
Active Member
yo curly!'re developing a little following with those new led's eh? haha...i have to admit im a little tempted myself now...looking good dude...


Well-Known Member
Ok, the lights look nice, the price seems good, now comes the but!

This is a drop shipping company.

After you pay, "All orders are shipped within 3-5 days of receiving payment."

Now comes the shipping "you should receive it within 3-7 working days. On rare occasions, orders may take up to a maximum of 14 days to be received."

On the website they are quite clear they use DHL, they are also quite clear that you are responsible for "If customs or import duties are levied, you are responsible for paying them to receive your package"
Now DHL will levy the import duty and vat, on the invoice total, before giving you the light.(this is in the UK, other countries may vary)

This means a £160 light, becomes £210, £290 = £370, £415 = £530

So your light may cost 25% more and take 3 weeks to arrive

I would say either order from a company that has the light within your own country and has paid all the duties and can deliver to you in a couple of days, or cut out the middle man and order direct from a chinese company and get a better price.

All the quotes are taken off their website


Well-Known Member
I would say order from a company that has the light within your own country and has paid all the duties and can deliver to you in a couple of days

That goes without saying in my book. All you are doing is stating the obvious.

God bless tha aussies (and NZ), i love them but i wouldnt get a delivery from their!


Well-Known Member
wheeew , long phone call :D , alright let me just start with ..... your name is unknow and you have 4 post here ..... lucky im even responding haha just jokes man glad to have you in here , think i said it on one of my last threads but all are welcome on my threads the good the bad and the ugly .... not saying your any of these unknown but i will now address your statement.

ok well i guess ill start with my experiences getting panels from vipar , i live in canada and 4 days after they were dispatched they arrived at my door and here in canada like just about every country in the world you do have to pay duty on goods coming into the country but what ALL companies at least any good company do is they lie on your invoice to customs about the price of the units being sent , my 2 viparA300 units are valued at $650 each and the customs invoice i got was for $20.75 and that was after DHL tact on a $10 processing fee so the actual duty was just over $10. that tax in the uk is something that the people at vipar are trying to not get you to pay..... but ill get back to that in a minute. ahhhh yes thats what i saw the old " its a drop shipping company" .....SO WHAT pretty much every company out there has some sort of deal set up like this and if they didnt guess where they got there start? also just from taking with vipar i can tell you they did not just nab an already existing model of lights and now there just selling/shipping them from china , these guys put in work like mad they built there light from the ground up besides the casing , i encourage anyone with questions about there lights or designs contact them directly as they will be able to answer any questions much better than me . i can tell you though that ya vipar is sending there lights from china but for good reason , this gets back to the tax you were talking about , ya its true that in the uk along with other countries they will charge you duty along with another extra tax and vipar sending them direct from china just saved every body having to pay that extra money towards the cost of the light as it would obviously go up. and you said something about going direct to china .... ya alright go right ahead lots of people do it but your gonna probly get stuck with shit as these factories dont much care for sending 1 300$ unit halfway across the world , not to mention ya you have a warrenty on that product from china but if something goes wrong your responsible for sending it back as well as down time (again they are not going to give a shit about one 300$ panel halfway across the world) so if ya wanna go that road its there for sure but i like having a legit compay backing my product and taking care of things if they go wrong. again unknown as well as anyone else interested in these lights i strongly suggest you give vipar a shout they got an email service or phone lines ready at the given hours , heres the link for there site one more time


Well-Known Member
Uk had a budget today and im sure the chancellor mentioned that this import vat loophole is now closed.

Value Added Tax is a total rip off. We have to spend 17% on almost everything as well as other taxes.


Well-Known Member
alright srry bout the wait had some other things to do things in the garden are looking great still growth still going very well as the plants from clone have now all reached the 2 foot mark not including the pot im happpy as could be , without further adue here are the pics from today DAY 26:


Well-Known Member
Yea, lookin' awesome! very close nodes!!!
Yeah they are lookin great in that department too, but lets face it, most LED veg like a muthafucka. The truth is when Curly flips to 12/12. Then we'll see what these panels really got. I would really like to see some big healthy growth in this phase and with 2 panels in that setup we really should. And flip those bitches already Curly! I want to buy a new panel and I'm kinda holding off making a decision because of this grow :). Good Luck!


Well-Known Member