Well-Known Member
so build a coop and get some for yourself then, after you get done browsing dog poop hash on craigslist and monitoring who is friends with who on rollitup.

Speaking of building chicken coops. I just built one for this lady today, well actually all i did was build two fences along the side of her shed and ran some wire screen along the top its about 6'x3'x100'. She had 3 girls and one male, she didnt tell me how many more she was planning on hatching but im assuming she can keep a bunch.

Can you only have one male around because of fights buck?
She said something about them having to get back on track cause i probably disturbed their egg laying with all the noise and what not..

Im thinking about building a smaller one in my backyard.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of building chicken coops. I just built one for this lady today, well actually all i did was build two fences along the side of her shed and ran some wire screen along the top its about 6'x3'x100''. She had 3 girls and one male, she didnt tell me how many more she was planning on hatching but im assuming she can keep a bunch.

Can you only have one male around because of fights buck?
She said something about them having to get back on track cause i probably disturbed their egg laying with all the noise and what not..

Im thinking about building a smaller one in my backyard.
not sure if males kept together will fight. no pic though.


Well-Known Member
We had chickens and a rooster when I was a kid, among many other animals. I hated that fucking rooster with a passion. One kid would collect eggs while the other kid guarded the rooster with a broom. He was a mean bastard!


Well-Known Member
Yes, I have my front & back yards fenced. They free range the whole yard most of the day.
I have a chain link chicken yard I can lock them up if necessary.
They get locked inside their coop at night

i saw that nice area they get cooped in at night in another thread, and wanted to know if they got to go enjoy the salad and meat bar during the day (grass and bugs). they look like very happy birds.

do they go into the coop by themselves right around sundown?


Well-Known Member
better put grandmas money back in the safe before she realizes it's missing, lol
lol ima put that 8k right back in grannies mattress.. right next to grannies .38.... dont tell ur sister i got cash like this.... its cuzz i claimed her kids in my taxes... lololol...


Well-Known Member
that pile of money was like 5 inches thick.. and not foled over 5 inches.. 5 inches just stacked.. shit wouldnt even fold over