Alright here's what I got.


OK I've tinkered with growing for a while and thats kind of what I'm doing now.

For lights I have 3 20 watt cfls, 1 55 watt CFL, and a 14 watt 225 blue led panel (lol).

As for soil I don't know shit about it. Using all purpose plant food like I said I'm just not going to put a lot of money into a first time grow.

OK they just finished their fourth week and I'm about to start cutting lite out at nite.


Bring on the hate.


Well-Known Member
no hate whatsoever.... they look fine... the LED panel certainly isn't hurting anything but will offer you close to nothing when flowering time comes... if you want to make the best of your investment and time I'd recommend getting some kind of HPS in there for flowering... it's your call but it will pay for itself come harvest time~


Well-Known Member
another thing.... just noticed the tin foil.... although it seems like a good idea, it actually absorbs light rather than reflect it... pretty sure I've read even glossy white poster board would be more efficient.... but don't quote me there... maybe someone else will have a more definitive answer on that one


the one in the small pot is root bound on the first node it looks like white hairs two of them i dont see them on any of the other nodes. the next node up has small leaves emerging. does this mean anything?


Active Member
the one in the small pot is root bound on the first node it looks like white hairs two of them i dont see them on any of the other nodes. the next node up has small leaves emerging. does this mean anything?
yea that plant is def not root bound for 1... maybe transplant it soon but its nothing to worry about... and as far as hairs i dont think anyone can see anything so thats a pretty silly statement...

on a side note for your first grow they look healthy and green to me... def think about what don said and get an hps... or if its in your budget get a few 2700k cfl's and you should be okay...


Well-Known Member
bro its hairsi mean are u trying to tell me eyes arent any good are u calling me a liar u see four pics u can barely fucking see the plant god u suck this is why i dont post here ur a pretty silly fucking faggot how about that u fuckin fruit
i can see you want be here long......


Active Member
lmao... yea im done... enough trolling... but seriously learn to take constructive criticism... you asked for advice and i gave it... im sorry that i can look at your plants through pics and tell you they are not showing sex... and even if they are whats up with the hostility and name calling... everyone is here to learn and educate and... smoke... i enjoy smoking and i do it all the time... maybe you should do it more to calm your nerves...


lmao... yea im done... enough trolling... but seriously learn to take constructive criticism... you asked for advice and i gave it... im sorry that i can look at your plants through pics and tell you they are not showing sex... and even if they are whats up with the hostility and name calling... everyone is here to learn and educate and... smoke... i enjoy smoking and i do it all the time... maybe you should do it more to calm your nerves...
yea bro ur an insult to ppl like me that actually need


Active Member
so when you have 2 leaves growing out of a node in vegetative , that is a plant starting to branch out. if you go to flowering with a little plant , then you would get the white hairs (calyx or 'cowlicks':-o) and a preflower , then a little bud would grow there off the main stem. if you vegetate longer and/or get a better light , even a cheap one then it can branch out and a bunch of buds can grow there instead of just one.