Here Goes!!


Active Member
Okay... I have prepared my "flowering" space (a nice sized closet under my stairs) and I am going to put 2 of my plants into 12/12 starting tonight. I've got others, but these two are the tallest and they are both starting to get a bit stinky, so I'm thinkin' they are ready.

This is my very first grow and I'm excited:hump:... so cross your fingers for me that they turn out to be ladies!!


Well-Known Member
ha tru, same with my 3 i've got going, i'm not quite sure. We're at day 16 for 2 of them n day 6 for 1 .


Active Member
Thanks for all the luck!! I'm gonna try, again, to take pics and attach them to my posting. I've tried to attach pics before, and it never works for me... so we'll see how I make out this time! LOL!!


Well-Known Member
Ah its easy just save the pics on ur desktop n then load them from ur click the attachment manager, it opens a new window, u load all ur pics n click load, go back to the orginally page n click post! :) it wasnt working for me either cause of my firewall, I had to allow popups for rollitup to get it working


Active Member
YAY!! It worked!! The problem was that my pics were too big. I needed to take them down to 800x800.

That pic is a bit older, so I'll put up some new ones after 1pm.


Active Member
Yeah, I don't have a whole lot of space, so I'm hoping for them to be more "bushy" than tall, if that makes sense...?

This is also my first grow, and these 2 were gettin' pretty big. I figured, at the least, find out if they are male or female that way I won't waste time and space on them if they turn out to be boys, ya know?


Well-Known Member
in order to make em bushy most people top them and or bend branches to encourage growth to the side inside of straight up.


Active Member
Yeah, I germinated these around the very end of Feb. beginning of March. I am not expecting the yield on these 2 to be a whole lot, because they stretched a bit, so the nodes are a bit further apart. My other ones are much shorter and the nodes are real close to each other, so I'm expecting better yield from those.