Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

Well frankly I don't even know if co2 yields better or worse than butane, but iso-butane is a lot cleaner than n-butane. N meaning normal and iso having been isomerized containing isomers. Like the difference between hexane and cyclohexane. Matt if your near los angeles take a look into co2 methods before deciding on purchasing the tsunami recirculator. There isn't any room for that thing to ever pay for itself with butane being so costly, approximatly costing 4-6 times as much as carbon dioxide w yield not being the main attraction, 85% being a really high expectation, you would start counting chickens b4 they hatch. Realistically a 60% recovery would impress me, but then there's that taste like tane thing spicen up the back of my throat, and I want another dab after is way more common than my current ritual.
Well frankly I don't even know if co2 yields better or worse than butane, but iso-butane is a lot cleaner than n-butane. N meaning normal and iso having been isomerized containing isomers. Like the difference between hexane and cyclohexane. Matt if your near los angeles take a look into co2 methods before deciding on purchasing the tsunami recirculator. There isn't any room for that thing to ever pay for itself with butane being so costly, approximatly costing 4-6 times as much as carbon dioxide w yield not being the main attraction, 85% being a really high expectation, you would start counting chickens b4 they hatch. Realistically a 60% recovery would impress me, but then there's that taste like tane thing spicen up the back of my throat, and I want another dab after is way more common than my current ritual.

i love how your all obsessed with recovery % from original product when not one of you has actually considered WHAT this actually means. just because you can recover 60% in weight of your original material in your extract, doesnt mean you did a good job of extraction. people should be concerned with making a pure/clean product. after that yeild is a direct result of the cannabinoid content of the material your processing (by the way if your getting 60% recovery, theres ALOT of garbage in your extract.. simple math will prove this)
i love how your all obsessed with recovery % from original product when not one of you has actually considered WHAT this actually means. just because you can recover 60% in weight of your original material in your extract, doesnt mean you did a good job of extraction. people should be concerned with making a pure/clean product. after that yeild is a direct result of the cannabinoid content of the material your processing (by the way if your getting 60% recovery, theres ALOT of garbage in your extract.. simple math will prove this)
agreed. the only % recovery that matters is recapture of solvents. and few are doing this.

CO2 is not a good solvent for making cannabis extracts for many reasons. mostly the energy required to keep it subcritical liquid phase.
agreed. the only % recovery that matters is recapture of solvents. and few are doing this.

CO2 is not a good solvent for making cannabis extracts for many reasons. mostly the energy required to keep it subcritical liquid phase.

i also agree, c02 is a terrible compound to use as a solvent, its properties to maintain proper extraction is beyond 99% of the worlds capabilitys, even then... the hydrocarbon solvent based extracts.... in my opinion, look. taste and smell better than c02 extract.

as for solvent recovery... some most definitely this makes sense... iso. fuck that... way to much work for a 75% recovery on something that dont cost nothing anyways!
but iso-butane is a lot cleaner than n-butane. N meaning normal and iso having been isomerized containing isomers. Like the difference between hexane and cyclohexane.

Please elaborate. From a chemical point of view this makes zero sense. An isomer does not mean cleaner, it simply means the atoms are rearranged slightly differently. In fact Iso-butane is more commonly used in low quality lighter refills, pure n-butane is a lot harder to come by.

Also, can you try to proof read what you say? The bold part makes no sense at all.

Edit: Also...hexane vs cyclohexane is COMPLETELY different then n-butane vs iso-butane. Hexane has a formula of C6H14, cyclo has a formula of C6H12. They are NOT isomers of each other. Please if you're going to start spitting all this bull shit, at least know what the fuck you're talking about.
The Flav from my garden, butane lighter fluid hash oil, 4-ways just to flex the ol' erl muscles.
Top left clockwise: Budder, Cryogenic Powder, Wax, Sap :mrgreen: still cooking the sap ;)

Taking my 29mm for a test ride. Im preparing for something real... realllll big. Stay tuned....

This is why I havnt updated my thread in a week. Bee
And fasfil is g2g in my opinion.. the dispensary loved it..
disspite color that shit was fresh as fuck. its rather dissapointing to see money thrown away like that. not cuz butanes dirty, but cuz its so narrow spectumed in ability to dissolve desired compounds of interest from matrix. not as complete a extract nor high when compared to co2.