
Well-Known Member
soooo there has been a bit of a hickup in the garden , nothin to major but a piss off none the less im just amidst rearranging things and fixing up odds and ends i will have an update and fill everyone in shortly nothing to worry about :D


Well-Known Member
alright moving things around is gonna take a little longer than i thought but ill give yall the run down of what happened , i was checking in the tent today and as i glanced over a blueberry bush i noticed a few small sacs seemed to be forming!!!!!! FML!!! lol went further and found that yep two of my blueberyy girls arnt girls at all ...... GODDAMNIT well i thught it all over did some poking around and i dont know if it was me or the seed bank that fucked up , probly a miscomunication or some shit ... oh well tooo late now and i cant recall exact details of the day i bought em so it is what it is. the good news is i had a couple more rckstar girls going in my veg tent so they are getting called in for duty :D anywho i wil have pics up in a bit here


Well-Known Member
i wanted femmed but there not haha so i dont know if i fucked up or they did ..... moral of the story i need to be less high when i do important shit :) the new girls are in and now everything is back on track with 5 rockstar girls and 1 blue berry so overall not a big loss to me things are still gonna go great i can feel it :D


Well-Known Member
alright moving things around is gonna take a little longer than i thought but ill give yall the run down of what happened , i was checking in the tent today and as i glanced over a blueberry bush i noticed a few small sacs seemed to be forming!!!!!! FML!!! lol went further and found that yep two of my blueberyy girls arnt girls at all ...... GODDAMNIT well i thught it all over did some poking around and i dont know if it was me or the seed bank that fucked up , probly a miscomunication or some shit ... oh well tooo late now and i cant recall exact details of the day i bought em so it is what it is. the good news is i had a couple more rckstar girls going in my veg tent so they are getting called in for duty :D anywho i wil have pics up in a bit here
Sucks yeah I had one I thought was a girl then once flowers formed was obviously a boy :) Not feminized though... so far have been lucky all fems have been female and so far no herms, even on the stressed one.


Well-Known Member
whats up everyone had a busy ass day today like i said found some sacks on two of the blueberries so they gone and i subbed in two other rockstars and things are back on track and rollin smooth again. today is day 5 of flower and like i said the blueberries showed sex already .... which i was stoaked on untill i found the sacks haha but either way 5 days to show sex is pretty fast :). tomorrow will be the last 50/50 feed then on to straight flower nutes heres the ladies :



Well-Known Member
Sucks yeah I had one I thought was a girl then once flowers formed was obviously a boy :) Not feminized though... so far have been lucky all fems have been female and so far no herms, even on the stressed one.
good to hear sensi , ya i dont usually dabble with seeds clones are usually an easy find for me and your assured it will be what they say it will be , although i have wanted to try making some of my own femmed seeds with colodial silver ... sounds like a cool process :D

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
Great catch curly hope your bastard didnt pollinate with any of your females.That Vipar led is kicking some major azz for ya.Peace And I Like to Rock bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Great catch curly hope your bastard didnt pollinate with any of your females.That Vipar led is kicking some major azz for ya.Peace And I Like to Rock bongsmilie
luckily i have a good eye for sacs ....... no homo LOL , ya man these guys were only 5 days into flower caught em early so there was no chance of pollination :D


Active Member
Lookin good! Curious to see how the lights play out. Fem seeds is bullshit and anyone who breeds knows this. Its a gimmick to charge more money without any guarantee they will be 100% female.

Also if anyone understands cannabis in nature they know its a WEED. It will try and reproduce on itself if it can! It will grow male flowers all on its own, sometimes deep into flower. It can grow male flowers because of stress. If you buy a 100 regular seeds and germ them all into perfect stable conditions you will have ~70% females because nature is EFFICIENT, it doesnt need more males than females because the males dont make the seeds! Those males will easily pollinate the entire field of females. But regardless you will get males in that large of a pool, people popping 5-10 can see 100% females, but I assure you its not because the seeds are "feminized".

A good example is TGA Genetics - no feminized seeds but check out peoples grow journals. Rarely do they have more than 30% males, and I've seen quite a few TGA germs that go all female. And Subcool (the breeder) refuses to sell or label anything as feminized because he knows its bullshit first hand.

But alas, people continue to swarm forth and support the breeders who rip people off - charging extra for "fem" seeds. To each his own though.

Good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
Lookin good! Curious to see how the lights play out. Fem seeds is bullshit and anyone who breeds knows this. Its a gimmick to charge more money without any guarantee they will be 100% female.

Also if anyone understands cannabis in nature they know its a WEED. It will try and reproduce on itself if it can! It will grow male flowers all on its own, sometimes deep into flower. It can grow male flowers because of stress. If you buy a 100 regular seeds and germ them all into perfect stable conditions you will have ~70% females because nature is EFFICIENT, it doesnt need more males than females because the males dont make the seeds! Those males will easily pollinate the entire field of females. But regardless you will get males in that large of a pool, people popping 5-10 can see 100% females, but I assure you its not because the seeds are "feminized".

A good example is TGA Genetics - no feminized seeds but check out peoples grow journals. Rarely do they have more than 30% males, and I've seen quite a few TGA germs that go all female. And Subcool (the breeder) refuses to sell or label anything as feminized because he knows its bullshit first hand.

But alas, people continue to swarm forth and support the breeders who rip people off - charging extra for "fem" seeds. To each his own though.

Good luck with your grow!
this man speaks the truth! haha and i salute you sir , i completely agree with you except for one thing and thats what i mentioned about making femenized seeds with colodial silver , i dont know if you are familiar or not but you spray colodial silver on females at a certain stage in flower and it will cause them to make male flowers like you said but since there is only female genetics involved she then produces all (or mostly) female seeds its not 100% but its pretty damn close also any bud ive got in the past that bananas and seeds they were all female i have a bag of 200+ og kush seeds all female so far ive grown lots of em but i have never tried the colodial silver method myself really wanna try it though :D . but like i say i agree with you most breeders out there are money hungry and fucking idiots to boot, i mean cmon 50 -80 dollars extra for "femmed" seeds in my opinion they should only sell "femmed" seeds that is if they dont want somebody coming along and just breeding the male and female they sold them and then turning around and selling the seeds to someone else , if the seed companies sent out "femmed" only people couldnt breed the strain further and they could keep their strains exclusive to them ....... greedy idiots.


Well-Known Member
i was bored and my flower tent lights are out so i took some shots of my veg tent looks a little smaller in there after i threw my two big moms into flower as reinforcements :D , that one little guy is a mutant as well very cool how it is growing , it is a mix of og and bubba kush im gonna grow it out and maybe back croos it with one of the strains to see if i can stable the genetics but either way cool looking plant i hope its a female get me some mutant bud :D

in the first shot the plants are: blueberry(far left) , OG kush(far right) , rockstar(center bottom) and the smaller ones are all mixes of these. flower tent pics up tomorrow cheers all



Well-Known Member
Ha I got into many heated discussions on this fucking fem seed bullshit.....
Anyways curly what are you thinking about your lights performance up to this point? Honest?


Well-Known Member
LOOKING GOOD YO! hey question, what happened to most threads? why did i loose more then half of mine? lol
ive been mad busy and i just logged on and was like wtf!
anyways nice set up homie