bud bootlegger
i loved that chocolate rain, probably my number one smoke so far. incredible smell, and a really nice hybid smoke as well. really good all around..Aint posted on here in a minute, but good to see you guys are still soldiering on. Ive had time to work some seeds lately, so I been lurking around this thread a lil bit. Me and my partner are working a real nice cut of lemon G. But I like to run genetics from seed once in awhile and add some variety to the garden. Have not ordered any new beans in a few months, but I got my eye on a few things Id like to add.
Popped some of "next gen" Romulan. Had a 5 pack and a 600w, figured why not use em. Anyone know of any Romulan journals I can check out, so I know what to expect?
I got better stock of seed, but it never seems like "the right" to run em.
Whats left of my humble collection...
TGA plushberry (10 pak)
NEXTGEN Grapegod (5 pak)
KOS C99 (10 pak)
SANNIES jackberry (10pak)
SANNIES heirjuana JBL (10 pak)
SANNIES choclate rain (10 pak)
SANNIES herbie X Lui X G13 (5 pak)
KC BRAINS Mango (10 pak)
MANDALAS Ganesh (10 pak)
and of course freeibies im failing to list.
i just was reading a gj on romulan, but it's outdoors and being grown in 45 gallons of soil.. just starting it though, so not much info on it.. this one was by capt stickyfingers i think was dudes name if you want to peep it..