Mmm,looks tastey.i wish i could...if it smells like cherry 6/1 chance its a
dam man, she really dosent reek,,, not like my Dog..that girl is stinkin up the place lol..shes only 17 days old.
smelly cherry looking nice n comfy in the tron DAT. hope it's a girl. that's a fine pile of hash you got there too.
happy toking!
I hope she ends up looking half as good as your smelly cherry. happy tokin to you as well cowboy.
one of my seal point siamese males had gotten out and was poisoned the same day, took me awhile to get over it because of the circumstances surrounded it.for the longest i wanted to kill my neighbor for puting me through this,i had found out by wy i moved to a place out in the woods ona lake and for the grows sake...i can deeply sympathize with yu losing a friend...this little guy here lookin for a companion.
RIP to the cat. Sounds like you live in a really pretty place. That cat is very unusaul looking. SHe looks like shes a very speial rare breed. DO you know if shes is crrossed with another animall, like a bat? lol. RIP pickle.
shout out to all the MOTHER PLANTS out there on this very beautiful MOTHERs DaY!
this dear mama song is awesome .the video made me crack up . i love the way 2 pac has such a way of making you beilieve his sad
and check out snoop doggy with Tupac as a HOLIGRAM ! isnt that totally rtippy mind-blowing?