The UK Growers Thread!

its actually no bad, paid most of it off as i was sniffin, so its just over a ton although i fuckin destroyed my profits totally, the quality varied as i was using different suppliers due to location and time, average kinda stuff, nuthin tae write hame about. ive got a supplier that i owe quite a bit but ive still got plenty of product so thats all covered. just means that im on the wagon for a couple of weeks till i build resources and then its off on one again. needed tae square up anyway tae finish ma uni course off and sort a few other issues out, like comm service which ive not been near for weeks, if ahm not real careful its gonny be bed and breakfast at her majestys pleasure. it was a fuckin helluva few weeks though, kidneys wrecked and jingly paranoia in large measures!
Hello boys :D My postman finally brought me my new mouse so I'm once again fully equipped to face the cyber world. What have I missed? Has anyone been busted yet? Papers were full of busts going on just down the road, cops getting anonymous tips about the SMELL of smoking, so of course me got über-paranoid about the über-stinky stuff I'm smoking... Anyway kids, looks like my imminent move is even more, umm, imminent, so come on - asking a second time - where in the UK would you recommend I hunt for a remote isolated tiny poky cheap cottage? The more isolated the better. I dance nude at full moon.
Hello boys :D My postman finally brought me my new mouse so I'm once again fully equipped to face the cyber world. What have I missed? Has anyone been busted yet? Papers were full of busts going on just down the road, cops getting anonymous tips about the SMELL of smoking, so of course me got über-paranoid about the über-stinky stuff I'm smoking... Anyway kids, looks like my imminent move is even more, umm, imminent, so come on - asking a second time - where in the UK would you recommend I hunt for a remote isolated tiny poky cheap cottage? The more isolated the better. I dance nude at full moon.

Postman? Mouse? If you can't pick up a mouse in this city for £2 then there's something wrong.

Hell I'd give you one for free! ;)
Hell I'd give you one for free!

So would I All night long