Yellow, Brown, Purple, Stuntin' - This plant is hard to figure out.

What's the problem?

  • Nute problem

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Over water

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • Magnesium

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Iron

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nitrogen

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Clone/Cut

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PH levels

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • It's all of the above - sucks for you

    Votes: 9 50.0%

  • Total voters



1) My second grow - first was one plant 1oz of OK
2) Clones rooted - Platinum bubba - started around 3 weeks ago under 2000w hps (quickly realized this was much, bleached the leaves I think.. )
3) 1 1000w hps going now, 3-4 feet away.. (I'm guessing closer..?)
4) Started noticing a week ago that some plants seems stunted

Worst of the worst:

1) Leaves curling under (clawing) - Figured I may have over watered at some point.. but I do have drain holes
2) Yellowing - Started 2 weeks back - Figured I over-nuted (i know.. damn nooobs)
3) Some either purple or browning - This is very recent, within the last week many older leaves have weird patterns like this.
4) Not growing - There are a few plants that HAVE NOT GROWN - or only grew a few small leaves


I've search EVERYWHERE - and rollitup sucks because you can't view pics as a guest.. well here I am.

What I learned could be possible (but need an expert opinion):
Magnesium def -
Iron def -
Over Nitrogen -
Over water -
Over nute (in beginning)

PH is between 6.4-6.9 in all plants, but I'm wondering if I need to lower this.

GNATS - Last week I added more sand to stop the spread, gnats apparently got into the plants and now there are at least 3-4 every time I check on the plants.

Nutes - Using bio bloom 1/2 teaspoon every gallon, teaspoon of molasses every gallon.

Go ahead, please tell me what I did/am doing wrong. I would REALLY appreciate it.

Stay up :joint:


Active Member
IMHO they look to me as if they have root rot to add to your list of problems. I am going to throw flames in the fire :shock: and tell you that while growing in soil STOP checking and messing with your ph. The soil acts as a buffer between nutrients and the roots. They look very familiar to the ones in my first grow before I learned this difficult lesson. If you would like I can go into a bit more detail concerning ph and soil if you need an explanation.



Well-Known Member
:weed:my advice would be scrap these plants and start again. There's no harm in admitting defeat. wasting time and effort after the point of no return is fruitless (excuse the pun) We have all made mistakes, your not alone. As far as pests go the best kept secret of growers is a Raid Hot Shot hanging pest strip. These things are lethal so only hang it in your room for a few days when your in veg and the fans are off. Again BE CAREFUL these things kill everything that crawls or flies including the house cat. Never use it during Bloom. Otherwise in your case the larvae of gnats will be attracted to a potato that you cut in half and place cut side down on top of the soil. Without more info on your soil and nutes as stated above any speculation on the problem is purely an educated guess. With that being said, here comes the tough love. First lose the sand, sand = salt. Second If you have a mentor fire him and find a new one. Now for the jocularity,

"I don't know everything only enough to kill your plants and your cat"
First off, I'm original poster- I just tried logging in - Said I had wrong password. Reset password, Said I had wrong password and locked me out. Confused.. This site seems half broken. To answer:

IMHO they look to me as if they have root rot to add to your list of problems. I am going to throw flames in the fire :shock: and tell you that while growing in soil STOP checking and messing with your ph. The soil acts as a buffer between nutrients and the roots. They look very familiar to the ones in my first grow before I learned this difficult lesson. If you would like I can go into a bit more detail concerning ph and soil if you need an explanation.

Oh man.. If I'm working with soil, is there no way to fix this?

Whats their nitrogen source?

I know water doesn't have nitrogen, but is nitrogen something to do with the amount of watering? Otherwise, I never heard anything about it.

what kind of soil are you using and what nutes all that fun stuff
Soil was Organic potting soil - Scotts or something.. Nutes I've been using biobizz-bloom (50% under what's listed on the bottle) and molasses. (I chose based on what I read.. I figured I'd have a deficiency)

:weed:my advice would be scrap these plants and start again. There's no harm in admitting defeat. wasting time and effort after the point of no return is fruitless (excuse the pun) We have all made mistakes, your not alone. As far as pests go the best kept secret of growers is a Raid Hot Shot hanging pest strip. These things are lethal so only hang it in your room for a few days when your in veg and the fans are off. Again BE CAREFUL these things kill everything that crawls or flies including the house cat. Never use it during Bloom. Otherwise in your case the larvae of gnats will be attracted to a potato that you cut in half and place cut side down on top of the soil. Without more info on your soil and nutes as stated above any speculation on the problem is purely an educated guess. With that being said, here comes the tough love. First lose the sand, sand = salt. Second If you have a mentor fire him and find a new one. Now for the jocularity,

"I don't know everything only enough to kill your plants and your cat"
Do gnats really stunt growth that much? I heard that sand had salt in it, that's why I heard to use washed sand. *noted and fired

No way to save these? :shock: (some are still green and relatively healthy - 4 inch growth in 3 weeks)


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't bother to work with really need to simplify your grow. Pick an EXPENSIVE pre-mixed soil with some slow release nutrients and water with straight tap water once the pots go light on weight for 3 weeks. when they start to go pale add some high N fertilizer. obviously your doing things wrong.Keep your grow clean as possible and make sure you are clean (hair, cloths) when you get in your grow space. You don't have to have a bleach bath each time you enter the growspace but you do need to change your cloths if you came from outside.Also it seems like you need to put your light higher. Start at 1.2-1.5m above the tops and lower it 20cm each week until your around 30cm above the tops.


Active Member
ya green sand is needed in organics but like half cup 4gal soil if making own mixes (living soils)
i see compact soil not able to breath no 02 no growth
i see under feeding all kinds of def's mainly NPK few micro's but NPK is most notable
expensive doesnt always mean best do your research and ull find the right mix for ur needs
most mixes on the market are to hott for young plants this is where research comes in
also start ur own compost pile u wont complian having tons of worm castings to use up and plants love em and ur closer to ur own mix if u want extra ingerdents just ask as there quite a list to be complete and balanced
While I would probably agree with tossing them, I'm still a new grower so I would like to see what happens. Maybe I can turn this around, because a few of my plants are nice and green, but short and bushy.

I want to try adding N - Anyone have a good /cheap solution for getting this fertilizer in-store somewhere?

Thanks for your help so far, I never knew it was such a science.


Well-Known Member
i dont know what you didi but you killed no amount of expert advice is gonna bring that back from the dead you need to restart


Well-Known Member
i would try transfering some to plain potting soil(as little soil as possible from other pot) and water with water straight from the tap in indirect light and spray with plain water once a day and pray to the weed gods.

looks like you went way overboard on the ferts
1) I haven't touched the ph levels ever - I bought organic potting soil with biobizz bloom and molasses.
2) I never put Nitrogen into the soil.. I wouldn't know what to use.
3) Lights are 3-4 feet away from the plant tops, so this is about 1-1.2 meters
4) The strain is Platinum Bubba, I noticed some pictures with purple twisted leaves.
5) I probably got smoke near them a few times... >_>
6) I will try the green sand next time
7) I will try that compost idea as well

Before I scrap this, I really want to know what I did wrong.


Active Member
While I would probably agree with tossing them, I'm still a new grower so I would like to see what happens. Maybe I can turn this around, because a few of my plants are nice and green, but short and bushy.

I want to try adding N - Anyone have a good /cheap solution for getting this fertilizer in-store somewhere?

Thanks for your help so far, I never knew it was such a science.

If it your desire to save them. Weed is very hearty so most likely they can survive. I have seen worse looking plants survive. Patience will be key to there success. I would transplant them into soil that doesn't have time release ferts. An organic mix from Lowes or HD is good. Especially when learning. Fungus gnats are more of a nuisance than a major problem. Neem Oil will do the trick, safely, however I would wait to treat them until they are healthy. Do not ph your water, IMO.
Until they start to recover I would only give them SuperThrive or another source of B-12. Keep your eyes on New Growth. I would expect your plants to "stall" for around 10 to 14 days. After that if they have not recovered I do not think they will. Hope I have helped.


Well-Known Member
Overwatering resulting in root rot. Pull up some of the worst looking ones if you are determined not to scrap them all; examine the root system that has developed, or not.

How often did you water them? When they needed it? If so, how did you know they needed it? Did you lift the pots to judge the water weight? Or just go ahead and water them every day, or twice a day or whatever.


Well-Known Member
It looks like a lockout due to too much nutes on baby plants..some of those plants are just now large enough for nutes at all and you have been giving them all along...flush all of them with gallons and gallons and then more gallons of water...if you really want to save them...but to tell you the truth I would throw all those out if I had anyway of getting more plants...they look can bring a plant back from most things, but I feel like anything you end up with now would be unhealthy and unnatural like things buried in the Pet Semetary


Well-Known Member
"I know water doesn't have nitrogen, but is nitrogen something to do with the amount of watering? Otherwise, I never heard anything about it."

good god man, get a grow guide and read it twice, dispose of that refuse there, and report back here before next attempt. on the double now!


Well-Known Member
ok i dont even know where to start....
wtf is that they are growing in? that loooks like 100% perlite/vermiculite. wheres the dirt?
the pH sounds fine, as long as there is dirt in there
why are you using molasses this early, thats strictly for flowering, and 1teaspoon/gallon every feeding is WAY TOO MUCH.

you say theres drainage holes... are they working? when you put water into those pots, does it collect on the top of that "soil" for more then 5-10 seconds? if so, your drainage sucks.

those plants are all dead. theres really no doubt about that. scrap it all, start over. 1/2 vermiculite/perlite, and 1/2 dirt. make sure theres plenty of drain holes. dont use some crazy expensive dirt. its dirt. potting soil is fine. add a little organic composting in. worry about bonemeal and all that other crap later, once you got some green on them leaves and feel more comfortable with this.

whats the pH of the runoff? have you done a slurry test?


Well-Known Member
1) I haven't touched the ph levels ever - I bought organic potting soil with biobizz bloom and molasses.
2) I never put Nitrogen into the soil.. I wouldn't know what to use.
3) Lights are 3-4 feet away from the plant tops, so this is about 1-1.2 meters
4) The strain is Platinum Bubba, I noticed some pictures with purple twisted leaves.
5) I probably got smoke near them a few times... >_>
6) I will try the green sand next time
7) I will try that compost idea as well

Before I scrap this, I really want to know what I did wrong.
1- thats a problem. go to a pet store, get a 20 dollar pH kit. use it. stop using molasses.
2- nitrogen.... thats THE MOST IMPORTANT THING FOR PLANTS TO GROW (other than co2)
3- 3-4 feet above the plants... thats too much for all lights. flourescent go 2-3 inches above, HID lamps go 12-18inches above.
4- strain doesnt matter if you cant get it to live. you could try growing peppers and potatoes but you'd fuck that up too.
5- i smoke blunts while tending to my plants. and i sing to them. and i touch them and they like it. "/bad plant, you so nasty."
6- what? green sand? dude. dirt. water. no funky shit
7- yes compost is good, use composted soil, about 1/4th of that, 1/2 soil, and 1/4th perlite on the bottom half of the pot. for the top half, make it less compost.

what else did you do wrong? i dunno. you need to figure out the NPK thing before you spend another dollar. read some posts dude. theres great guides on here.

read the guild on chems i wrote (linked in my signature), and read a basic grow guide, theres plenty of them on here. stay away from the organics guide. thats like way beyond NPK.


Well-Known Member
Sorry they are so screwed up. Since they are amess anyway get some cheap Miracle grow and add to the water and try that. Not slamming you but you gotta read up on growing.