What's For Dinner Tonight?

no... they're called putas around here.

I stopped calling them anything. Funny story (maybe not)...
I used to know two native sisters, one huge and the other a sloot. They loved to flame war with me for kicks until I named them Pork-a-hontis and Skank-agawea. This went over like a fart in a phone booth.
I stopped calling them anything. Funny story (maybe not)...
I used to know two native sisters, one huge and the other a sloot. They loved to flame war with me for kicks until I named them Pork-a-hontis and Skank-agawea. This went over like a fart in a phone booth.

I'm surprised you survived the ordeal. LOL
Thank Johnny. Pork and leek dumplings it is. You totally effected what someone on the other side of the country is going to eat tonight. Tell me, does that make you feel powerful?
Thank Johnny. Pork and leek dumplings it is. You totally effected what someone on the other side of the country is going to eat tonight. Tell me, does that make you feel powerful?

It was just like on Highlander when he beheads the last toolbag. I'm still tingling.

EDIT: I love dumplings. They are my ultimate test of asian cooking. I get a little excited when I see them coming if they have paper thin dough, because that tells you a skilled person made them. And when the dough is perfect, you know the filling will be too. I seriously love them. Some day I'll try my hand at it.