Hawaii Growers


Well-Known Member
Im not quite sure. It was just some bagseed from north side maui. I have 13 of them, but some are kinda real light tan looking, so I only germed 2 that looked good for now. going to pollinate the first time around if I can, then do cloning.


Well-Known Member
What it do 666 I feel u for being causious and shit bra but neverrrr r u seriousss??? I no stickyscissors on my friends list I met up wit him ..what it gon take for me to have u believe me??? Check all my posts man...Peacee..sour.


Active Member
Okay, so I finally got the dolomite. Now my question is how do I apply it. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. It's the one that comes in the 50 lb bag. Mahalos


Well-Known Member
Hey Cooter, I got a question for you. I know indica = body high, sativa = heady high, but what if I harvested an indica when the trichomes are cloudy, would that give me more of a sativa type of high?


Well-Known Member
Hey Cooter, I got a question for you. I know indica = body high, sativa = heady high, but what if I harvested an indica when the trichomes are cloudy, would that give me more of a sativa type of high?
Good question, you know it really depends on the strain. you'd really need to grow them out at different levels of ripeness to know for sure, with all the variance from strain to strain it's a difficult question to answer

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
Eh Bobo,

We use kale, beets, carrots, celery, apples, fresh ginger, and lemons. I like to use a lot of root vegetables, loads of vitamins in those buggah's. It's funny you mention Meyer lemons...i have a Meyer lemon tree that is always producing fruit...i love it. Last year i planted a citrus hedge, soon I'll have blood orange,ruby red grapefruit,eureka lemon, tangerine, lime, and kumquats .
The Tuscan kale sounds killer! I just planted some turnips, jicama and swiss chard to throw into the mix, I love to get my hands on some fresh turmeric root.
Had to take a break cuz I was feelin pretty dissed around here. Perhaps I was misunderstood- but either way no one gave me the benefit of the doubt and it hurt my feelings. I also ended a 5 year relationship same day- so I had it coming from all angles. I also know others can have bad days so I'll say this: I have some organic turmeric rhizome if u want me to mail it out.

East Hawaii

Well-Known Member
I got Green Kush, Black Kush and PURPPLE Kush HAHAHAHAHAHA
You can have anything you want as long as it's KUSH !!! hahahahaha:clap:
Great job for a Punatic HaHAHA The only thing you can improve on is can you make the pictures up right I get sore neck looking at them if they were junk buds no problem I wouldn't look long but that is not the case. Hope we have some more of that summer type weather again. Laters


Well-Known Member
Less than 48 hours (will be 48 hours at 10:50 tonight) and 1 seed has popped and got about a 1/4 inch long tail! Going to wait till im off work tomorrow to plant it in some soil. Hopefully the other seed will pop by then.


im soaking some rockwool now with very little dip and grow rooting agent (and I mean tiny bit so it may not even do anything), but what are your guys' views on putting seed in either a cube or straight into soil? Im going to get some black gold soon, but for now I have FFOF. thats why I was thinking I should start in rockwool so the seed doesnt get burned.


Well-Known Member
808- You probably have nothing to worry about(unless you blowing it up, but even then you more than likely not gonna get busted from this website), RIU wasn't the only canna site that got hacked the other day...

But by all means make sure you and family are safe and comfortable first and foremost......