New Member
if you want to chat about it go to the thread below CNs post. I don't want to destroy the mans thread.
to look out for trees to shine in your eyes so you cant see it. I know of at least 5 people that have seen one real close.
its just i don't believe aliens have been to this planet.
just like i don't believe in any god or ghosts or any crap like that.
with ghosts again its the numbers for me. billions of people have died, if there were ghosts they would be everywhere. i'm not calling you a liar, just i have to see with my own eyes to believe.
I'm not going to read through this to see if it's been said but I think space needs to be privatized. Competition causes advancement.
Your position relies on the assumption that everyone who died would remain behind as a ghost rather than, as some believe, only those with some unfinished business or a reason or a cause end up remaining behind as a ghost.
And I also did say ghost or demons. I would not swear to what or which could be hanging around here.
I can understand your position of; "i'm not calling you a liar, just i have to see with my own eyes to believe." I said the same thing until I was roughly 40-years old and then began to experience the inexplicable in my own home and have it continue now for 18-years.
That sort of thing doesn't happen to most. But to those it does happen to, they are forced to accept that there is more than the eye normally sees and the mind normally is willing and capable of accepting.
Two friends of mine, longtime friends, will no longer visit me after the scares they had here. After being horrified one of them slept in his pickup truck in my driveway because he would not spend the night in my house. He left the next day as quickly as he could load up his things and go.
In neither case did I tell either of them ahead of time about my house, so it was not like a seed was planted in their minds that caused their imaginations to run wild. They just experienced things they were not capable of dealing with, things that were outside the limits of their beliefs.
Myself, I enjoy the things that occur here. I find myself wondering what will happen next. If it will be something new or one of the things that have happened many times and are almost common occurrences. If something doesn't happen for a while I am actually disappointed and hope it will not be long before the next thing happens.
The USA currently has no manned spacecraft capable of launching from/returning to the Earth's surface! Can you believe it?
What do you imagine it will take to return to at least a manned (crewed, if you're feeling extra pc) vehicle to orbit?
-impetus or purpose
I mean ... I am a hhuuggee space geek and would love to see the USA, either government or a private enterprise, build and operate an orbit-capable spacecraft. However it seems to be very expensive, and the technical challenge has not become noticably easier since the pioneer days of the 1960s. Is this something we can do? is this something we should do? How do you envision a practical, cost-effective orbital travel technology?
This is a little out of my league, I'm not too familiar with asteroid composition, but since everything is star dust, what would we mine on an asteroid that isnt already on our moon?