The Seed Collectors Thread

Hey Bman!!
Guess what showed up today...

My GH Flora Nutes.... Its LUCAS time...

among other various things.... And My WW x AF looks like hes Out performing my AF f2, so out with the old and in with the new.... They looked almost identical.....
yes i am posting picsture.

one thing i know about white widow crosses finding i hate the taste or influence of ww on taste.

double white is great weed. waaaaay strong. i still have a cut ;-)
^ its flies flies flies away i tell you F A S T as hell.

internet beefs, hazey grapes, im over paying for seed ==> i mean auction spill over, nagnetics shit, mr fagnetics, gay porn, shity tasting trail mix with those cheap adds like stale everything , nanners on my god damn plush , fucking space princess stretching like a midgit dick in a hot shower ... its all so mutha fucking irrelevant.

...when u can hate gudkarma
...or anybody else who call it like it is

i mean... wtf its only natural as saturaday morning cartoons & cereal.

"which is funny now cause all i see are wile e. coyotes in the room" ;-)
my plushy dick splits banana too.

Nobody cared when i said it ...ow well (dramatic gay sigh) here's some s.a.g.e


Wait until he finds out if he would of bumped his bid $3 he would of won. He was probably thinking the same as WBW, that is why Mr. C asked what time I placed my last bid and it was 7 hrs. before the auction ended. I think he kept bidding and my name kept popping up so he thought there was something wrong with the software
Lol yeah I'm thinking that's the case
Hey Bman!!
Guess what showed up today...

My GH Flora Nutes.... Its LUCAS time...

among other various things.... And My WW x AF looks like hes Out performing my AF f2, so out with the old and in with the new.... They looked almost identical.....

That's cool. Can't wait to see how you pull it off. I just cracked open the Flora Micro for the first time and gave two of my gals a foliar feed. I've never deviated from PureBlendPro Bloom and Growbig as base nutes. It makes me a little nervous.

As of today I am a "single" guy. It's so much change to my life Idk what to think anymore. I have had the week from hell is all I know.
Wow on the nanners galore on the Plush. My pink pheno and one of my green phenos spit them out but not to the extent that I would give up on them. I am taking some down tomorrow and will try and post pics. My camera has a dead spot on it (probably on the lens from but my 2 BCS phenos did not spit any. One of them is fat Indica and the other straight up looks like purple space queen (unfortunately the nugs did not fill out like the other pheno but was taller and bushier). I had to trade Blue Dream, and Plush BCS pheno + 2 GTH #8 seeds for my Skywalker OG cut but if it is the real deal it will be more than worth it. Sorry about the BS you are going through gud, you know I always have your back and if anything I say isn't legit you know where I live....HAHA! Blow some of my gear up and see what happens. That goes for anyone I deal with, in weed or life it doesn't matter. And I know what you guys mean by earning everything you have, nobody in my family has shit and now I help them all out whenever I can. What comes around goes around..... You get what you put in, and people get what they deserve..............Kid Rock for the record.
Go ahead and bump that bid on hellraizer laxfiz, I will jack that shit so high on you that you will NEVER get them, and then GIVE them to hellraizer and LastWood. Or I will DUMP them on you at a ridiculous price. Just won another $6700 to go with the 5g's from a couple weeks ago..... Wanna play? I don't think so. Don't fuck with my family or friends. And if I see your name on that bid again I will hammer you. And thanks Azul and welcome to the thread. Homie don't play that shit
He don't want me. I see his name and I am dropping the hammer. Fucking double dare you...........Really can't believe you opened a new account for this
AND....minimum increment is $1 dollar so there is no way in hell your bid was more than .25 cents over LastWood. Was your max bid $100.00 Last Wood? The only other way is if your max bid was $99.25. And then you jacked your max bid up after we all called it on you, now I am calling you out.
they're annoyed cause everyone here is like a family and we respect each other and dont just try and raise bids on one another. people say this thread is golden, thats because of the members of the thread and what kind of people they are and how they respect each other. no matter what the case with the auction we and i think i speak for most here on this we dont want anything to do with fuckers who would bid up everything on another member because of a misunderstanding if thats really what it was.
That's fine bro and I understand LastWoods bid was low but why jack up someone else's bid on this thread? Send them a pm and try and split the beans or something. I would just never do that to someone on here, ask them if they won maybe we could split them at cost instead of bidding them up. But like I said go bid up hellraizer and see what happens......I will drop them beans on you in a second. Bet you wont go anywhere near $200, but hope you do......:lol: Do you like apples?
Glad I don't F with auctions. Glad you won yours LilB.

Here's a ?: Why do a couple Bodhi strains seem to go untouched during his drops? Last time it was Moonwalk and Dank Sinatra until a week later and people caught on to the freebie. This time it's the Blue Pakistani and Afkansasx18. What am i missing? Untested except outdoors? reports of bad germ rates? I should have grabbed the Moonwalk and now I kinda want the Blue Paki but wanted to get input.
Glad I don't F with auctions. Glad you won yours LilB.

Here's a ?: Why do a couple Bodhi strains seem to go untouched during his drops? Last time it was Moonwalk and Dank Sinatra until a week later and people caught on to the freebie. This time it's the Blue Pakistani and Afkansasx18. What am i missing? Untested except outdoors? reports of bad germ rates? I should have grabbed the Moonwalk and now I kinda want the Blue Paki but wanted to get input.

Well I managed to get my hands on three Bodhi strains in the past month or so. The CaliYo, A13xA11, and A11. I wanted these because I am a huge fan of Apollo and Orange & citrus bud and these should excite my palette. As for the others sitting in stock.. if they had more clever or fancier names they would probably be sold out right now. Alot of the seed business gets its $ from hype. The blue paki sounds good and I know Pakistan landrace stuff is supposed to be fantastic but I think theres so many people waiting for the next OG's.. that's my only guess. I'm sure if Bodhi dropped Space Mountain or Elf snack they'd be gone in a flash.
Uf ur thinkin about coppin them wait 24 hours.. 4:20 promo....

The only reason i haven't copped the x18 cross is cuz im cuttin back a lil on seads.. And theyll be way more better bodhi in may....
my bodhi was all 100% germ and im not sure why the moonwalk sat around i grabbed two packs the day of the drop chem 3 x apollo sounds awesome to me and i think alot of people get caught up in the names and elites game and end up passing on stuff like the x18 cross like i did lol im sure they are really good and what can it hurt im sure youve got plenty of beans that will be sitting along time might as well have more of them be bodhi!!!!!!
Uf ur thinkin about coppin them wait 24 hours.. 4:20 promo....

The only reason i haven't copped the x18 cross is cuz im cuttin back a lil on seads.. And theyll be way more better bodhi in may....

Yea well the 420 pro sucks balls so what difference does it make? Those would sit in the bottom of my collection so long they would not be viable.