my mom has a large salvia plant....


Active Member
my mom has it growing in the back yard just as decoration. and she says they pop up every where in her garden but she only likes the one that bloom with a blue flowers. The plant is quite large about 2 1/2 feet with quite large fuzzy leaves. she also has a pink one growing that she is gonna get rid of because they spread to fast and take over.

would i be able to take the leaves and smoke them or dose it have to be a certain type of salvia and also would preforming an extract be better, and how would i go about doing that. any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
There are multiple types of Salvia. The stuff that gets you high is Salvia Divinorum. You can buy stuff that is very similar at garden / hardware stores.


Well-Known Member
non extracted salvia is 1x. if you concentrate double the weight its 2x. and so forth.


Active Member
There are multiple types of Salvia. The stuff that gets you high is Salvia Divinorum. You can buy stuff that is very similar at garden / hardware stores.
but this is a wild plant so it could be any type. also the flower has not yet bloomed.

and is there a way to tell if its Diviorum. What would be the effects if it wasnt a Diviorum?


Well-Known Member
but this is a wild plant so it could be any type. also the flower has not yet bloomed.

and is there a way to tell if its Diviorum. What would be the effects if it wasnt a Diviorum?
I don't know how to tell :neutral:. I think if it's the wrong stuff it won't kill you , probably just give you a headache. But as your internet lawyer I have to advise you not to smoke it. At all.


Well-Known Member
yeah. but you would probably feel like shit. maybe if you smoke a bowl of weed in between each bowl of sal.


Active Member
yeah. but you would probably feel like shit. maybe if you smoke a bowl of weed in between each bowl of sal.
lol im not gonna go jump the gun and start packen and plus im out of weed sadly. damn friends

and im gonna look in to identifying the plants


Well-Known Member
since salvia is an instant trip, how fast you smoke it might affect the intensity. try packing huge bowls and flaming as much of the salvia as possible.


Well-Known Member
you have to make sure you dry them first i had the blue flowered ones in my yard also.
we smoked the dryed leaves and it didnt really do anything.


Well-Known Member
yep its the the plant type... a lot of plants have the same flowering process as bud.
keep ur EYES open.


Active Member
also it looks like she has quite a bit of the savlia D- just she told me it was some thing els but it sure as hell looks like salvia D- with purple flowers and the white stem of the inside of the leaf branching out. only thing is im looking through a window and the leaves look just a little long for the salvia. but im defently gonna investigate this.


Active Member
yep its the the plant type... a lot of plants have the same flowering process as bud.
keep ur EYES open.
ok ive seen my mom with a plant that look like it was having "buds" on it dose it nessicarly mean if it has buds its smoke able?

im gonna work on getting a digital camera from my friend