30 Day Art Challenge

Ooh, I've seen these things on DeviantArt, but never got around to it...

Love It! Especially the nose and lips x Nice touch with the love heart curls. I shall start tomorrow x
Ooh, I've seen these things on DeviantArt, but never got around to it...

Love It! Especially the nose and lips x Nice touch with the love heart curls. I shall start tomorrow x

Thanks Kuroi :) I am out of practice-- I'm thinking 30 days of drawing might get me back in shape. I'm excited to see yours!
i'll do rough 5 minute sketches with no erasing for it, but i don't feel like taking the time drawing things i don't want to draw lol.
30 seconds, my contribution.

good day to you sir!

not my cat, just a cat... with a top hat.. and a monocle.
forgot a bow tie though.

thanks for the picture turn, not sure why it uploaded sideways but i didn't feel like doing another captcha in tinypic. i hate those fucking things.
Soooo I'm just all alone here in this thread--except for a couple visits and the lovely cat w/monocle by James, but that's okay. if I abandon the thread then I am admitting lameness but if I continue by myself that too is lame. So the question is-- is it fun? And for now it is :)

#4 Fav Place. would be in my garden. These are some moon flowers.
your pictures confuse me.
like the cat and and the picture of yourself look all hand drawn.

then the lady looks like a cutout but it matches the background. and then i can't tell what you did with the garden picture.
your pictures confuse me.
like the cat and and the picture of yourself look all hand drawn.

then the lady looks like a cutout but it matches the background. and then i can't tell what you did with the garden picture.

Hi James :) Thanks for stopping by! yes, you would be right--it's both. I riff off pic's--the lady is cut out and the garden one is a photo I took then glued to a piece of paper and drew on it. . .

another drawing from you would be swell--when you're in the mood. . . .