WTF is going on around here???????


Well-Known Member
People are disappearing one after another..people that are always on here, and help everyone they can. Now all there are is creepy weird threads about stupid shit, and cool people just evaporating.

Quit talking about sniffing 19 yr old girls "flower", trolling the shit out everyone to get your rocks off, you know who you are. Ever since the hack and the Fed raid on Fade and KMK people have gone nuts around here. I don't know if it's security concerns, or sick of being fucked with by faceless pussy strangers or what, but fuck.

4 people that I know of have removed their info and said good bye in a week, and that doesn't count the people I don't know.

Another great site is falling apart fast. It's sad to see it's going this way.

What a bummer........


Well-Known Member
Well, this particular forum is all about bullshit, so that's pretty much what you get. As long as you are on the Internet, you'll have trolls wherever you go. Not sure what happened to xkuroi and a few others.

Far as security, this site is as safe as any other on the's all about what you choose to make public. Again, FDD. And KMK's issues all took place outside this forum. If memory serves me, the communications that ended with the guys in the hoosegow were on XBox live. I hear KMK and his girlfriend are free, FDD is still in the clink.

But really, it doesn't do much good to make threads like this, just adds to the drama and the sky is falling mentality. The sky is still up there! I get where you're coming from, but......


Well-Known Member
Well, this particular forum is all about bullshit, so that's pretty much what you get. As long as you are on the Internet, you'll have trolls wherever you go. Not sure what happened to xkuroi and a few others.

Far as security, this site is as safe as any other on the's all about what you choose to make public. Again, FDD. And KMK's issues all took place outside this forum. If memory serves me, the communications that ended with the guys in the hoosegow were on XBox live. I hear KMK and his girlfriend are free, FDD is still in the clink.

But really, it doesn't do much good to make threads like this, just adds to the drama and the sky is falling mentality. The sky is still up there! I get where you're coming from, but......
Yea I feel ya.......just weird getting emails saying I've had enough..... the movement is just too important for talented growers to say fuck helping people. I guess with the average age on here you get just acting like fools, just some though. Even a couple of mods have lost their minds here......end rant. Sorry. Bad day. Need to go smoke down some Death Star I've got.....that usually helps LOL ;).


Well-Known Member
I am trying to get used to using grasscity, since this forum is down more than it is up...


Well-Known Member
The brief downtime a bit ago was planned to fix some issues. Really, aside from the hack a few months back, I rarely come here and find the forums down


Well-Known Member
It seems that everyother thread is invaded by a few teen trolls that feel like they must take over them with their banter and panty sniffing.
I know it's a BS forum but common don't the moderators do any thing?
And were the hell is the "LIKE" button???


bud bootlegger
the like button is how the hackers got access to the site, so to limit the risks of further attacks, they got rid of the like buttons.. makes sense to me..
but idk, some people like to bitch about the attack, but then like to bitch about no likes.. can't have it both ways..


Well-Known Member
The site has been up and down over the last few days while many server upgrades are being performed. When possible, rollitup posts an admin notice of pending server work. There's better and faster searches and a number of site mirroring improvements that will speed things up.

So for what its worth, the server burps and hiccups are going away, its just work going on *right now*.