Midwest riu women you need to read this warning!!

Well, alrighty, then maybe we should include Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and drop Ohio, maybe Michigan and Indiana, too. That would be more middle western states or northern middle western states.

The we'd have the southern middle western states. You know where they play real football.
They play soccer in the south?
Oh, you mean, Foooouuuuuoooooootbaaaaalllllll!!!!!!
No, you mentioned foot ball. Is THAT, what YOU, mean. Soccer. Association Football. Football. Or do you mean American Football, by real football? Because speaking from the experience of living in the midwest, aint nobody playing soccer, but everybody's playing football. lmao
Kinda racist to assert to dub is definitively 'futbol' just because that's the word use in a couple of the high profile darky countries eh?
Kinda racist to assert to dub is definitively 'futbol' just because that's the word use in a couple of the high profile darky countries eh?

I didn't know that. I thought that is how they pronounced it in Europe on the radio. You know like, Scccooooore!Didn't mean to be demeaning.

Edit: I can't stand that a lite hearted comment can be twisted and made into a racist comment. Take this as a racist comment if you want to. Geez. I'm done for the night if that is how it's gonna be.
That thread about favorite serial killers is too twisted. These are REAL people that have gone missing.

Ted Bundy you can suck my husband's dick.

So what your saying is that your husband is half gay? interesting! not sure he'd want that info to get out.:wall:
I didn't know that. I thought that is how they pronounced it in Europe on the radio. You know like, Scccooooore!Didn't mean to be demeaning.

Edit: I can't stand that a lite hearted comment can be twisted and made into a racist comment. Take this as a racist comment if you want to. Geez. I'm done for the night if that is how it's gonna be.
lmao You know Im messing with you but even after over a year of this I still managed to offend you. ;)

<3 you. :p
well to put a clear perspective on this... the only way it can be properly identified as "serial" is if there are SEVERAL factors involving the ways in which the crime had been committed...

has there been a common and identical dna code found on all of these bodies, or the has the method in which their lives were all terminated in alike???

or is it just a coincidence that out of the 15-20,000 or so murders a year in the us how many of them were... blond, caucasian women under 5'6", etc...

if these factors line up and start to form a clear picture that some terrible person is "targeting" their victims... then and only then can there really be something to it...

if not... then it is just a bad set of circumstances that have happened to these women and regardless of serial killer or not... whatever happened to them is fucking awful regardless...

and this is really where the money should go to in law enforcement where they concentrate on shit like this and really focus on removing the violent murderers, rapists, etc... and keep them locked up and prevent them from harming others...

versus... well... we all know how much money and effort goes into the so called bullshit "drug war"...:-?
well to put a clear perspective on this... the only way it can be properly identified as "serial" is if there are SEVERAL factors involving the ways in which the crime had been committed...

has the same dna (from the killer) been found on all of these bodies, or the method in which their lives were terminated???

or is it just a coincidence that out of the 15-20,000 or so murders a year in the us how many of them were... blond, caucasian women under 5'6", etc...

if these factors line up and start to form a clear picture that some terrible person is "targeting" their victims... then and only then can there really be something to it...

if not... then it is just a bad set of circumstances that have happened to these women and regardless of serial killer or not... whatever happened to them is fucking awful regardless...

and this is really where the money should go to in law enforcement where they concentrate on shit like this and really focus on removing the violent murderers, rapists, etc... and keep them locked up and prevent them from harming others...

versus... well... we all know how much money and effort goes into the so called bullshit "drug war"... :roll:

OMG canno is the killer and hes trying to stear you off the trail, GET HIM!!!
It's so easy to disappear.

A van parked next to the driver's side of a car. Van door open just crack. You turn your back to the van and bamm the van door opens and your pulled in. Gone forever.

With the release of some many hardened criminals, women, all women need to be more careful. A few years ago I was called to jury duty for a murder case. They snatched a woman pretty much like I mentioned above. Being on that jury has changed my mind about situations and people.

Women-if you feel unsure call security and they'll walk you to your car. If those women had been carrying a gun would some of those women still be alive?

I always make one thing clear. Dont give anyone a gun unless you are absolutely positive they can and will use it Meaning some one will take it away from you and use it to thier advantage
Never thought of dating sites or FB.

Comment on skinning is inappropriate.

yes dating sites more than fb because on match you can put your height, weight, age, everything about you. some men/woman on some dating sites go as far to say they personals [boob size, other sizes that need not be mentioned] the inter-web today. very useful for the criminals
If none of them had bad relationships with their S.O. then I would rule out infidelity or arranged meeting. If they were taken from side roads or driveways then it might be a service vehicle that wouldnt look out of place.

Service vehicle--very smart. My gut says that must be it. Or some kind of safe business van or vehicle, maybe someone asking for directions?

It's definitely a vehicle the killer uses for both work and killing. A utility van of some kind or construction wouldn't go noticed in a neighborhood.
Service vehicle--very smart. My gut says that must be it. Or some kind of safe business van or vehicle, maybe someone asking for directions?

It's definitely a vehicle the killer uses for both work and killing. A utility van of some kind or construction wouldn't go noticed in a neighborhood.

could be could be.
Why assume it is a serial killer, they are probably having a great time in some middle eastern harem ... young and blonde is the perfect snatch.