trayvan martin

o'reilly repeat comes on soon.

oriley makes me sick- fuck him, lying chicken hawk that he is
ever since he disrespected the great Tony Bennet
I didn't care for oriley before but was indifferent, now it makes me sick that he has a show
Yes it does. In 2008 a similar incident happend with three black youths. One ended up dead. The two blacks who lived claimed Stand Your Ground, and walked. It was gang related and therefore about hate. No one gave a shit. Throw in some fake white guy, OMFG, lynch the racist bastard. People are pathetic. It doesn't matter the race. Some asshole middle aged dipshit shot a kid. End of stort. X old bastard kills Y young kid, you go to jail. It shouldn't matter what you replace X and Y with.

OMFG this is what i wa stalking about
When I type in murder on google news there are all kinds of events that don't get a thread on riu politics.
this was clearly racially-motivated.

we already try people based on intent and motive. when the motive has to do with race, that makes it more heinous in the eyes of the law (and anyone with a heart).

i knew you fuckers would be more than happy to make this a racial thing. sad little bunch of fucks you are.

Who gives a shit? Kid dead. The end. Where's juctice for Michael Jackson? You're the racist illiterate asshole, not me. I already said he should go to jail, it shoudn't be worse based on race. Unclebuck you're just a liberal tool. Grow up.
excuse me, jackass.

i heard the 911 tapes. i know by zimmerman's own words that he was not acting in self defense, he was the aggressor.

the "eyewitness" is the only thing you have seen about this incident? if so, my condolences at your inability to consume information.

great job on sticking up for a guy who was clearly not acting in self defense. what's your next move? you gonna try to race bait like your fellow fox news cohort NLXSK?

you're betting the house and farm on an unnamed "eyewitness" that fox news, the mecca and acme of reliable information is trotting out.

you are clearly a shitty consumer of information.

may i ask what source you heard these recordings from or would it be <<<<< mad weak i made that up but its a link :x

hahha we steer clear from one another but i must say you have a way to keep thread interesting
And can a minority commit a hate crime?

Because he was a kid, because he was black?... explain to me why this is such a big deal.

If this Zimmerman guy shot a white kids it wouldn't even be on the news.. add some race and BAM hate crime its good news.

The victim is a black person so OBVIOUSLY it is a hate crime...

we can clearly see who did the race baiting. mentioning that this is clearly a hate crime is not race baiting, it's discussing the facts.

partisan hack asshats like NLXSK and low information blockheads like ryantherhino are the ones that brought the racial ugliness into the thread.

and for your edification, NLXSK, yes, uttering racial epithets while committing a crime does make it a hate crime.
Who gives a shit? Kid dead. The end. Where's juctice for Michael Jackson? You're the racist illiterate asshole, not me. I already said he should go to jail, it shoudn't be worse based on race. Unclebuck you're just a liberal tool. Grow up.

so the fact that the main, motivating factor that lead to a kid's death was the color of his skin does not make the crime more heinous in your mind?

you are entitled to that opinion, but be advised that nearly no one with a heart shares your ideology.
this was clearly racially-motivated.

we already try people based on intent and motive. when the motive has to do with race, that makes it more heinous in the eyes of the law (and anyone with a heart).

i knew you fuckers would be more than happy to make this a racial thing. sad little bunch of fucks you are.

Actually it was MMM that brought race into it back on page 15 or 16.

But you are happy to blame it on me and jump right in on it while admonishing other people.... Fucking priceless....
Why didnt he call the police instead of his girl friend? Maybe the "dont say nothing" and the "fuck the police" mentality isn't the best option. I don't know just saying....
we can clearly see who did the race baiting. mentioning that this is clearly a hate crime .

don't know about that wheres Jesse Jackson
Actually it was MMM that brought race into it back on page 15 or 16.

But you are happy to blame it on me and jump right in on it while admonishing other people.... Fucking priceless....

MMM confused the race of the attacker.

you were the one who brought the ugliness in here, acting like minorities are immune from hate crimes somehow.
Why didnt he call the police instead of his girl friend? Maybe the "dont say nothing" and the "fuck the police" mentality isn't the best option. I don't know just saying....

it's clearly trayvon's fault for getting killed, i get it.

thank you for enlightening us all.
MMM confused the race of the attacker.

you were the one who brought the ugliness in here, acting like minorities are immune from hate crimes somehow.

I didnt say minorities were immune, I said all black people are victims...

I asked a sarcastic question about minorities being guilty of hate crimes...

I havent even taken a position on who is at fault in this issue, only asked for people to wait and get all the facts. You are jumping up and down demanding a lynching based on your biased and ignorant opinion. I hope you never face the wrath of your peers based on partial information and end up being screwed over about it. Karma would be involved however.
I asked a sarcastic question about minorities being guilty of hate crimes...

exactly, you did the race baiting.

must be so tough being a poor, persecuted white male nowadays, eh?

I havent even taken a position on who is at fault in this issue...

do you honestly think an unarmed kid half the size of the guy who pursued him for no reason is at fault?

you are retarded.