World of Seeds - Space

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
smooth least wasnt any monsters to carry about.
they in flower now or u vegging a while?
got 8 cheesey plants on go in veg n house starting stink like a good un. need switch filter on again already.
got another 4 bc seeds awaiting popping, 2 bubblegum n one bsb. dont wanna run out again n like few different strains to smoke


Well-Known Member
Well Ive sent 2 packages to 2 different people. Both have been in and nothing arrived. When I put the tracking number into their website, it states its at their local depot wanting picked up. Now its either they couldn't be fucked delivering or they have found out what was in the package and are waiting on someone picking it up. Fuck know but it wouldn't be me picking it up
lol thats probably cause you didnt even send it m8, u making up tracking numbers again lol

wouldnt worry too much scotia m8 prob just taking the piss, it dus say on the website only 99% and you aint exactly close, pretty pissed off tho ya fucking pay for next day del u expect fucking next day!


Well-Known Member
lol thats probably cause you didnt even send it m8, u making up tracking numbers again lol

wouldnt worry too much scotia m8 prob just taking the piss, it dus say on the website only 99% and you aint exactly close, pretty pissed off tho ya fucking pay for next day del u expect fucking next day!
Exactly m8 a posted urs plain old 1st class n it got there quicker lol.. Will be here 2moz m8,either that or the cunts hve


Well-Known Member
Exactly m8 a posted urs plain old 1st class n it got there quicker lol.. Will be here 2moz m8,either that or the cunts hve
i sent stuff 1st class to the scottish isle's and its got there next day is a fucking pisstake, make sure ya get in touch asap in the morning when it arrives cause im gonna fucking ring royal mail.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
how do mr scotia. yeah all good watching gypsy wedding with mrs. is it me or r they all got huge tits?
few more seeds in water today. wanna ram tent tis round
and get few plants each month to chop n smoke


Well-Known Member
i sent stuff 1st class to the scottish isle's and its got there next day is a fucking pisstake, make sure ya get in touch asap in the morning when it arrives cause im gonna fucking ring royal mail.
Will do m8,b up early anways mrs got docs @ 8.30. Ma posty usually round 10-11ish so will let u know soon as :-D

how do mr scotia. yeah all good watching gypsy wedding with mrs. is it me or r they all got huge tits?
few more seeds in water today. wanna ram tent tis round
and get few plants each month to chop n smoke
Tv's pish 2nite doob n bed for me a think lol... Av exo goin into wk2,SLH,BSBxBR & EXOxBR all goin into wk3. Got 1 GKxLivers jst sprouted the rest hve wnt all skinny stem n died all within a coupla hrs :-( so gonnae crack 3 Black Rose f2's jst wish a had some cash for supply's,runnin low on a few things dnt think al last 8-9 wks

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
just looked at my plants n me star bc is looking alil droopy. one bottom leafs showing lil burn on it. only feed today n tiny feed really compared to wot i hear peeps give there plants. oh well hope it ok tomoz n pulls through, sure b fine.
noticed my bc eats nutes ok compared to the exo cross. i mean my soil in exo very damp still n me bcs r near dry already? madness how can to cheeses b so very different. my prize bc is different to its bros n sisters tho it leafs r alot more slender. b interesting see how it ends up. does look alot like its mum tho she was slender leafed also.
wot u say scotia half the grape x livers died off? strange ent it? all the enviroment ok? or was it clones u took?
hows the clones if u wasnt talking bout them?


Well-Known Member
Aye m8 fuck knows wits happened first time av seen it n av never lost a seedling yet :-( not got clones goin at the mo waitin to get some coco jiffy's b4 a try again,then al get some psycho's on the go!!

Did u buy the stuff Rob or just use stuff from around the house?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
u not took many before? u seen the footage on u tube n the way they cut the bottoms help the roots for clones? that wot i done n got good succes.
all good asking here but sometimes seeing it helps i find even if the footage is by a goon its nice see wot others do rather then pics or trying understand by words.
fuck it if no smoke i may have a wee whiskey help with the sleep.


Well-Known Member
Av no smoke either mate not since the fairy's got lost. She better get her Sat Nav out n arrive 2moz lol...

Av only toom a couple before drowned 2 in the farm cos a forgit to turn the pump off at lights off. Jst dnt like root riots they dry out far too quick unless u got a prop that mists by itself

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
yeah i just used standard garden prop n misted fuck loads a day. all in lid n side prop n on all leafs.
u out weed also? harsh ent it. i even got cash n couldnt get today. next grow its all for me whahahahahahahah i determined to never run out again.
sat nav is prob y she got lost. wen u see her give her a good old fashioned map of uk. she b swift then n wont mis a street. either that or she been at billys trying the dutch fairy dust and o.d ed on the stuff


Well-Known Member
Aye got a bit of ma m8 that he grewbut this afternoon while waitin patiently lol. He didnt get much though it hermied bout 5 wks in cos he didnt switch his air con of completely so the little light on front fucked them all. 3 bc n a chronic :-(

Goin to get the jiffy's then gve it another go. Been supercroppin the psycho so will be nice n bushy wen take the cuts

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
oh my days the poor man. i had remove couple leds out my thermo heater as wen it came on it flashed with a lil light at the front off it. i didnt notice for ages n then got it in time in end.
u had seedlings (livers x grapefruit) under prop light or hps? i read an article duno how true it was saying hps very bad for seedlings as wrong spec for vegging n that combined with heat temps dropping or raising a lil can hermie ir kill young plants????? dunno if true was on a led forum so prob just trying big up leds sales haha

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
cool like i said u gotta take half wot u hear as bull anyways dude.
bc sorted self out today am glad. debating wheather to flip flower yet or try hold off another week or two or three. wood like big plants in a scrog but have limited height in tent as me led bleaches tops if to close n slows down growth alot as i found on me 1st led grow.
anyways shouldnt u b gardening? its sunny as hell here. think broke me toe today. miskicked punch bag n ended up toe punting the wall to side off it. god dam is it sore n swallen. haha sat with ice on it. going all sorts nice colours already haha serves me right for not waking up n getting coffee in me before tried b bruce lee haha
just checked seeds and am suprised one me bubblegum seeds has popped same for my bsb.


Well-Known Member
Haha bruce lee, can just imagine that matey lol.... Not even checked on the one left this mornin, kinda given up hope, goin to move forward with the BR f2's....

Have you got Sambo's no?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
no did ya parcel arrive. pukka will have his number i think or mayb w dragon.
yeah always seem injure self wen sobber n not stoned. remember having a day or two off wen i used b a bin man( dont take piss as was in2 fitness and running from 8 til 1 pm used keep me fit n healthy plus finished work at 1pm n paid th whole day) and i ran into the back off lorry n split fore head open. didnt notice had cut it thought just banged it so carried on till a gran stopped me in street n said do u no ur bleeding? turned to me co loader n as i touched me head it just split the skin on front n me mate nearly passed out haha. blood everywhere n he was saying could see me bone below flesh hahahaha.
still makes me chuckle. i mean how do u not notice a huge lorry with flashing lights on it? n manage run head 1st? only i could do that wen im not stoned.
was a good job i used b a great distance runner n could run allday so we finished early hide in cafe n had few js in lorry if had a sound driver. i also got picked up from me home in lorry as was 1 the fastest there had crews fighting get me on there rounds so they finished early. haha