Will you vote for Obama?

Public Poll: Will you vote for Obama?

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Well-Known Member
in my state, all that is required is a qualifying condition and a note from the doc saying that it "may help".

does it help? who knows. could it? sure, it might.
I actually have a biology pre-med degree.

It is better than ibuprofen for chronic back pain, fewer deaths, patients enjoy it more, more effective

It is better than SSRIs for all forms of psychological disorders, particularly bipolar disorder which is extremely hard to treat

It is an AMAZING anxiolytic if it has CBD

OK I can see that I over estimated public awareness of the medicinal benefits of this plant. I expected more out of growers.

Yes, it is extremely medicinal, New studies are finding anti-cancer properties as well. That bodes ill for the multibillion dollar cancer treatment industry.

The problem is, a multimolecule drug with affinity for multiple receptors will never get a patent. Once medicine took a turn toward big pharmaceutical interests, the cannabis plant became the moguls' worst nightmare. This is compounded by the fact that the same species also happens to be hemp which basically has the same effect on every other industry. So you guys are just degenerate pot heads aren't you? Don't really care about the medicinal benefits?


New Member
I actually have a biology pre-med degree.

It is better than ibuprofen for chronic back pain, fewer deaths, patients enjoy it more, more effective

It is better than SSRIs for all forms of psychological disorders, particularly bipolar disorder which is extremely hard to treat

It is an AMAZING anxiolytic if it has CBD

OK I can see that I over estimated public awareness of the medicinal benefits of this plant. I expected more out of growers.

Yes, it is extremely medicinal, New studies are finding anti-cancer properties as well. That bodes ill for the multibillion dollar cancer treatment industry.

The problem is, a multimolecule drug with affinity for multiple receptors will never get a patent. Once medicine took a turn toward big pharmaceutical interests, the cannabis plant became the moguls' worst nightmare. This is compounded by the fact that the same species also happens to be hemp which basically has the same effect on every other industry. So you guys are just degenerate pot heads aren't you? Don't really care about the medicinal benefits?
Wow, a pre-med degree, I'm impressed (not really), I had no idea such a degree existed, LOL you learn something every day!
I've heard of biology degrees, chemistry degrees, and degrees in physics, but not a "pre-med" degree.
Are you sure you don't mean you have a BS in biology and want to become a medical student????
Either way, you shouldn't get on a forum like this insinuating you're an expert in the field of medical marijuana, sorry, but you do not have the credentials for that my friend, you haven't even attended med school. Hell, I have a pilots license but that doesn't qualify me to fly commercial airliners or the space shuttle!

Are there studies that indicate there are medicinal benefits to marijuana, of course, are there peer reviewed journals, yes, but are the findings conclusive, no.
The fact is, I never once claimed there are no medical benefits to using marijuana, what I did say is that most of the people in California that seek a prop 215 card are doing so for the sole purpose of receiving a get out jail free card and that's a fact. Now, that doesn't mean I'm against smoking cannabis, I do myself, I happen to believe the government has no friggin business telling adults what they can or can't do with their own bodies as long as it does not effect others.

Your straw man in the debate was that growers must know the medicinal properties of their crop, but as you know, I disagree.Tthe vast majority of cannabis growers are essentially farmers not biochemists, a bit presumptuous to ask that from a grower I might add. And the embellished claims you made above are just opinions, however, that does not mean I fully disagree with them. If people want to smoke weed and it improves their quality of life, more power to them. I smoke it for the simple fact I like it, and I think every person in this so called free country has the same right and the government can kiss my white ass if they don't like it!

Good luck in medical school, and considering your pompous attitude, may I suggest specializing in cardiology!


Well-Known Member
Wow, a pre-med degree, I'm impressed (not really), I had no idea such a degree existed, LOL you learn something every day!
I've heard of biology degrees, chemistry degrees, and degrees in physics, but not a "pre-med" degree.
Are you sure you don't mean you have a BS in biology and want to become a medical student????
Either way, you shouldn't get on a forum like this insinuating you're an expert in the field of medical marijuana, sorry, but you do not have the credentials for that my friend, you haven't even attended med school. Hell, I have a pilots license but that doesn't qualify me to fly commercial airliners or the space shuttle!

Are there studies that indicate there are medicinal benefits to marijuana, of course, are there peer reviewed journals, yes, but are the findings conclusive, no.
The fact is, I never once claimed there are no medical benefits to using marijuana, what I did say is that most of the people in California that seek a prop 215 card are doing so for the sole purpose of receiving a get out jail free card and that's a fact. Now, that doesn't mean I'm against smoking cannabis, I do myself, I happen to believe the government has no friggin business telling adults what they can or can't do with their own bodies as long as it does not effect others.

Your straw man in the debate was that growers must know the medicinal properties of their crop, but as you know, I disagree.Tthe vast majority of cannabis growers are essentially farmers not biochemists, a bit presumptuous to ask that from a grower I might add. And the embellished claims you made above are just opinions, however, that does not mean I fully disagree with them. If people want to smoke weed and it improves their quality of life, more power to them. I smoke it for the simple fact I like it, and I think every person in this so called free country has the same right and the government can kiss my white ass if they don't like it!

Good luck in medical school, and considering your pompous attitude, may I suggest specializing in cardiology!
gotta love beenthere, he'll creep on your journals, post one of your own pics, then avoid responding to your accusation. classic.


Well-Known Member
Wow, a pre-med degree, I'm impressed (not really), I had no idea such a degree existed, LOL you learn something every day!
I've heard of biology degrees, chemistry degrees, and degrees in physics, but not a "pre-med" degree.
Are you sure you don't mean you have a BS in biology and want to become a medical student????
Either way, you shouldn't get on a forum like this insinuating you're an expert in the field of medical marijuana, sorry, but you do not have the credentials for that my friend, you haven't even attended med school. Hell, I have a pilots license but that doesn't qualify me to fly commercial airliners or the space shuttle!

Are there studies that indicate there are medicinal benefits to marijuana, of course, are there peer reviewed journals, yes, but are the findings conclusive, no.
The fact is, I never once claimed there are no medical benefits to using marijuana, what I did say is that most of the people in California that seek a prop 215 card are doing so for the sole purpose of receiving a get out jail free card and that's a fact. Now, that doesn't mean I'm against smoking cannabis, I do myself, I happen to believe the government has no friggin business telling adults what they can or can't do with their own bodies as long as it does not effect others.

Your straw man in the debate was that growers must know the medicinal properties of their crop, but as you know, I disagree.Tthe vast majority of cannabis growers are essentially farmers not biochemists, a bit presumptuous to ask that from a grower I might add. And the embellished claims you made above are just opinions, however, that does not mean I fully disagree with them. If people want to smoke weed and it improves their quality of life, more power to them. I smoke it for the simple fact I like it, and I think every person in this so called free country has the same right and the government can kiss my white ass if they don't like it!

Good luck in medical school, and considering your pompous attitude, may I suggest specializing in cardiology!
Save your time, I'm not even reading your BS anymore.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
he stated he has a Biology degree that is a premed requisite...it is apparent that YOU have reading comprehension problems...but most know it alls do

and so you are not again confused I am directing this to beenthere....btw...why dont you STAY there...jus sayin


New Member
he stated he has a Biology degree that is a premed requisite...it is apparent that YOU have reading comprehension problems...but most know it alls do

and so you are not again confused I am directing this to beenthere....btw...why dont you STAY there...jus sayin
LMAO The support group is growing, are there now four stooges?


Well-Known Member
There are growers on this forum that probably know as much, if not more than I do about growing cannabis, but I can guarantee you that you, unclebuck and abandonlittledick are not one of them.
This started out as a political thread, but unclebuck, abandonlittledick and now you had to start talking shit about cannabis plants, something none of you have much experience in.
You can look through every one of my posts, you will not find a single comment of me bragging about my grows and you certainly won't find me criticizing and talking shit about someone else's.

Sorry if your little ego's were crushed, but given the attitudes you three seem to have, I guess I'll take pleasure in it.
lol, and your to judge?
im not claiming im a master grower, you obviously frequent my journals though and post pics from almost 3 years ago, then try to hold it against UB? no comment about that? just a tad bit weird to me. and all the bud youve "grown" is on polaroid pictures, who gives a fuck what you know you probably havent grown weed for years, if you even have i bet those leaves are all yellow.
last time i checked, your the one saying cannabis doesnt have medicinal properties, but mmj cards are just so people can hide from the law, how many times can you contradict yourself on one thread? congrats on being just another arrogant republican who cant prove shit, better yet support one side of an argument then switch over. your opinion is worth dust to me, i question any knowledge you claim to have. get off of rollitup, the last thing we need is some bitch who cant answer any questions, you just rant and quote people until your point turns into a big cluster fuck, a cluster fuck nobody wants to read because you have made 0 sense on this thread. done talking to senseless people, ill leave it at this,

you support Mitt Romney, so you obviously lack a few chromosomes and wear magic underwear. congrats stupid fuck.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
LMAO The support group is growing, are there now four stooges?
in case you haven't noticed I abhor ub...he is an arrogant knowitall that doesnt know shit...no wonder you bump heads...you are the same...and dense as I have nothing to do with any of these post writers....just pointing out idiocy ...yours at the moment...jus sayin

Kite High

Well-Known Member
lol, and your to judge?
im not claiming im a master grower, you obviously frequent my journals though and post pics from almost 3 years ago, then try to hold it against UB? no comment about that? just a tad bit weird to me. and all the bud youve "grown" is on polaroid pictures, who gives a fuck what you know you probably havent grown weed for years, if you even have i bet those leaves are all yellow.
last time i checked, your the one saying cannabis doesnt have medicinal properties, but mmj cards are just so people can hide from the law, how many times can you contradict yourself on one thread? congrats on being just another arrogant republican who cant prove shit, better yet support one side of an argument then switch over. your opinion is worth dust to me, i question any knowledge you claim to have. get off of rollitup, the last thing we need is some bitch who cant answer any questions, you just rant and quote people until your point turns into a big cluster fuck, a cluster fuck nobody wants to read because you have made 0 sense on this thread. done talking to senseless people, ill leave it at this,

you support Mitt Romney, so you obviously lack a few chromosomes and wear magic underwear. congrats stupid fuck.
ohh that is rich!! thank you...:clap:


Well-Known Member
Oh, I don't know, maybe because of the remark you made below?
then you try to justify creeping on me, and post my shit from 3 years ago? you dug deep, you obviously have no fuckin life and have to time to look into my history. you would support romney, your just as fuckin creepy as him.


Well-Known Member
You're just one of those idiots that just keeps on giving aren't you. LOL

You say I'm creeping on you! If you would have minded you own damn business and didn't take a shot at an old pic of mine, we wouldn't be where we are, would we.

And I can't believe you're whining like a little girl about your three year old pic, it didn't bother you capping on my 30 yr old picture, did it.
Speaking of little girls, can't say I've heard too many guys use the word "creepy" just sayin.:lol:
i wasnt whining despite what your weird ass believes, im sorry i dont take insults so personal as to search someones profile, your fuckin weird. your pics look like shit, so does the bud. but you didnt post a pic of my buds, rather a picture of when i was letting it sit in a dark period, something you probably dont know about either. if you wanna compete with bud, heres what ive documented from my growing.notice the leaves arent yellow on the buds either. and theyre not polaroids.

IMG_1672.jpgIMG_1667.jpgIMG_1666.jpgIMG_1662.jpgView attachment 2145364IMG_4056.jpgIMG_3924.jpgIMG_3922.jpgIMG_3927.jpgView attachment 2145370

and the pic you tried to accuse me of, but you didnt care to get one picture of the bud eh? hmm, sorry been there im positive those buds look better than your cartel weed.


Well-Known Member
LMAO What a sensitive little bitch.
hope you didnt shit your magic underwear, btw is your best response calling someone a bitch? you didnt argue anything i said, glad you cut off the only part of the post you can respond to. maybe talk to me when you own a few more chromosomes, maybe then all of us will understand what the fuck your really talking about.


New Member
This is what you want to compete with, what did you get, about 5 grams?
And are you color blind, no yellow huh? LMAO
View attachment 2145899

Not even a fair fight and this is 30ys old!
What is this obsession with yellow leaves on a finished plant?
Hey, add some more nitrogen right before you yank them, it will make those nugs taste primo! LOL