Chick FREAKS THE FUCK OUT in college classroom about evolution!


Well-Known Member
That bitch CRAY!! :o

I'd of speared a bitch if she touched me or started screaming in my face and it would have been toooooooootally justifiable! Damn!
She was threatening white and Arab? students with physical harm based on their skin color while using derogatory racial slurs. Too bad those hate crime laws only work one way.
what a horrible way to spend 3:58

the whole time I was hoping that one of the girls would sock her in the face or at least rip that horrible weave off of her head.

She mean.
Yeah really pisses me off I get called aggressive secular by religious retards, I think it should be called passive secularism,after all I don't go around trying to force my beliefs on others,killing those that disagree and so on,personally really hate flags/boarders/race/religion,they are all b/s manners of keeping us hating on each other,and divided,as together we stand divided we fall,and that is why we a trained that those things matter.
Retarded and dangerous.
omg but god created da earth and da univers n rested on da 7thday then their was light so he did it all in the dark also the earth is flat and in da center of da universe god said that too bro really dont fuk with god cuz u go to hell theres fire n shit .... serius br0
Ok, the video isn't working for me but religion has nothing to do with it. She may be a crazy, racist bitch but that's about it. If she believed in god she'd believe that we were all created our own race and god loves all of them them. Maybe the Jews are a little segregated but they got their own lordly spanking. As for screaming and cussing in class, it's just unacceptable, whatever your beliefs. Black people who hate other races are unpicking years and years of work towards eliminating prejudice. It drives me crazy, because it helps no one. Why perpetuate the hate?