Ron Paul again?


Well-Known Member
Blah blah bl;ah , usual Liberal type attemepted misdirection bla blah blah......... Where did I " label everything as racist" , find it and REQUOTE IT right here. And I could really care LESS if you don't like the basic fact that I called both O'Bummer and Paul racist.

Now you GOT anything besides a buncha strident avoidance and attempted misdirection? Care to quit crawfishing on the SPECIFICS and discuss the ACTUAL issues or will ya just do the Usual Paulista Lemming act and retreat while attempting vilification of the " opponent" through the medium of juvenile obfuscatory ad hominem.
The only thing I need to avoid is a big fat cock gurgler like you. How much money do you make when you perform deep throat on big fat cocks anyway?

kbo ca

Active Member
The only thing I need to avoid is a big fat cock gurgler like you. How much money do you make when you perform deep throat on big fat cocks anyway?
He said in another forum that he wasn't making very much until he unionized with his mom, sister, and dad.


Active Member
wow you think a lot of yourself. How did you come to the conclusion that my post was directed at you? put up a link. if you were really interested in helping anyone, you would post something more than trash talk. It's real easy to act tough in the safety of your home, but it also speaks volumes about you in person. If you have something helpful to say, by all means share. But if you're going to make claims, try backing them up.

And YET another sidestep in The Lemming Dance. Hmmm So it's a CLAIM is it , golly gee whiz YOU admitted to the racist content of his newsletters , and tacitly of course to their they're a CLAIM......

BBBwhahahahahaaa and the usual round of orders typical of the Paulista Lemmings of an ad hominem nature. So what you gonna do now BOY , when I don't follow your orders. Which of course speal volumes as regards YOU and your inherent arrogance.

Sorry NO " claims" clown , just FACTS , you Lemmings are the lot making the " CLAIMS" whilst ignoring the warts and foibles of your wannabe Nazi piece of trash......


Active Member
The only thing I need to avoid is a big fat cock gurgler like you. How much money do you make when you perform deep throat on big fat cocks anyway?

And that's ALL ya got.............nothing more , just a demonstration of your latent tendencies and your inability to actually come up with a rational , cognisant arguement.

But hey thanks for the convenient demonstration of the intellect and average emotional development of the average Paulista. Gonna cwy and kick your heels on the floor next widdle bwoy?

See I don't care what your mommy told you , everyone in the world doesn't have to do as " you say", mayhap some day your single cellular thinking organism will divide , thereby doubling your limited cognitive capacity.

kbo ca

Active Member
And YET another sidestep in The Lemming Dance. Hmmm So it's a CLAIM is it , golly gee whiz YOU admitted to the racist content of his newsletters , and tacitly of course to their they're a CLAIM......

BBBwhahahahahaaa and the usual round of orders typical of the Paulista Lemmings of an ad hominem nature. So what you gonna do now BOY , when I don't follow your orders. Which of course speal volumes as regards YOU and your inherent arrogance.

Sorry NO " claims" clown , just FACTS , you Lemmings are the lot making the " CLAIMS" whilst ignoring the warts and foibles of your wannabe Nazi piece of trash......
lol no claims huh? from a comment in a newsletter that states black were causing trouble in the la riots (which they were) you get a nazi piece of trash? How hypocritical can you get. get that fat cock out of your mouth and bring something useful to the conversation you lonely, sad little man


Active Member
lol no claims huh? from a comment in a newsletter that states black were causing trouble in the la riots (which they were) you get a nazi piece of trash? How hypocritical can you get. get that fat cock out of your mouth and bring something useful to the conversation you lonely, sad little man

ROTFLMAO.............can you possibly backpeddle ANY faster. Sure that's the ONLY source , sure it is. Your Nazi Guru didn't publish all those newsletters U UH , hasn't kept company with the Birchers and other sheet wearers for decades UH UH.

And hey ya make your many look REAL good , along with yourself. Really seems like you have a problem with homosexuals , what it it? Aree you just latent , or PERHAPS you reflect RON PAULS REAL STANCE ON HOMOSEXUALS..........another " undesireable" segment of society that your Nazi Guru would get " rid of".......

Rather amusing *ALL* you have is attempted deflection via ad hominem , which you'd only indulge in within the safety of the 'Net. Typical of the Pussy Paulista Lemming Brigade.

Hey Boy , I hear that ya gots a purty mouth , come set here aside me on this here log.

kbo ca

Active Member
I'm glad Paul keeps company with the bircher society. Fuck communism. it's all about small government. That's how it was supposed to be from the get. Now i'm starting to understand the direction you wish our country to pursue. I don't agree with homosexuality, nor does ron paul. But that doesn't mean he can get rid of them, or that he plans to. For years i've heard him speak on equal treatment for everyone regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation. Needless to say he's the only candidate that we stand a chance to get out of debt with. The only candidate who proposed tax cuts as well as more spending cuts to make up for the loss of said tax revenue. So by now i understand you are against Ron paul and would have all supporters of paul put into concentration camps if it were up to you, but what i don't know is, who are you advocating for??


Well-Known Member
I doubt a frog would stoop to the lowest common denominator, whether he was racist in the eyes of the public or not, as to what constitutes racism to begin with. America today has turned into this uber-morality land where anything you think or act or say immediately gets you into all sorts of media trouble, based on what those morals are now being orchestrated as. Look, they got rid of the black man in the beginning, Caine was this sort of anti-Bama they all thought he was, but in reality the white man is still apprehensive of a person of colour in power. And it has nothing to do with race or creed or what sort of sex he's having in the privacy of his own home. Ron Paul does seem to be a breath of fresh air, albeit a very ancient type of air given the fact that he's close to being as old as old can be. Regan was old, but everyone seemed to like him (at the very start of it).

But I highly doubt all the pandering to the extreme left of the right will get him elected. This country wanted nothing more than a savior, they were duped four years ago by the incarnation of MLK, or so it would seem. And let's not forget that he was placed onto that pedestal because of the media manipulation and the Liberal powerhouse of Hollywood's elite. But of course, when the mainstream media gets wind of a conspiracy as to where the "man" was born, it all gets swept under the rugs to where the alternative media pick it up. Here, it's bunched in with the rest of the shit, things like FEMA camps, Bilderbergisms, Nibiru and little green men - Kermit being the only viable green alternative candidate IMHO.

There's always going to be factions in the ASS & PACHYDERM camps. And when you have that, others sort of take the spotlight, tea parties, green parties, reformist and the like. But what it comes down to is America is and always will be a two party land. White bread and plain milk (or chocolate if you prefer a change of taste).

Paul may be a great orator like Obama who took most of his style from MLK, but the difference is while Obama panders to the media, Paul panders to the disenfranchised, the fed-up middle class and the common sense folk who've always believed that what's right and wrong is what should be right and what should always be wrong. And yet, however his stance on what defines democracy in this country, there are those that will always force feed the public tid-bits of nasty information/disinformation and suspect false truths through the rose coloured glasses of a dumbed down media.

Obama will be the "man" once again as I see it, because the public are still trying to get out of the supposed nightmare Bush & Co. built.


Active Member
I'm glad Paul keeps company with the bircher society. Fuck communism. it's all about small government. That's how it was supposed to be from the get. Now i'm starting to understand the direction you wish our country to pursue. I don't agree with homosexuality, nor does ron paul. But that doesn't mean he can get rid of them, or that he plans to. For years i've heard him speak on equal treatment for everyone regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation. Needless to say he's the only candidate that we stand a chance to get out of debt with. The only candidate who proposed tax cuts as well as more spending cuts to make up for the loss of said tax revenue. So by now i understand you are against Ron paul and would have all supporters of paul put into concentration camps if it were up to you, but what i don't know is, who are you advocating for??

Hey thanks for the covenient demonstration of the BIGOTRY inherent within the Paul campaign and resident within his supporters. Along with the corollary FACT of tacit admission of just how very LITTLE you actually know about what you're yapping about.

Know a LOT about " The Birchers"? BWHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA.

And the usual " concentration camp" line , while of course YOU are the one VILIFIEING those who won't march in lockstep with you and your GooseStep Guru. Do you specialise in Hypocrisy? If not then you should because you do a FINE job at it.

" I've heard Him Speak".........oh MY , now THERE'S some " validity" , golly GEE ya HEARD Him Speak.............somehow his words when PRINTED turn out to " not be his" , will you now run the " But he didn't say what he said" game too?

I notice you'll yap opn " tax cuts'............where are they? And you're VERY carefully avoiding that EARMARK question , just as you are ANY DIRECT discussion of his ruinous economic policies.

See here's what it comes down to , this isn't a " Paulista Way or The Highway" country , so y'all pissants with nothing more than Ad hominen that sums up to " if you don't agree with us you're a big meany and we're gonna GET you" , just ain't about to get it.

So here let me say this *personally* to you , fuck you and your insults , and unlike *you* I'd say that straight up nose to nose. If you wish to actually *advocate* for your Clown Prince then you'd best bring something to the table besides a bunch third grade insults and rehashed bullshit boring rhetoric.

News for ya punk , ya ai9n't FORCING folks to ' Vote for Paul' , and if ya think you'll do it to *me* then you'd best pack yourself a lunch boy.

Now bring something of substance to the table , discuss the actual talking points. Or hey continue to give ample demonstration of why Paulistas and their man are viewed the way they are.


Active Member
I doubt a frog would stoop to the lowest common denominator, whether he was racist in the eyes of the public or not, as to what constitutes racism to begin with. America today has turned into this uber-morality land where anything you think or act or say immediately gets you into all sorts of media trouble, based on what those morals are now being orchestrated as. Look, they got rid of the black man in the beginning, Caine was this sort of anti-Bama they all thought he was, but in reality the white man is still apprehensive of a person of colour in power. And it has nothing to do with race or creed or what sort of sex he's having in the privacy of his own home. Ron Paul does seem to be a breath of fresh air, albeit a very ancient type of air given the fact that he's close to being as old as old can be. Regan was old, but everyone seemed to like him (at the very start of it).

But I highly doubt all the pandering to the extreme left of the right will get him elected. This country wanted nothing more than a savior, they were duped four years ago by the incarnation of MLK, or so it would seem. And let's not forget that he was placed onto that pedestal because of the media manipulation and the Liberal powerhouse of Hollywood's elite. But of course, when the mainstream media gets wind of a conspiracy as to where the "man" was born, it all gets swept under the rugs to where the alternative media pick it up. Here, it's bunched in with the rest of the shit, things like FEMA camps, Bilderbergisms, Nibiru and little green men - Kermit being the only viable green alternative candidate IMHO.

There's always going to be factions in the ASS & PACHYDERM camps. And when you have that, others sort of take the spotlight, tea parties, green parties, reformist and the like. But what it comes down to is America is and always will be a two party land. White bread and plain milk (or chocolate if you prefer a change of taste).

Paul may be a great orator like Obama who took most of his style from MLK, but the difference is while Obama panders to the media, Paul panders to the disenfranchised, the fed-up middle class and the common sense folk who've always believed that what's right and wrong is what should be right and what should always be wrong. And yet, however his stance on what defines democracy in this country, there are those that will always force feed the public tid-bits of nasty information/disinformation and suspect false truths through the rose coloured glasses of a dumbed down media.

Obama will be the "man" once again as I see it, because the public are still trying to get out of the supposed nightmare Bush & Co. built.

Hey Paulistas , READ the above for an example of a concise post covering several of the talking points without the descent into pussy ad hominem.

Though one thing , the Nightmare isn't " supposed" and it didn't start with Bushleague 2 , or for that matter with Bushleague 1 , no it started lloonngggg ago with Preston Bush , LBJ and earlier.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
That piece of a letter I saw didn't really tell me a thing about him being racist either theres more I havent seen or what , I dont know . The thing is 20 years old , isnt there something newer than that to use against him ? John Birch ? I know a John Birch society lawyer who holds chapter meetings at his home , he got $350,000 for each person in a class action suit , many of the recipients were not white but black . The original complaint was made by a black man , who is an activist for handicapped people I have worked with . The main leadership of the JBS I never met and don't know a thing about them personally just the local chapter which is in no way racist . Paul caught my attention when NAFTA came around , just wanted to see who voted for it so I could vote for someone else . Just look at the way these guys vote and then we know what they are about . Forget what they say , it's in their votes . Paul is the only candidate that adresses many issues of today without chicken walking away from them . Like marijuana , the rest of them want to say little or nothing about it . Same with the Federal Reserve issue . Why the flipping out over a candidate that none of us can elect anyway ? Makes no sense . Electoral votes choose the president anyway and to me the choices up there suck . I can't believe these are the best America has to offer its citizens . Yes I think Paul is the best one but we never know what we got until it's too late anyway .


Active Member
who are you voting for ronin amok??
Wow.... A post with no ad hominem and the like. Truly , I'll write in something ridiculous such as Fritz The Cat before I'll vote for a single one of the available clowns.

And frankly until the electoral college is eliminated and the damned lobby system is reformed not a SINGLE one of our votes , not mine NOR yours really matters , the popular vote is just a concealing panacea.

See in reality here's where I go beyond th Paul folks........*EVERY* damned incumbent in DC should be voted the HELL OUT , and career politicos should be discouraged from running.

They don't ***pay attention to the People*** , they instead pander to the Rich who have engineered the most massive transfer of wealth the planet has ever seen.

Government BY The People FOR The People , not BY The Lackeys of The Rich for The Rich.

Time to take out the trash............[video=youtube;5zC1ML5D3-A][/video]

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
Wow.... A post with no ad hominem and the like. Truly , I'll write in something ridiculous such as Fritz The Cat before I'll vote for a single one of the available clowns.

And frankly until the electoral college is eliminated and the damned lobby system is reformed not a SINGLE one of our votes , not mine NOR yours really matters , the popular vote is just a concealing panacea.

See in reality here's where I go beyond th Paul folks........*EVERY* damned incumbent in DC should be voted the HELL OUT , and career politicos should be discouraged from running.

They don't ***pay attention to the People*** , they instead pander to the Rich who have engineered the most massive transfer of wealth the planet has ever seen.

Government BY The People FOR The People , not BY The Lackeys of The Rich for The Rich.

Time to take out the trash............[video=youtube;5zC1ML5D3-A][/video]
Yes definitely . Thats one of the things that bother me most about these career guys . They get next to super big money and wham there went the neighborhood . But really who do we get to be president if not a guy who's been around a little ?


Active Member
That piece of a letter I saw didn't really tell me a thing about him being racist either theres more I havent seen or what , I dont know . The thing is 20 years old , isnt there something newer than that to use against him ? John Birch ? I know a John Birch society lawyer who holds chapter meetings at his home , he got $350,000 for each person in a class action suit , many of the recipients were not white but black . The original complaint was made by a black man , who is an activist for handicapped people I have worked with . The main leadership of the JBS I never met and don't know a thing about them personally just the local chapter which is in no way racist . Paul caught my attention when NAFTA came around , just wanted to see who voted for it so I could vote for someone else . Just look at the way these guys vote and then we know what they are about . Forget what they say , it's in their votes . Paul is the only candidate that adresses many issues of today without chicken walking away from them . Like marijuana , the rest of them want to say little or nothing about it . Same with the Federal Reserve issue . Why the flipping out over a candidate that none of us can elect anyway ? Makes no sense . Electoral votes choose the president anyway and to me the choices up there suck . I can't believe these are the best America has to offer its citizens . Yes I think Paul is the best one but we never know what we got until it's too late anyway .

Another nicely written concise post proving that ALL Paul supporters don't have to be raving Loonies.

" That Piece" is the tip of a veritable iceberg , and you might wish to research the stance of the Birchers beyond the modern era.

And what "issues" does Paul address and how does he address them. Analyse that , you'll come to the conclusion that it's mere window-dressing . And examine sometime how much earmark money has come to the 14th from bills that Paul purportedly " voted against" Bills that he knew would pass anyway...........and which he added those same earmarks to because he KNEW it would pass though he voted " against" it to look good.

This is what a great many folks outside of the south DON'T understand , Paul is the *quintessential* smooth-n-slick Southern Politico , able to gladhand with the best of 'em without being quite as Prurient as Pandering Perry ( is there a SINGLE resident of Austin who DOESN'T have a Perry " hookers-n-blow nakedstripper on the lap squirming story"..........if so would you please stand UP?) and not quite as Slimy Slick as Slik-n-Quik ( ask Monica) Klinton.

And then finally you get to the REAL ACTUAL *crux of the Whole Biscuit*..................that being HOW damned long AS a Nation are We The People going to continue to SETTLE for " the best of a bad lot"?
