
Pickle Queen
you were aware that "ooh la la" is not an expression of happiness in french, right? the french don't even really say it.
Umm muffin, dizzle used his ooh la la very well, he was expressing his excitment, lol i'm confused right now, stop it, let sunni shine damn it!!!!

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
you were aware that "ooh la la" is not an expression of happiness in french, right? the french don't even really say it.
no i wasnt aware of that Buck , thanks for pointing it out tho .... living in Oregon you must run into alota french tho so you would know this from pure experience.


Well-Known Member
Awww sweety just lift ur skirt, take a pic, post it on RIU and all will be as it should :)
I don't own a single skirt though...and it wouldn't make for much conversation. Besides, they'd argue through it anyway. Somebody would say "Oh that's hot post more" and then someone else would say "That's not how you say it, isiot" and it would just all end up the same way.