Kens GrandDaddy Purp seeds!

I've got 5 GDP at a little over 4 wks from sprout. As they begin to take off I'm wondering about training/topping- any ideas what they like? LST, Uncle Ben's? Go for top cola?
I've got 5 GDP at a little over 4 wks from sprout. As they begin to take off I'm wondering about training/topping- any ideas what they like? LST, Uncle Ben's? Go for top cola?
Same I want to top my GDP also need an answer to this. GDP is a 8-9week strain yeah?
I've only seen one review of this GDP from seed and his review said it sucked. I'm really hoping that isn't the case though... Has anyone seen anything different?! I've searched a lot on it too.
i posted the name higher. he didn't really make a review per se, but just voiced his opinion in a random post. You can search for it if you want.
I think the guy who said it sucked had some credibility issues. He was friends with many top breeders and got the beans before everyone else... He might be credible but he was kind of 'dramatic' imo.

A little late now, mine are ready to flower and I am not worried about them being crappy. Ken has been at this for a long time and to release shitty beans of his main strain would be financial suicide for him.
I think the guy who said it sucked had some credibility issues. He was friends with many top breeders and got the beans before everyone else... He might be credible but he was kind of 'dramatic' imo.

A little late now, mine are ready to flower and I am not worried about them being crappy. Ken has been at this for a long time and to release shitty beans of his main strain would be financial suicide for him.

I agree with you. It's a newly released strain in seed form ofcOurse not many people have grown it lol.
And don't buy into ppls bullshit guys ppl who are noobs try to grow and when they can't they blame the seed or breeder.
He wouldn't release a strain with his name on it unless it was good otherwise it's bankruptcy
I agree with you. It's a newly released strain in seed form ofcOurse not many people have grown it lol.
And don't buy into ppls bullshit guys ppl who are noobs try to grow and when they can't they blame the seed or breeder.
He wouldn't release a strain with his name on it unless it was good otherwise it's bankruptcy

I think it's been out for a while, but you had to buy the beans from the collective to get them.
Dont think we are saying there bunk we are just commenting on the fact theresnot much out there to see of it!

Yeah, which is why I wish more people would come forward because I'm pretty sure some people have finished it, or are at least about to finish it. A few pictures would at least speak to it's stability you would think.
Yeah, which is why I wish more people would come forward because I'm pretty sure some people have finished it, or are at least about to finish it. A few pictures would at least speak to it's stability you would think.

I agree! There had to be some test grows!
GDP rep why don't you guys do grow videos like greenhouse seeds so it can give us a better understanding of this new strain and how it grows through all it's stages and measure the stretch in flower . And if it's a stable strain then we know what we're in for and have an idea of what to expect or atleast have a good idea of it. And you can plan your grow accordingly etc