Is this site run by a gang of school children?


Well-Known Member number one website for cannabis.. love it or leave it.. well be fine w/o all the haters...


Well-Known Member
see you can never win.. if admin got all strict and started banning people hakf the people would be upset.. if we let you freely talk then shit like this happends....


Well-Known Member
i know the site got hacked. thats when all this shit started happening. but do u think the site should have had more security considering what the site mainly is about? everyone of my friends got nervous after the hack and refused to post pictures and shit. one of my buddies had the feds show up at his house and shut him down with the info they got on this site and pictures of his grow from this site and from someone that isnt on this site anymore. granted it wasnt becuz of the hack but it still raises concerns. so what if people want to vent. let them vent. whats the worst that can happen? riu loses a few of its thousands and thousands of users. no reason to be a dick becuz people r venting. and yeah sometimes people get out of hand but thats what the mods r here to deal with. not u. so just relax and smoke some fabulous bowls like i am. happy smoking.
All over this site people keep complaining about it. People try to be nice to them. But, they keep complaining. Then people tell them how the real world works. Then their complaining turns to full blown whining, and threats of leaving.

Either quit whining or back up your threat of leaving.......that's all I'm trying to say.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
one of my buddies had the feds show up at his house and shut him down with the info they got on this site and pictures of his grow from this site
I call BS. who's your buddy? and if it happened to your buddy, why are you still taking the risk of being here?


Well-Known Member
HEY......seriously, I'm missing some rep as of today. LOL!

Seriously, I'm NOT kidding...............oh, well.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I call BS. who's your buddy? and if it happened to your buddy, why are you still taking the risk of being here?
i dont post any of my stuff on here anymore. whats on here is already here and i cant delete it. plus a few good people to chat with are on here. they have ballin ass shit and i would like to see it finish. plus the bud porn is always nice.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry you are having so much difficulty. I have already answered this thread. We have not been hacked, and the other bullshit that is being spewed is not necessary.

We upgraded our servers and moved to an array of 3 servers, and the search server transition is causing problems, and is still being worked on. All threads and posts are still here, they are just not listed in your posts and subscriptions. It will be fixed soon.

BTW this is not a "thread to vent," this is the Support Forum.



Well-Known Member
I'm sorry you are having so much difficulty. I have already answered this thread. We have not been hacked, and the other bullshit that is being spewed is not necessary.

We upgraded our servers and moved to an array of 3 servers, and the search server transition is causing problems, and is still being worked on. All threads and posts are still here, they are just not listed in your posts and subscriptions. It will be fixed soon.

BTW this is not a "thread to vent," this is the Support Forum.

well thank u for explaining what was going on recently with the site. and as far as this thread was concerned i though it was a place for venting. not actually about bugging the admin about the site issues. lol. so i apologize. the stoner in me got the best this round.


We are something like 5 times as big as the next largest site. That means 5 times as much difficulty in running it.
False statement. Just because you have 5 times the members doesn't mean it's 5 times harder maintaining it. Maintenance is the same regardless of 50 or 250 members. You want to achieve 0 down time regardless. Now, if you're having scaling issues, need DB optimization in the form of indexing or scaling out read only slave databases then I can understand how the size or numbers in your user base makes it a little more difficult, just not 5x more difficult.

Now fix search so when I search for my name I can see all my posts!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i've been a ember for a few years and the search feature has never worked properly. it's easier to google usually.

Is this being fixed Rolli?


Well-Known Member
I just hate it when I am trying to build a quality background using posts and blogs and the site cant even protect my hard work! I needed to look back at a post from a few weeks ago and it's gone! But I cant delete? I have been on site's with less than 500 members and I have never had a single problem with access or accessing my information stored on that website!

Come on kids get your website in order!
Same here, glad I didn't do any grow logs etc...would have wasted yet more time on the internet.


Staff member
False statement. Just because you have 5 times the members doesn't mean it's 5 times harder maintaining it. Maintenance is the same regardless of 50 or 250 members. You want to achieve 0 down time regardless. Now, if you're having scaling issues, need DB optimization in the form of indexing or scaling out read only slave databases then I can understand how the size or numbers in your user base makes it a little more difficult, just not 5x more difficult.

Now fix search so when I search for my name I can see all my posts!
This is exactly what we did however we did the following:

1) Put Riu on a bigger server
2) Upgaded the database
3) Upgraded php-fpm
4) Installed litespeed (apache replacement)
5) Installed a master and slave db
6) Installed a load balancer
7) Installed another web server to handle down-times in case we need to take one server down.
8) Got rid of Vbulletin Search Completly and integrated Sphinx Search into our system.
9) Still dealt with all you people whining
10) upgraded vbulletin and had to fix styling issues because they changed their html generation code.
11) Spent more time dealing with people whining.

So all in all it went pretty smooth for the upgrade that we completed.


Well-Known Member
This is exactly what we did however we did the following:

1) Put Riu on a bigger server
2) Upgaded the database
3) Upgraded php-fpm
4) Installed litespeed (apache replacement)
5) Installed a master and slave db
6) Installed a load balancer
7) Installed another web server to handle down-times in case we need to take one server down.
8) Got rid of Vbulletin Search Completly and integrated Sphinx Search into our system.
9) Still dealt with all you people whining
10) upgraded vbulletin and had to fix styling issues because they changed their html generation code.
11) Spent more time dealing with people whining.

So all in all it went pretty smooth for the upgrade that we completed.
im grateful!!!!


Well-Known Member
I thought we grew weed here. But apparently we grow weed and whine. 'Boohooo I lost my rep and all my posts'. This isnt fucking Facebook. Just cause you gotta bunch green dots under ur avitar doesnt make you a good grower. Means u got a bunch of green dots. I dont even know or care what 'rep' is. Doesnt make my plants any danker.


New Member
I thought we grew weed here. But apparently we grow weed and whine. 'Boohooo I lost my rep and all my posts'. This isnt fucking Facebook. Just cause you gotta bunch green dots under ur avitar doesnt make you a good grower. Means u got a bunch of green dots. I dont even know or care what 'rep' is. Doesnt make my plants any danker.
sure seems like you care. if you didn't you wouldn't be over here bitching about other people's problems. lmao. your logic is flawed. if you only care about growing then stick to the grow section then. you complaining about other members is the same as them complaining about losing their rep points. "boohoo...he's complaing about his rep...waaaa"