ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

Thank you. So i made bubble for the first time yesterday using some Purp trainwrech trim, turned out pretty decent alot smoother than that BHO. I just have a question about the bubble bags im using, im sure they are not the greatest but i ordered them from I used the 220 micron has the throw away bag, 73 for low grade/baking, and 25 for smoke is that about what im looking for? Also i am really interested in becoming part of the legal canabis industry, any opionions on witch state is best all around? Im right in the middle of Oregon, washington, Nevada, Colorado
I had a question and I hope it gets answered. Why is it at the end of every single one of your videos taking dab hits that there is a piece of black burnt hash that you always lift off of the nail with your utensils?? Another question, specifically about your "chernobyl ice wax shovel dabs video" why is it that at the end of the video when the hash only bubbles for 4 seconds and then appears to be burning that you move the piece out of view?? Why don't you show the viewers whats left of your product after smoking it? I tried to ask you this one time on youtube, but for some reason my comment got deleted.... I thought that good quality bubble does not leave behind chunks of hash or does it?
Thank you. So i made bubble for the first time yesterday using some Purp trainwrech trim, turned out pretty decent alot smoother than that BHO. I just have a question about the bubble bags im using, im sure they are not the greatest but i ordered them from I used the 220 micron has the throw away bag, 73 for low grade/baking, and 25 for smoke is that about what im looking for? Also i am really interested in becoming part of the legal canabis industry, any opionions on witch state is best all around? Im right in the middle of Oregon, washington, Nevada, Colorado
depends on the strain....

some strains are EPIC on the 73 micron, some suck on the 73 micron and rock on the 25... gotta test for yourself brotha
"for some reason" lol the sarcasm is so thick i can cut it with a spoon. for an "herbgirl" you sure are rude. that will not get you far here.

your questions are based on inexperience and ignorance, with a touch of rudeness and misinformation thrown in for flavor. bad combo.

who ever told you that full melt hash leaves no char on a nail?
if you believed that... then I'm not sure you possess the intellectual fortitude to keep up with this thread.
have you ever smoked full melt? it leaves char. why would I want to smoke char? I am demonstrating how to dab ice water hash... seems pretty self evident to anyone who has any experience dabbing hash. you stop smoking it when it starts to burn instead of vape, you basically said that in your post, which makes me think you are just butthurt that I deleted your comment.

i can explain more but at this point i will let you read about it in my past posts. read thru the thread if you want to know about hash, you will find all the answers to your questions and more. consider yourself pwnd for being rude, and your first post none the less.


Look what Revere was wearing in da shop...........

Thank you. So i made bubble for the first time yesterday using some Purp trainwrech trim, turned out pretty decent alot smoother than that BHO. I just have a question about the bubble bags im using, im sure they are not the greatest but i ordered them from I used the 220 micron has the throw away bag, 73 for low grade/baking, and 25 for smoke is that about what im looking for? Also i am really interested in becoming part of the legal canabis industry, any opionions on witch state is best all around? Im right in the middle of Oregon, washington, Nevada, Colorado
depends on what you want from life. CA has the most freedom, unless you want to make hash oil, then CO wins with MIPs.
You would have better results using more bags as well.
"for some reason" lol the sarcasm is so thick i can cut it with a spoon. for an "herbgirl" you sure are rude. that will not get you far here.

your questions are based on inexperience and ignorance, with a touch of rudeness and misinformation thrown in for flavor. bad combo.

who ever told you that full melt hash leaves no char on a nail?
if you believed that... then I'm not sure you possess the intellectual fortitude to keep up with this thread.
have you ever smoked full melt? it leaves char. why would I want to smoke char? I am demonstrating how to dab ice water hash... seems pretty self evident to anyone who has any experience dabbing hash. you stop smoking it when it starts to burn instead of vape, you basically said that in your post, which makes me think you are just butthurt that I deleted your comment.

i can explain more but at this point i will let you read about it in my past posts. read thru the thread if you want to know about hash, you will find all the answers to your questions and more. consider yourself pwnd for being rude, and your first post none the less.



I got the Om symbol on my shoulder for moments like this.... RIZE up hahahahahahaha
So I ran a test run with the huge 20 gal work bag in the 5 machine. Then just as I put my last RO ice trays in the freezer for round 2 the dog barked and UPS brought me my properly sized work bags. I should have been more patient I guess.

The first pull looked amazing the rest just got greener and greener. Interesting note: the 25 and 38 bags yielded way more than the 70, 90, 120 with these three hardly catching anything. Knowing this do I just run 25/38/70/120/220 (essential 5 bags w/ no extra 90/160/190 from the other set added in) on the rest of this batch of trim? Or is there still a good reason to run all 8. I am mainly going for nice dabbable product for head stash using fresh frozen OG trim/budlets. For quality is it better to just do one pull with the RIGHT agitation (as time little as possible to get most of the glands separated)? Or is two pulls with less agitation time per pull gonna damage less leaf but yield more dababble wax? How many pulls do you recommend and why?

Someday I will get a Revere dab rig, but my old JBD with adaptors is cutting it for now.
depends on what you want from life. CA has the most freedom, unless you want to make hash oil, then CO wins with MIPs.
You would have better results using more bags as well.
hey matt! all this talk on hash/oil/wax all deeelish ofcourse, and knowing you are the king at this lol, what would you say is the strongest form of concentrate, considering all variables and compounds, i understand that the bubble bags can produce a very pure resin gland form, and oil concentrates can have other compounds..... I'm guessing hash oil seems to be the strongest, but curiosity has got me by the reigns, and I think you would have great basis for comparison. maybe mixing the 2 combo wise ? your thoughts are entertaining to say the least
Kaylx. I do short washes, and only one or two. I want the best product and yield is not an issue to me or my farmers.

Flowamaster. Solvent extracts generally test higher than screen extracts. Screen extracts can taste better and have a high more true to the genetics.

Mix the two and its called jelly. The oil will taste better and the hash will melt better.
Kaylx. I do short washes, and only one or two. I want the best product and yield is not an issue to me or my farmers.

Flowamaster. Solvent extracts generally test higher than screen extracts. Screen extracts can taste better and have a high more true to the genetics.

Mix the two and its called jelly. The oil will taste better and the hash will melt better.
Thanx mate, i think i mixed too much hash into my oil, its too hard to took me ages to literally cut it into small chunks with scissros lol, but it melts and bubbles great, i have steared away from that batch, it makes me just way too tired even on small amounts, great for a sleeping pill trick, i'm loving this bubble hash, and yep you guessed it people are getting keen on your machine idea....totally worth it, not that i have it yet, but its obvious...thanx for the help and info....oh

1 more thing when you say they have been tested, wow they can test oil?? what's the craziest numbers you've seen? oil would have to be 50% yeah?? shock me
Thanks on the ca vs co any opinion about Oregon? And also are these bags any good I was gonna order them but wanted. Some feed back first. Sorry for posting this twice just looking for some feed back, anyone..... anyone?
no opinions on oregon other than it is a beautiful state with many climates depending on where you are at.
some of my friends have chose OR over CA simply for the cost of living.
no feedback on those bags. sorry
Hey Matt Thanks again for your input, no feedback on the bags huh? Can i ask you this, would you buy them? Or any products from that site, you seem to have been messing with this for awhile and im clearly a NOOB, but i have a passion for this and i would love to be at the postion your at someday. Trying to RIZE UP
Hey Matt Thanks again for your input, no feedback on the bags huh? Can i ask you this, would you buy them? Or any products from that site, you seem to have been messing with this for awhile and im clearly a NOOB, but i have a passion for this and i would love to be at the postion your at someday. Trying to RIZE UP

You get what you pay for, and I believe there have been plenty of bags used and review in this thread alone.

Bottom line, if you want quality, that will last, spend more, not less.

"for some reason" lol the sarcasm is so thick i can cut it with a spoon. for an "herbgirl" you sure are rude. that will not get you far here.

your questions are based on inexperience and ignorance, with a touch of rudeness and misinformation thrown in for flavor. bad combo.

who ever told you that full melt hash leaves no char on a nail?
if you believed that... then I'm not sure you possess the intellectual fortitude to keep up with this thread.
have you ever smoked full melt? it leaves char. why would I want to smoke char? I am demonstrating how to dab ice water hash... seems pretty self evident to anyone who has any experience dabbing hash. you stop smoking it when it starts to burn instead of vape, you basically said that in your post, which makes me think you are just butthurt that I deleted your comment.

i can explain more but at this point i will let you read about it in my past posts. read thru the thread if you want to know about hash, you will find all the answers to your questions and more. consider yourself pwnd for being rude, and your first post none the less.



I do believe I saw that post almost VERBATIM on FMB... Haters gonna hate lol

haha, yep, I just checked, had to swat her down there too! Copy+Paste defeated!
I do believe I saw that post almost VERBATIM on FMB... Haters gonna hate lol

haha, yep, I just checked, had to swat her down there too! Copy+Paste defeated!
These butt hurt trolls I swear, they act like I owe them or something. To which I say "LULZ" they talk mad game but have nothing to back it up. #fail
Thanks again for the help.

Some Blueberry Diesel grease
mmm definitely quality vs quantity for hash... edibles for the rest... I guess we're spoiled but I think it's natural for connoisseurs to only make use of the best :)