Ak-47 and NLxHaze soil Grow....Pics!


Active Member
Good work GhanjaBuck,

I just read the whole thread, and you're doing a great job for a first grow. I have some AKs on the go too (3 fems so far) and I'm putting one on 12/12 tomorrow, but after seeing your results I'll veg the other two for another month before flowring :)

Some of your lef tips look slightly nute-burned, so be careful not to overdo the feeding, less is more :wink: Do they smell much at this stage?

Good luck with the rest of your grow, and enjoy the results!


Well-Known Member
Good work GhanjaBuck,

I just read the whole thread, and you're doing a great job for a first grow. I have some AKs on the go too (3 fems so far) and I'm putting one on 12/12 tomorrow, but after seeing your results I'll veg the other two for another month before flowring :)

Some of your lef tips look slightly nute-burned, so be careful not to overdo the feeding, less is more :wink: Do they smell much at this stage?

Good luck with the rest of your grow, and enjoy the results!
Thanks for coming by Happiman! I will be interested to see the difference in Veg times and yield. Yeah the tips did get a little nute burned...for the most part though they have been loving the nutes. They are starting to smell yes....I have them in a filtered room with great air flow so the smell doesnt really escape. Do you have a journal for your grow?


Well-Known Member
Those look great.....I have 5 ak47 seeds right now but i have to wait until my other grow is almost done, I'll be following your grow so I can get familiar with the strein....


Well-Known Member
hi GhanjaBuck hows things going? awsome growing man
Things are going great.....enjoying my weekend. Fed the girls this morning....just the supplements....molasses, budswell, and superthrive....they are getting super sticky! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Those look great.....I have 5 ak47 seeds right now but i have to wait until my other grow is almost done, I'll be following your grow so I can get familiar with the strein....

Thanks for coming by Darkstar9. Seems like a great strain to grow....very forgiving......and nice big buds.....so far.....


Well-Known Member
I neemed them really good todau it took me an hour and half. I will do it again in 4-5 days. I barley saw any anyway


Well-Known Member
I neemed them really good todau it took me an hour and half. I will do it again in 4-5 days. I barley saw any anyway
Thats great....I have been lucky so far in the pest dept! I do have some einstein oil on hand just in case though....trying to be prepared. I am sure it wont effect your outcome since you caught it so fast!


Well-Known Member
gawwwwwwwdammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ganja buck I never even knew you had such beauty to behold over wow fucking wooooow