Obama's out


New Member
I'm thinking Edwards will come out for Obama, straighten him out on the healthcare scenario, and it will all be good.


Active Member
The pastor told the truth watch the whole vid.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/FqPUXjFYh38&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/FqPUXjFYh38&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

If you disagree it's because you can't handle the truth.


Well-Known Member
What would happen if a shit tonne of ppl would vote "none of the above"?

What if the popular vote was won by "none of the above"?


New Member
The pastor told the truth watch the whole vid.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/FqPUXjFYh38&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/FqPUXjFYh38&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

If you disagree it's because you can't handle the truth.
You are exactly right. I've said that a few times on here my self. The guy spoke the truth and he's getting crucified because the capitalist society can't handle the truth. To see how sick the whole thing is, the right wing is so afraid of the truth that they even went after one of his parishioners. It's not enough to go after someone on the issues, Which they'd lose big time, they try and assassinate his character by association. Sick shit.


Well-Known Member
how can you fault someone for something they didnt even say?

i be damn if im held accountable for another man's word(s)

i am my own man.
Obama hired this guy to his campaign as his "spritual advisor". When you hire an anti-white, anti-jewish, anti-italian, and anti-american pastor, it's going to create problems.

Stop and ask yourself, what if McCain hired a spiritual advisor from the KKK? What do you think would happen to his chances at the white house?


Well-Known Member
Obama hired this guy to his campaign as his "spritual advisor". When you hire an anti-white, anti-jewish, anti-italian, and anti-american pastor, it's going to create problems.

Stop and ask yourself, what if McCain hired a spiritual advisor from the KKK? What do you think would happen to his chances at the white house?
That was totally unfair! Obama gets a free pass because he has been anointed the sacred son. You cannot compare him to common white people in anyway. That miserable hussy Geraldine Ferraro said if Obahma were white he would be nothing special. And then Butch Clinton excommunicated the wacko from the campaign. Hell, Butch would have thrown her out of the Democratic Party, and then bitch-clapped her, if she could have.

So now straighten up and show proper humble reverence to the anointed son.


New Member
That was totally unfair! Obama gets a free pass because he has been anointed the sacred son. You cannot compare him to common white people in anyway. That miserable hussy Geraldine Ferraro said if Obahma were white he would be nothing special. And then Butch Clinton excommunicated the wacko from the campaign. Hell, Butch would have thrown her out of the Democratic Party, and then bitch-clapped her, if she could have.

So now straighten up and show proper humble reverence to the anointed son.
What nonsense.


Well-Known Member
so after the discussion.who's everybody voting for?I don't know myself.its so hard to get the facts.
the facts seem simple enough. obama's a fool, clinton's an opportunistic bitch and mccain will probably just follow in bush's footsteps. go ahead and slit your wrists now, avoid the election day rush.


Well-Known Member
Vote McCain. Even if you are democrat. He is the only one of the 3 frontrunners that has actually done anything good for this country. He served in the military and payed a huge price. What have Billary or B. Hussein Obama done for this country except fundraise and step on heads ?

He is not going to be a bush clone- his POW experience will keep him from invading a nation everytime they sneeze. I know the choice isn't easy, but this is what I am doing unless some last minute news breaks and I find out McCain was arrested in a hotel room in D.C. for buying cocaine from Al Sharpton or something.


Well-Known Member
alright so who are you voting for?
if this was directed at me, i'm afraid i'll be of little help. a long time ago, when i was first eligible to vote, i thought long and hard about the concept, voting to decide who will have control over my life. from an early age i understood that man's natural state, his ultimate state, is anarchism. abdicating control over one's life is a denial of the individual's intellect and his ability to form a workable code of ethics. so why would i willingly hand over that sort of power to someone whose only goal in life seemed to be the control of others? though i would love to feel that my opinion in some small way influenced the destiny of the nation, it seems hypocritical to attempt to use a ballot to gain that sort of control and legitimize a system in which i have no faith. even voting strictly on individual issues buys into that system, as each proposition is directly or indirectly linked to politicians and their success or failure will add to or subtract from the influence of those people.

i find enough hypocrisy in my life without adding to it by such means. as i refuse to be governed by others, so i refuse to attempt to govern others.


New Member
if this was directed at me, i'm afraid i'll be of little help. a long time ago, when i was first eligible to vote, i thought long and hard about the concept, voting to decide who will have control over my life. from an early age i understood that man's natural state, his ultimate state, is anarchism. abdicating control over one's life is a denial of the individual's intellect and his ability to form a workable code of ethics. so why would i willingly hand over that sort of power to someone whose only goal in life seemed to be the control of others? though i would love to feel that my opinion in some small way influenced the destiny of the nation, it seems hypocritical to attempt to use a ballot to gain that sort of control and legitimize a system in which i have no faith. even voting strictly on individual issues buys into that system, as each proposition is directly or indirectly linked to politicians and their success or failure will add to or subtract from the influence of those people.

i find enough hypocrisy in my life without adding to it by such means. as i refuse to be governed by others, so i refuse to attempt to govern others.
Now that's what I call a well versed cop-out. I'm not voting because the natural state of man is anarchy. Well the natural state of man is to take everything he wants no matter who it belongs to, yup Anarchy is the way to go. And I sure don't want to be blamed for this fucked up world, so by me not voting, I can live in a harvest of peace and harmony. What a load of crap!


Well-Known Member
yeap! somebodys going to be president no matter what .even if we dont like it,so you got too help change it by voteing.you cant bitch if you dont want too help fix it.


New Member
if this was directed at me, i'm afraid i'll be of little help. a long time ago, when i was first eligible to vote, i thought long and hard about the concept, voting to decide who will have control over my life. from an early age i understood that man's natural state, his ultimate state, is anarchism. abdicating control over one's life is a denial of the individual's intellect and his ability to form a workable code of ethics. so why would i willingly hand over that sort of power to someone whose only goal in life seemed to be the control of others? though i would love to feel that my opinion in some small way influenced the destiny of the nation, it seems hypocritical to attempt to use a ballot to gain that sort of control and legitimize a system in which i have no faith. even voting strictly on individual issues buys into that system, as each proposition is directly or indirectly linked to politicians and their success or failure will add to or subtract from the influence of those people.

i find enough hypocrisy in my life without adding to it by such means. as i refuse to be governed by others, so i refuse to attempt to govern others.
Well thought out Undertheice. I was wondering though, have you considered that if you don't register to vote you eliminate your chance of serving on jury duty? IMHO, jury duty is one of our most important civic duties. It is from the jury box that we can nullify illegal and unconstitutional politician law.



Well-Known Member
if this was directed at me, i'm afraid i'll be of little help. a long time ago, when i was first eligible to vote, i thought long and hard about the concept, voting to decide who will have control over my life. from an early age i understood that man's natural state, his ultimate state, is anarchism. abdicating control over one's life is a denial of the individual's intellect and his ability to form a workable code of ethics. so why would i willingly hand over that sort of power to someone whose only goal in life seemed to be the control of others? though i would love to feel that my opinion in some small way influenced the destiny of the nation, it seems hypocritical to attempt to use a ballot to gain that sort of control and legitimize a system in which i have no faith. even voting strictly on individual issues buys into that system, as each proposition is directly or indirectly linked to politicians and their success or failure will add to or subtract from the influence of those people.

i find enough hypocrisy in my life without adding to it by such means. as i refuse to be governed by others, so i refuse to attempt to govern others.

Haha, mmmkay, Rousseau. :joint: