a restart

as well as you smoke more and more the receptors in your body wont be as sensitive to the compound

  • okay this will put you at ease and might kill the questions in your brain

    this is whats happeneing

    the first time you smoked your body had NO idea what to do with the compound ( happens to alot of people)

    the second time your body started to figure out the receptors that the compound needed to be attached to

    the third time ( when you smoked hash ) you got a much higher concentration of compounds (more than just thc obv)

    your receptors were just warming up to the compound then you presented them with a much much much more concentrated volume of it

    this over excited the cb receptors ( not a bad thing kinda a reset for endocannibinoid system)

    caused a uncontrolable gaba flow (gaba along with many other bodily functions, regulates glutamate uptake)

    this caused your body to receive a surge of glutamate

    this caused your body to have a slight epileptic episode (look up glutamate's and epilepsy)

    and now your body is slowly starting to reregulate the flow of glutamate

    now this is not unhealthy , infact its healthy

    think of it as a restart

    as well as you smoke more and more the receptors in your body wont be as sensitive to the compound​

Thanls for the explanation i feel more at ease. I toked today and i think i still a lot of tch unmetabolized or soemthing because i took two hits of a joint and im still high after 5 hours
Im going to continue to toke to see if the added tolerance eliminates this twicthing thats the only think thats runining my marijuana high.
The twicthing is gone
I just stopped thinking about it and went on a movie marathon , took some magnesium
Next day i was 100%
Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Hi my name is john and im new at the forums
I will keep this very short .
I have used cannabis three times
The first two times were nice and i felt the comedown relaxing.
The third time i took two grain salts worth of hashish(thick salt) with a watterfall bong.
I was higher than ever yesterday but im still high , my burn out state is still present and i fell my head twitching back and forth uncontrolably.
Some people have been like this for months by what ive read on the subject , im really worried about this since
a- I want to toke again
b- Im afraid it can be long lasting permanent or something.
please help me
(dont tell me its in my head it isnt)
smoke some more