Hawaii Growers

They are taking our desencey away from us and want us to become pill heads !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In reference to not being a pill head? lol I swear Kona some of you post I swear your on something lol jokeing, but kinda not.

We luv crazy bitches on RIU.
I love growing becoues it's my hobby. It's a beutifull plant and unlike my other Hobbys of mine I can dump thousands of dollers into it and get some of that back. Well all of it back, and some extra. I would love to grow perfect tomatoes or cucumber and lettuce but it might be hard to charge 4k a lb for tomatoes.
I love growing becoues it's my hobby. It's a beutifull plant and unlike my other Hobbys of mine I can dump thousands of dollers into it and get some of that back. Well all of it back, and some extra. I would love to grow perfect tomatoes or cucumber and lettuce but it might be hard to charge 4k a lb for tomatoes.

I grow all that except for tomatoes ..those fuckers are hard to grow here ... but yeah its a hobby for me too , folks go crazy for these cukes ... making kimchee and shit lol.
I love growing becoues it's my hobby. It's a beutifull plant and unlike my other Hobbys of mine I can dump thousands of dollers into it and get some of that back. Well all of it back, and some extra. I would love to grow perfect tomatoes or cucumber and lettuce but it might be hard to charge 4k a lb for tomatoes.

Rajah Dat!
I grow all that except for tomatoes ..those fuckers are hard to grow here ... but yeah its a hobby for me too , folks go crazy for these cukes ... making kimchee and shit lol.

Tomatoes are a real fucker to grow, but I've had the best luck growing cherry tomatoes, every know and then i get the bird shit- mystery tomatoes... the birds really must really enjoy my neighbors tomato plants, when the birds shit on my garden...whammo i get tomato plants..lmfao
Yeah tomatoes are hard a Filipino coworker of mine gave me all kind of seeds he grows long beans all kine and some tomatoes those grew the best for me in regards to the larger Tom. Strains there family has a small piece of age. Land maybe 2 acres.
No matter what the legislature passes or doesn't pass how many of you will continue to grow blue card or not?

There is no motherfucker on this planet that has dominion over me. We all die. I will do as I damn well please and not hurt a soul along the way....unless you fuck with me or mines......
In recent years a growing number of reports have appeared which concluded that some of today's foods are not as nutritious as those eaten in the past. A report in the Journal of Complimentary Medicine in 2001 pointed out that US and UK Government statistics show a decline in trace minerals of up to 76% in fruit and vegetables over the period 1940 to 1991. (1)
In 2003 News Canada reported that today's fruit and vegetables contain far fewer nutrients than they did 50 years ago. They claimed that potatoes, tomatoes, bananas and apples were notably less nutritious. For example, the study (source unidentified) found that potatoes had lost 100 % of their vitamin A content, 57% of their vitamin C and iron, and 28% of their calcium. The report went on to examine data from the US Department of Agriculture involving vegetable quality, which showed that over the entire 20th century the average mineral content of such vegetables as cabbage, lettuce, spinach and tomatoes (a fruit!), declined from 400mg to less than 50mg. (2)
In 2004 a report in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition examined food composition changes from 1950 to 1999 recorded in the USDA food composition tables. Forty-three crops were examined – mostly vegetables. The conclusion was that there were statistically reliable declines for 6 nutrients. The declines were observed in protein, calcium, phosphorous, iron, riboflavin and ascorbic acid. The declines were not insignificant. e.g. 6% in the case of protein and 38% for the B vitamin riboflavin. (3) The UK publication Food Magazine early this year published an analysis of food quality changes in the UK over the period 1940-2002. The analysis was based on the well-known food composition tables published on a regular basis by McCance and Widdowson. (4) In an analysis of milk it was concluded that the iron content had fallen 62%, magnesium – another commonly deficient element, was down 21% and the copper content had disappeared completely. In the context of magnesium it is interesting to note that its levels fell in almost all foods examined – a mere 4% in turkey meat but dramatically lower quantities in many cheeses. Parmesan cheese was the worst affected recording a 70% fall in value. The calcium and iron content of all the foods examined was reduced dramatically in every instance e.g. the iron content of a beef rump steak fell 55%.
No matter what the legislature passes or doesn't pass how many of you will continue to grow blue card or not?
Even if I had an illness that qualified for mmj I don't think I would bother giving my info to the state.

Leave sick people alone! Fix some godamn potholes :cuss:
In recent years a growing number of reports have appeared which concluded that some of today's foods are not as nutritious as those eaten in the past. A report in the Journal of Complimentary Medicine in 2001 pointed out that US and UK Government statistics show a decline in trace minerals of up to 76% in fruit and vegetables over the period 1940 to 1991. (1)
In 2003 News Canada reported that today's fruit and vegetables contain far fewer nutrients than they did 50 years ago. They claimed that potatoes, tomatoes, bananas and apples were notably less nutritious. For example, the study (source unidentified) found that potatoes had lost 100 % of their vitamin A content, 57% of their vitamin C and iron, and 28% of their calcium. The report went on to examine data from the US Department of Agriculture involving vegetable quality, which showed that over the entire 20th century the average mineral content of such vegetables as cabbage, lettuce, spinach and tomatoes (a fruit!), declined from 400mg to less than 50mg. (2)
In 2004 a report in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition examined food composition changes from 1950 to 1999 recorded in the USDA food composition tables. Forty-three crops were examined – mostly vegetables. The conclusion was that there were statistically reliable declines for 6 nutrients. The declines were observed in protein, calcium, phosphorous, iron, riboflavin and ascorbic acid. The declines were not insignificant. e.g. 6% in the case of protein and 38% for the B vitamin riboflavin. (3) The UK publication Food Magazine early this year published an analysis of food quality changes in the UK over the period 1940-2002. The analysis was based on the well-known food composition tables published on a regular basis by McCance and Widdowson. (4) In an analysis of milk it was concluded that the iron content had fallen 62%, magnesium – another commonly deficient element, was down 21% and the copper content had disappeared completely. In the context of magnesium it is interesting to note that its levels fell in almost all foods examined – a mere 4% in turkey meat but dramatically lower quantities in many cheeses. Parmesan cheese was the worst affected recording a 70% fall in value. The calcium and iron content of all the foods examined was reduced dramatically in every instance e.g. the iron content of a beef rump steak fell 55%.

That's not good O.O

What's the cause of this?
Are there any obvious causes for the general nutritional decline in food? Unfortunately, there appears to be no consensus on what the major factors could be. Indeed it is probable that multiple factors are at work. It is clear that the depleted nutritional value of many food items consumed today is an inherent feature of the foods chosen by consumers. A bottle of soda pop is clearly not as nutritious as a glass of milk or even a glass of pure fruit juice. Today's younger generation seem to prefer soda pop to milk.
Some nutritional changes can be explained by changes in access to foods, which are associated with trade related matters. In Britain, and probably in many other European countries dietary selenium levels have fallen dramatically in the last thirty years, to around half their earlier values. That decline appears to be due primarily to changes in trade regulations, which resulted in dramatic reductions of Canadian and US selenium-rich wheat imports. As a result, bread was produced from low selenium wheat of European origin. This illustrates how important nutritional changes can go unnoticed. Official exhortations to eat two or three pieces of bread each day do not address this problem.
Many modern farming practices lead to a reduction in quality. Grass-fed cattle produce meat that is much higher in nutrients like beta-carotene and vitamin E than their feedlot counterparts. Visit Jo Robinson's website for details – www.eatwild.com
Other nutritional changes can be attributed to changes in industrial practices. In the latest national food survey here in New Zealand (5) iodine was found to be the most deficient element. One reason for the reduced amount in dairy products relates to the declining use of Iodoform disinfectants on equipment used in the dairy industry.
Canadian researcher Harold Foster believes that pollution has resulted in chemical changes in soils, which affects the bio-availability of elements like selenium. Thus the plants grown on them are deficient in the nutrients concerned. He believes that selenium deficiency is a key factor in the current world AIDS epidemic and the increased prevalence of other viral diseases. (6) One of the leading researchers in the field is Donald Davis, a biochemist at the University of Texas. He has been writing and speaking on the causes of declining food quality for years. At a recent meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science at St Louis he discussed the causes and possible solutions to the problem. Davis believes that the cause lies in the way food is grown, processed and prepared. He points out that the commercial imperatives of high-yield, fast growing crops result in a sacrifice of quality. He also observed that recent studies, (which have examined the effects on antioxidant levels of reversing these changes), have revealed that several organic growing methods can increase the broad antioxidant content of produce. Davis observes, "On average, antioxidant levels increased by about 30 percent in carefully designed comparative trials. Organically grown produce offers significantly enhanced health-promoting qualities, contributing to the achievement of important national public health goals." (7)
Yeah tomatoes are hard a Filipino coworker of mine gave me all kind of seeds he grows long beans all kine and some tomatoes those grew the best for me in regards to the larger Tom. Strains there family has a small piece of age. Land maybe 2 acres.

I was talking to one of the grow masters at the pearl city urban garden center, he basically stated certain tomatoes varietals do better at certain elevations, I've grew out some beefsteaks and they did okay, after the first sets of fruits ripened the plants developed a silver shiny kind of fungus I believe, and most of the tomatoes I grow develop the same fungus, but the cherry varietals seem to be a little more resistant to the fungus. I’ve also notice when I aggressively spray the tomatoes with EM-1 it takes a little longer for the fungus to develop.
How many of you have the ability to watch Net Flicks online? There is a poop load of documentaries that support what Surf'd recently posted....I have to admit I'm a bit of a Net Flicks junkie...lol... If you rely on the mainstream media as your sole source of information, you're only getting one side of the story. if you really want to be well informed, you need to seek information from independent media sources.
Netfilx is a gold mine for documentaries on demand. My wife and I watch em all the time... lots of good stuff on nutrition, Gerson Diet, etc, as well as environmental stuff. Oh, and even some on this stuff called WEED. Who woulda thought?
Netfilx is a gold mine for documentaries on demand. My wife and I watch em all the time... lots of good stuff on nutrition, Gerson Diet, etc, as well as environmental stuff. Oh, and even some on this stuff called WEED. Who woulda thought?

Have you seen Independent Intervention? The Gerson diet documentary was awesome! The majority of the veggies i grow now are primarily used for juicing. (Beets, Carrots, Kale ect.)
In reference to not being a pill head? lol I swear Kona some of you post I swear your on something lol jokeing, but kinda not.

We luv crazy bitches on RIU.

Whatever you have no clue what I have been through in the last 9 years with 4 brain injuries man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They have me on so many damn pills I fucking hate them all, they say try this it might help.....nope it doesn't so they say try this one, nope it doesn't help either................all I want is to smoke my pot in peace and never have another guy take advantage of my kindness or damamaged brain................k I guess I was just too nice to people in the past and thats why they took advantage of me lol well no more !!!
I purposly don't take their pills, so yes when I run out of green it sucks :( ...........I take the seizure meds and the one they put me on for something else, but I don't want all their xanex and pain pills !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have had 5 operations on my back and smoke to relive the pain associated with all that. The doctor had me on so much Vicoden I was like a zombie. I hated it. I dont take them at all now. Smoking is it for me.
Whatever you have no clue what I have been through in the last 9 years with 4 brain injuries man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They have me on so many damn pills I fucking hate them all, they say try this it might help.....nope it doesn't so they say try this one, nope it doesn't help either................all I want is to smoke my pot in peace and never have another guy take advantage of my kindness or damamaged brain................k I guess I was just too nice to people in the past and thats why they took advantage of me lol well no more !!!

I have had 5 operations on my back and smoke to relive the pain associated with all that. The doctor had me on so much Vicoden I was like a zombie. I hated it. I dont take them at all now. Smoking is it for me.

I love hearing how the herb helps you guys. It contradicts all those fools who keep saying "Marijuana has no medicinal value." Fucking idiots lol