Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)

The pictures do not do it justice. The fan leaves feel like dry paper.
I did find one clogged sprinkler head. Blew out some PVC pipe debris and cleaned with H2O2. Then I drilled holes in the lid under the net pot rim to allow more drainage.
I aquired a new lid and made the hole smaller to fit my smaller net pots and stop the water leakage but then I realized that if I pulled out the pot when there were roots coming out of the sides it would have sheared them right off! Speaking of roots, there are only four so far and they all reach the water. They are developing nice fish-bone shaped secondary growth. I will get some pictures tomorrow.
The pictures do not do it justice. The fan leaves feel like dry paper.
I did find one clogged sprinkler head. Blew out some PVC pipe debris and cleaned with H2O2. Then I drilled holes in the lid under the net pot rim to allow more drainage.
I aquired a new lid and made the hole smaller to fit my smaller net pots and stop the water leakage but then I realized that if I pulled out the pot when there were roots coming out of the sides it would have sheared them right off! Speaking of roots, there are only four so far and they all reach the water. They are developing nice fish-bone shaped secondary growth. I will get some pictures tomorrow.

Drainage is important... And agree, you certainly don't want to shear off tender roots. Keep us updated.
I just went back to check the journal I started at THC Farmer and all my posted photos were replaced with an error message. Seems they don't allow large photo tags from off site servers?
Wilt Chamberlin day 44:

hey mo, just my thoughts, because you aren't using hot blaring HPS your water usage would be vastly different, if i was you i would back off the watering maybe, it looks to me like shes getting too much water, maybe jin would have a much better idea......i dont know much about aquaponics, i dont think its a nutrient, nor ph issue, i really see a water problem, or feeding issue of some sort, because she's reasonably healthy and bright green, too much water will slow growth that's what i am aware of
hey mo, just my thoughts, because you aren't using hot blaring HPS your water usage would be vastly different, if i was you i would back off the watering maybe, it looks to me like shes getting too much water, maybe jin would have a much better idea......i dont know much about aquaponics, i dont think its a nutrient, nor ph issue, i really see a water problem, or feeding issue of some sort

That's good. I'll go with that.

Good lookin' out. I asked about air temp, but thought initially that it looked like a water droop. So high, forgot to mention it.
oh and your girls are looking amazing jin very frosty and tight looking save your trim and make some nice honey for yourself too :D
This genius has what looks like some evil looking black dirt in hydro buckets. Yeah, no shit it's personal. Who would fucking buy that? News flash, buddy: NEITHER of them did well.



But just to show that all you dirt-bags aren't morons, here's some Lemon Larry grown in dirt. I totally fucking stole these photos from another pot growing site.


And something called "Mr. Nice" from the same skilled soiler.

If more soilers grew like this, I wouldn't make fun of you guys so much.
lol, that video, is that guy retarded, displaying his plants looking like that. but then again, he obviously never got shown how to grow, or he can't read. or maybe he shouldnt grow. or maybe its all that dribble.....hehe poor guy, he probably uploaded that and realized..shit that doesnt look got atall. sorry not poor guy. poor plants

and yeah those soil plants look very frosty, high quality buds, but a stretchy lanky plant,,, he isnt growing for yield that's for sure, al'a natural!
lol, that video, is that guy retarded, displaying his plants looking like that. but then again, he obviously never got shown how to grow, or he can't read. or maybe he shouldnt grow. or maybe its all that dribble.....hehe poor guy, he probably uploaded that and realized..shit that doesnt look got atall. sorry not poor guy. poor plants

and yeah those soil plants look very frosty, high quality buds, but a stretchy lanky plant,,, he isnt growing for yield that's for sure, al'a natural!

Yessir, it's not about the medium, but about the guy.

In my continued effort to keep my journal readers interested and entertained, I'll be conducting an experimental "lottery" with this grow. If it goes well, I'll continue it into my blog. Any of my journal readers in or reasonably near the LA area can play (if you haven't already flamed me or threatened me). Depending on the number of players, I will be selecting a number between 1-50 or 1-100. At the end of each grow the player to guess the number closest to the number I'm thinking of will win 3.5 grams of top nugs from my harvest. If a player should guess the EXACT number, he/she will win 4.5 grams and a little container of kief. Of course you need to be local, adult, and a licensed patient.

In the event of a tie, the two players will have to have sex with one another. No weed will be awarded.
lol funny shit :) on that note i would like to share with everyone these new beautiful shots in macro of my monster plant at day 37....

macro eat your heart out!

Anyone else notice that all the Attitude banner ads are gone since the hack?

Kinda makes one wonder, huh?

Always thought that was a stupid name for a seed broker.