The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
nah it was herselfs bloody facebook again, had 100 threats found, 70% of which were tracking cookies and there were 2 worms aswell..

tell you social site, social disease`s....


Well-Known Member
Yeah I deleted facebook a few weeks ago, still the best thing I've done so far in 2012, load of nonsense and bullshit.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
fact... i never on it to be honest, people that wouldn`t talk to you if they seen you on the street want to be friends..... bollocks...

shes an addict, kinda like me and riu..hahaha...

funny thing tho, no threats off a mary jane growing site but little old friend fuck was riddled...


Well-Known Member
well boys.....forget about that face book 2 of my mates got caught working and signing thru face book dont under stand why people use any type of site like that but thats just me i suppose

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
is it better to test the runoff for ph or to stick the meter in the soil?. im seeing different answers on different threads around here. and ditto about facefook!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
no were with you trek, can`t stand the site....

i know a couple that fight and argue over it the whole time, if its not her at him cause some one posted or same with him over posting on walls and getting messages off oppisite sex etc... it will be the ruination of there relationship.....

on another note anyone see the american shameless tonight on network two? there growing weed in it tonight.....

no joints, don`t think i can take it, its bad enough haveing a load of imature plants in the press, with the smell i don`t think i can watch people on tv haveing a toke..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
dave i`d say test the soil, think the run off will give you false reading..

can`t say for sure tho as i don`t really worry about ph...


Active Member
nothing to worry about planes useless your scared they are gonna crash into your house! its only helicopters u gotta worry about
That' not entirely true. Spotter planes which are very light aircraft can cover more ground! And they are used in the UK and US, it costs a fortune to send a helicopter out!

Spotter planes can scan whole city's and they fly in circles to cover more ground (do you ever see a plane flying in straight lines?), helicopters are used to scan neighborhoods.


Well-Known Member
A86 how many litres do u feed ur ladys when feeding. roughly like.was strung out last nite man and was watching some program about morocan hash smuggling
nearly lost it love hash lol


Active Member
theres a small plane flying over the house here all morning he`s done 4 or 5 pass`s and most have been directly above my house...

starting to get worried....
4 years ago there was hundreds of drug bust's on growers spaced out over a few city's (one which i'm from) which was the result of a spotter plane doing a few days work....I'm trying to find the news story and post the link for you guys!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
same here trek, love to smoke the brown, just can`t be got, and word now is after the 2 mil they got this week the place is going to be dry for weeks....

do the cops not realise that now all the young guys that smoke and indeed some of the not so old are now takeing d10 and d5 tabs to get stoned, and the plane that was flying about had no scan gear on front of it, belive me i got a good enough look at it he was low enough to read the brand on his sun glasses...

while i mention it, how much heat would the cfls put out, its humid when i open room but like you can handle a cfl bulb when its on so there not that hot!!!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
A86 how many litres do u feed ur ladys when feeding. roughly like.was strung out last nite man and was watching some program about morocan hash smuggling
nearly lost it love hash lol

also i feed them a litre at a time and judge when they need it by how they look, weight of bag, and how long since last feed....
think common sence and a little luck gets me through... mostly luck tho..


Well-Known Member
defo goin to try the simple blender ice /coffee filter trick to see if i can snare a few grams of good brown
love to visit amsterdam 2times a year in winter months dec/feb and honestly apart from testing weed for personal growing its mainly hash i smoke love it
always bring back a 10 grams never been nabbed yet any way lol lol

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
lucky you... never been to the dam, up until recently i could get what i wanted here...

i used to be in the courier business, when i gave it up i gave up the lifestyle and the friends too, so easy acess to drug became a thing of the past..

survive getting oz here and there, as the money went with it aswell... not one bit sorry tho, i got out before shit hit the fan...


Well-Known Member
man no slag it can be done cheap at certain times of year nov is a great month end of jan also good roughly 130 for 2 nites flights an hostel place rough enough but grand for a smoking visit. never spend to much few halfs of hino plenty of smoke/seeds and


Well-Known Member
ul be laughin smokin ur own grade a weed and ul enjoy it all the more im only 2nd grow but the feeling is awsome smoking ur own

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i genuinely can`t wait to get to harvest, apart from th obvious haveing smoke theres the joy of starting the next grow hahahaha...

ah i get where your comeing from mate, and the brothers are the same they swear by it, they go twice a year and don`t try bring it back, just bang on about how good it it..;)

on the growing your own.... things are looking up, there flowering well, flowers are starting to appear all over them...


Well-Known Member
defo goin to try the simple blender ice /coffee filter trick to see if i can snare a few grams of good brown
love to visit amsterdam 2times a year in winter months dec/feb and honestly apart from testing weed for personal growing its mainly hash i smoke love it
always bring back a 10 grams never been nabbed yet any way lol lol
Have you never heard of bubble bags?? The cheap ones on eBay will set you back about €23 total, and Iv gotten like 10g of primo, almost too too good to share, sort of brown out of nasty ass trim.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
well har, hows the form/

going to be dry for sure, around here, got another lot, you prob heard on news, and a grow house yesterday....